Antidiabetic efficacy of obesity surgery in Germany

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Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2013 Jul 18. pii: S1550-7289(13)00234-7. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2013.07.007. [Epub ahead of print]
Antidiabetic efficacy of obesity surgery in Germany: A quality assurance nationwide survey.
Weiner R1, El-Sayes I, Manger T, Weiner S, Lippert H, Stroh C; Obesity Surgery Working Group, Competence Network Obesity.
Author information

Obesity and diabetes usually co-exist. Obesity surgery seems to offer solutions for both. The objective of this study was to show the effect of obesity surgery on the diabetic profile.

Data on obesity surgery in Germany (2005-2011) were collected from the Institute of Quality Assurance at the research university. Follow-up of the diabetic profile at 1, 2, and up to 6 years after surgery was done.

Among 17,670 patients, 5,506 (31.2%) were diabetics. Follow-up was accomplished in 87.4%, 82.5%, and 68.9% of eligible patients at 1, 2, and up to 6 years, respectively, after surgery. Of the study participants, 38.2% were insulin-treated (IT) patients and 61.8% were noninsulin-treated patients (NIT). Of the patients' procedures, 2878 (52.3%) Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses (RYGB), 1711 (31.1%) sleeve gastrectomies (SG), 679 (12.3%) laparoscopic adjustable gastric bands (LAGB), 165 (3%) biliopancreatic diversions with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), and 68 (1.3%) biliopancreatic diversions (BPD) were performed. Female gender percentage and mean body mass index (BMI) were significantly higher in the RYGB and LAGB groups. Mean age was significantly higher in BPD/DS group. At 1 year, remission/improvement (RI) percentage was 83.5%, 82.5%, 67.8%, 93.4%, and 84.8% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. At 2 years, RI% was 84.9%, 79.5%, 67.7%, 94.5%, and 90.9% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. At late follow-up, RI% was 83.2%, 59.5%, 58.9%, 100%, and 86.4% after RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively. IT patients showed insignificantly higher RI% than NIT patients at all follow-up points. Malabsorptive procedures (RYGB, BPD, and BPD/DS) showed a significantly higher RI% than restrictive procedures (LAGB and SG) at late follow-up.

Obesity surgery has promising antidiabetic efficacy, especially in IT patients. Malabsorptive procedures show higher, gradually descending, but durable antidiabetic efficacy.

Let's make that easier to read:

At 1 year, remission/improvement (RI) percentage was
83.5%, 82.5%, 67.8%, 93.4%, and 84.8% after
RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively.

At 2 years, RI% was
84.9%, 79.5%, 67.7%, 94.5%, and 90.9% after
RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively.

At late follow-up, RI% was
83.2%, 59.5%, 58.9%, 100%, and 86.4% after
RYGB, SG, LAGB, BPD, and BPD/DS, respectively.
I'm showing off my stupid here. BPD is only part of the BPD/DS...why would the efficacy be better with only part of the surgery? Anyone have a clue?
In this article, BPD is probably referring to the now almost obsolete (but still done by a few European surgeons) Scopinaro procedure.
I am just guessing but I imagine the low number of samples for the BPD and the BPD/DS have skewed the numbers a bit...
  • Follow-up was accomplished in 87.4%, 82.5%, and 68.9% of eligible patients at 1, 2, and up to 6 years, respectively, after surgery.
  • 165 (3%) biliopancreatic diversions with duodenal switch (BPD/DS), and 68 (1.3%) biliopancreatic diversions (BPD) were performed.
The follow-up number is generic to the whole set - but nearly 70% follow up at 6 years is remarkable.

I can't explain the better numbers for BPD, but @MyNewLife - BPD is essentially the same intestine as a DS, but a very large RNY-type horizontal gastrectomy, not half of a DS. The 100% at 6 years out seems suspect, because SOME percentage of T2Ds who have surgery have already lost all of their islet cells and CANNOT have a cure.

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