Sorry it took me so long to get back to this.....
I think my first dream was to be a writer. I went back and forth between wanting to write novels and do investigative journalism. Didn't do either of those, but I do write a lot

I wanted to travel, particularly to Europe, and I did that--lived in Germany for 8-plus years and did a lot of traveling while I was there, though not necessarily to all the hot tourist/vacation spots.
Most of my childhood dreams, though, were about escaping from the loonybin in which I grew up. I don't remember any other big dreams beyond that.
I always wanted to have an impact on my surroundings, though, to change the world. My first sense of having a vehicle with which to do that came with my really dramatic conversion to Christianity as a young teenager. Think Saul on the road to Damascus level dramatic. Yup, I was a Pentecostal Fundy-gelical, in the EXTREME. Stayed that way for some thirty-ish years. Went to seminary, did all the qualifications training to become a pastor, got foiled in that by my gender (or better said, by that denomination's beliefs about pastoring and gender), and fought it for a hell of a long time.
I tried to change the world, though. Oh such evangelistic and missionary zeal you have seldom seen!
Long story how that all changed. Now I'd call myself something like "progressive Christian," and I still believe my faith compels me to try to change the world.....but my definition of "changing the world" could hardly be more different. It used to be, "Make everyone believe what *I* believe, or else they'll burn in hell." Now I just want to help people live happier, healthier, better lives and become able to pass it on to the next person.