I LOVE psychology and self help too
I own more books than a Borders (haha, cos they don't own anymore...see what I did there? lol) I'm VERY self aware, which I think makes me a difficult patient lol. When I have a bipolar episode (up or down) with it comes paranoia. Silly things like the car behind me is following me so I drive 5 miles out of my way to be sure, lol....at the same time I KNOW I am being ridiculous. I know my head is seeing things and patterns that aren't there. Now try to tell a professional, that you think people are following you and/or reading you thoughts but you know that they are not in fact doing either of these things...they look at you like you have 3 heads, shove meds at you and tell you to go home. lol
So no. Therapy and I don't exactly work out. I take coping tools I discover here and there and adapt them to my life. When Im paranoid (hasn't happened in years thankfully!) I used to acknowledge the thoughts, acknowledge they were delusions, yet still take evasive actions (like driving 5 miles out of my way or thinking of a brick wall to block my thoughts LMAO!) just to make everything settle down.
I know I sound quite insane lol but in fact Im just very very self aware and can separate myself from my mental issues. Am I making any sense at all? lol
I'm in a lot of pain today from going to CBT yesterday (being cripple sucks!) So I've hit up the codeine for the first time in weeks....and codeine is like speed for me. I get very chatty and very busy bodyish lol.
Funny enough after I had my sleeve, lost my job and quit my bipolar meds....I haven't had any mental health issues aside from "slight" depression. Maybe the psych meds were making me mental lol.