Can't Catch a Break!

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And complain/beg/demand - whatever you can - to be bumped up on the list due to the sudden severity of the condition of your hip socket. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm a big squeaky wheel fan, and I'd do it just for that reason alone.
Agreed. You need to get this fixed so you don't have to live with the pain.
Oh honey. :frown: I am so sorry. I cannot imagine how hard that has to be. You are so strong! Hang in there kiddo. And if your issues are genetic...what are the chances you would pass all this on to YOUR child? Praying for you!!!
I am so sorry you are going through all this. I'm with Robs-- you are very brave. You keep pushing forward not falling back on old unhealthy habits with food. That's success. Reaching out for support was such a positive move. You are not whining, you are seeking validation. Such a good, healthy move! Please keep posting about your struggle. There is strength in this group.
Oh honey. :frown: I am so sorry. I cannot imagine how hard that has to be. You are so strong! Hang in there kiddo. And if your issues are genetic...what are the chances you would pass all this on to YOUR child? Praying for you!!!

I not quite sure. My siblings seem okish. My little sister has bipolar as well. Everyone is obese, but I seem to have gotten it ALL! However, my husband is from really good stock so a baby would have a good chance of being a tall, slim, genius lol. For some reason my life has been one giant test of my patience and strength! I don't really believe in god, but I don't disbelieve either, however, if there is, he/she/it really thinks I'm stronger than I really am!

I'm feeling better mentally and that's half the battle of making it through physical trials. I'm just tired of feeling crap and not able to participate in life. As they say, this too shall pass....or some **** like that lol.
I can't add anything other than my support. I hate that you are struggling and in constant pain. I'm sending good ju-ju your way and hopeful that you will find some help sooner than later. Big gentle hugs to you.
I'm sorry you are going through this - after all you've been through and all your hard work. :frown: I like what you said about your relationship with your husband: way to make lemonade out of the lemons life is hanging you!

and I also think you are very brave, because you are.
so sorry for all of this...chronic pain sucks and coupling that with everything else is very hard. Please hang in there, it will get really will.
AS others have said, you are extremely brave for still sticking with this after all you've been/are going through. I really believe you'll come out the other side happy and healthier. As Rob said, your still young and once you get all sorted out, you'll still have a huge portion of you live to go on to enjoy.

I truly know you will get through this even though it doesn't seem that way now. We're all here for you!
Oh honey, you have had an unfair ride, and you don't have to be a ray of sunshine! This place is for all of us - the supportive rays of sunshine, the folks that are struggling and need support, the comics to give us some comic relief and the smartypants that make sure the latest data makes it here.

I've relearned lately with a pinched nerve in my back, that the squeaky wheel strategy is a must. I made sure (eventually) that whoever was the next person in the process would get to work thinking "I need to take care of Bearmom before anything else, because she will be calling 5 minutes after opening demanding to know what we have done".

If you have someone to help make calls and prod, enlist their help but don't hesitate to insist on what you need.
Roo I am sending big ((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))). Since you are one of the very intelligent people on this forum I am surprised that you didn't depend on all of us to be very supportive! Do not wait again to vent and continue to include us on your journey! I am praying and swinging critter. I am not a very religious person but I just have to believe there is some higher power. I hope that you get the surgery you need very soon, and that there is some way to speed up the process. I wish I had some words of wisdom but I don't.

By the way Mr. Roo sounds like a very caring man that is very much in love with his wife! Be very thankful for that because a lot of people do not have a significant other let alone someone like Mr. Roo! I am lucky in that area too!
Girl, you have been through it! You're allowed to whine a bit and feel badly that all you've been through has not made life easier...yet. I believe it is gonna happen for you. I have no idea how the NIH works, but something has to give somewhere, no?

You got dealt a ****** hand. I wish very much that a year from now you'll be able to look back on some better things.
I have read all your posts throughout your journey, and have always been impressed with your strength, perseverance and intelligence. This whole situation is unfair, overwhelming and just sucks, but I do believe that you are going to fight it until it resolves. It seems that bad things come in waves and the worse they seem to be, they will balance out with equal joy one day. Hang tough, Roo and vent all you need to. You are not whining at all. That negative energy needs to come out, and this is a great place to share your feelings. We are all here to support you. (((((((HUGS))))))))

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