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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Tomorrow, I get to drive a fair distance so that I can have strangers put weird stuff into my bladder...for the first of three of these prescribed outings. Anticipating these things makes me a tad cranky. Argumentative, even.

So I want to argue about diet-related cures. When I get my printer working again, I will TRY to collate my "prescribed" diets and see if there is anything besides tofu that I can

There's the low-oxalate diet for kidney stones.

And the low FODMAP diets that GI docs seem to want everyone on.

And there's an Interstitial Cystitis diet that pretty much eliminates everything I ever want to eat.

And, my bariatric surgeon has diet suggestions, too, but let's not go there.

But here is the argument on the IC diet:
They tell me that while acidic foods do not CAUSE the problems, they irritate..."salt in the wound" kind of thing. So, they say, until I am symptom free, I just shouldn't have the REAL "staff of life," you know coffee, Mexican and Italian food (because I'm, you know, Mexican and Italian), orange juice (no orange juice = no morning), chocolate...and so on.

Argumentative question:
If all those foods on your "avoid" list irritate the bladder, how did I recover from those other flares? And how did I stay "recovered," sometimes for years at a time?

Meanwhile, I have to go through these lists to see if there is ANYTHING I really am supposed to eat! And if it's something a DSer can

End of rant.
Hmmm...maybe you could eat acid free tissue paper, the kind they use to preserve antique quilts and such. After all, you are an antique, and we want you preserved.

And I need a quarterback doctor! (I have an appointment w/her, but not for a month.)

Right now, my cardiologist says I need to take the diuretics, for the edema...even if they cause "discomfort." The uro says my bladder can't handle all the urine produced by the diuretics, so it sets off IC pain. Solution? Start Gabapentin, because much of that pain is probably neurological. Cool, huh! Except...a minor side effect of Gabapentin is....we're ready for this?...edema. My life is a merry-go-round. I'd cry if it didn't hurt to do

Meanwhile, we have have a family joke about acid-free paper. My surviving crazy aunt, the other crazy one is long-deceased, is--on a good day--"on the spectrum," and the rest of the time just misses the point of everything. Almost every greeting card from her includes a note about the volunteer work she does, which involves acid-free paper, and the acid-free paper is mentioned regularly. Whenever my sister and I have the need to mention paper...tissue paper, gift-wrap, printer paper, toilet paper, of us asks, "but is it acid-free?" Poor crazy-auntie.

You made me laugh.
i made a comment to my boss yesterday that I had no filter in relation to discussing medical graphic matters. He quipped... "Are you asbergers"? I asked " will that allow me to get away with ****"? He replied " probably"! So I said "then I'm asbergers".

Quit eating acid based foods and stop being such a ******* Jessie. Just cut out preserved foods, tomato based foods and eat meat and veg for a week and see how you feel. It isn't that hard FFS.

i made a comment to my boss yesterday that I had no filter in relation to discussing medical graphic matters. He quipped... "Are you asbergers"? I asked " will that allow me to get away with ****"? He replied " probably"! So I said "then I'm asbergers".

Quit eating acid based foods and stop being such a ******* Jessie. Just cut out preserved foods, tomato based foods and eat meat and veg for a week and see how you feel. It isn't that hard FFS.


The flags of my people...

And the red is for farkin' TOMATOES!!!

You, Paleo Nazi!!!
Start Gabapentin, because much of that pain is probably neurological. Cool, huh! Except...a minor side effect of Gabapentin is....we're ready for this?...edema. My life is a merry-go-round. I'd cry if it didn't hurt to do
I would NOT touch Gabapentin if you paid me 100 MILLION in Bearer Bonds!
It is
1) why I gained to my highest known weight of 250 (I gained 40 lbs in one year)
2) Caused MEMORY issues that are permanent.
3) as a result of taking it and the memory issues, I ended up being disabled at the ripe "old" age of 45.

Gabapentin is the generic name for Neurontin (or NeuROTTEN) as it was known on the neuropathy forum back in late 1999/2000.
And the laundry list of side effects is unreal.
That's you in the red shorts? You look remarkably youthful from the rear. Also a little butch.

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