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Fascinating! I hope some of the possibilities mentioned come to fruition.

Brings to mind how toxoplasmosis causes mice to no longer fear cats and even be attracted to the scent of cat urine.
"If you give it a fecal transplant from humans with major depression, you get a completely different result: The mice give up sooner"


really interesting - thanks for posting it.

I started taking probiotics yesterday.
That was kind of interesting. My son is autistic and is very social and I know other autistic adults and kids who are social too. It's just hard for them. But I am glad that the article kept repeating basically to not try this at home because there will be foolish parents who will try to do this to their autistic kids e.g. giving them whip worms in the kid's morning juice or using "miracle" mineral solution as an enema and also orally.

It's also interesting to me the changes in how probiotics is perceived. When my son was in the NICU 12 years ago probiotics was viewed pretty skeptically. I brought a study from Taiwan that showed they reduced the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis in preemies by giving probiotics and they felt that the benefit wasn't worth the risk which wasn't very comforting when my son got NEC, was septic and almost died. But now most NICUs give probiotics and it's in a lot of formulas. I'm a big believer in probiotics since I have had need of it and it worked but I don't know about fecal transplants.
Interesting article... I think I might need some probiotics. Anyone have a recommendation?
I wouldn't mind recommendations myself - I just got some generic version of "align" the brand my doctor recommended but no idea if it's any good.
I heard if the probiotics don't need to be refrigerated that means they aren't as good, anyone know if that's true?
and they are all so expensive! :angry3:
I wouldn't mind recommendations myself - I just got some generic version of "align" the brand my doctor recommended but no idea if it's any good.
I heard if the probiotics don't need to be refrigerated that means they aren't as good, anyone know if that's true?
and they are all so expensive! :angry3:
It might not be as good but it’s better than not taking one at all.

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