Annual blood draw today - results TBA

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
Usually we have to drive 25 miles from San Jose to Palo Alto for our blood draws, which is at best nearly an hour IF you wait until after rush hour to set out, plus however long the wait is at the lab. But we're currently staying in an RV park in Aptos, a few miles south of Santa Cruz, which is another 30+miles further from Palo Alto, over always scary and congested Hwy 17. And fasting for 10+ hours is not only miserable per se, but roils up my guts, which makes the long drive even more problematic.

BUT! It turns out Sutter Health/Palo Alto Medical Foundation has branch offices in Santa Cruz and APTOS! In fact 0.5 miles from where we are staying! And they take appointments for fasting blood work! Couldn't have been more convenient.

Except for the fact that I needed to be stuck a second time to complete the 17 tubes, as the first one "dried up" before she could do the last 4 tubes! And I had to remind them about the tubes that needed to be shielded from light.

In the afternoon, after a well-deserved brunch, I decided we needed to take a walk down to the beach - not that far from our location, but we are staying up on the eponymous Seacliff, so it is a couple of blocks walk to the 152 stairs down to the beach - and of course, eventually back up. Both of us are still not well after a week and a half plus from a miserable summer cold that has settled in our chests/noses, and we're weak and short of breath - but dammit, we're at the beach, so we need to GO to the beach!

Here we are, on the pier in Aptos, where we watched and listened to an otter eating some kind of shellfish, and there was a warning to get out of the water due to a shark sighting.

Then we had to walk back up those 152 stairs.

As I said, we're both still having lung congestion, but determined to get over it. We started the day with our yearly fasting blood work, me with 17 tubes drawn, so maybe we had another reason to be struggling for oxygen by the time we got to the top of the stairs.

We ended the evening with a pitcher of margaritas at a restaurant across the street (no drunk driving, just tipsy walking, since we're cheap dates after blood draws).

My 13 year results will be reported as they come in. I'm wondering how my iron is doing, well over a year after my last infusion, in particular.

Oh, and this morning, while fasting, after coffee and the fasting-induced gut evacuation, I hit a 7 year low of 174.0 this morning. I would feel better about it if I wasn't so sure that my fat to muscle ratio is MUCH higher than it was the last time I saw this weight, when I was younger, healthier and working out with a personal trainer.
And the first results are already in [normal ranges in brackets]:

AST 44 U/L [0 - 37 U/L H]
ALT 67 U/L [0 - 60 U/L H]
Note from my doctor: "Normal test except the mildly elevated liver tests (AST and ALT), similar to prior results. These results are consistent with your known "fatty liver." You should continue to try to lose weight, and check this test once a year."

Hey, she doesn't seem to appreciate that I'm down 15 lbs from last year! And my levels are just barely above normal, so I'm not worried.

CBC: all normal - and my white count, which was consistently elevated pre-op (to the point where they tested me for leukemia), probably due to cardiovascular inflammation, was
WBC 8.8 K/uL [4.0 - 11.0 K/uL]

Phosphorus: normal

Magnesium: normal

TSH: normal
TSH 2.67 uIU/mL 0.34 - 4.82 uIU/mL

And this is always my favorite:

Component Your Value Standard Range Flag
Cholesterol 168 mg/dL <200 mg/dL
Reference Range, Cholesterol, Total

Desirable: <200 mg/dL
Borderline: 200-239 mg/dL
High: >240 mg/dL

Triglycerides 122 mg/dL [<150 mg/dL]
HDL Cholesterol 61
mg/dL [>40 mg/dL]
LDL Cholesterol 83
mg/dL [<130 mg/dL]

<100 mg/dL Optimal
100-129 mg/dL Near or above optimal
130 - 159 Borderline high
160-189 High
>189 Very high
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 2.8 <5.0
VLDL Cholesterol (Calculated) 24 mg/dL 5.0 - 40.0 mg/dL

The only think I'm going to keep my eye on is my triglycerides, which were over 100 again - it has varied within the normal range all these years. But last night's dinner was filet mignon, potatoes dripping in butter and garlic oil, and green beans drenched in butter too. Maybe because of that?

So far, so good.
More results today:

Vitamin D, 25-HYDROXY 93 ng/mL 30 - 100 ng/mL
Hot damn! It's finally absorbing! I wonder if I should drop back from 10 pills/week to 9? Or maybe it's just that I got some sun?

CERULOPLASMIN 24.9 mg/dL 20 - 60 mg/dL
I started supplementing with copper last year - I suppose I should wait to see what the Cu level is.

B12 was a smidge high, but all I take is what's in one prenatal per day:
Vitamin B12 1001 pg/mL [211 - 911 pg/mL] H

CRP was higher than it has been in years, though still quite acceptable (it has been <1):
CRP-ULTRAQUANT 1.2 mg/L <3.0 mg/L
Reference Range for cardiovascular risk
<1.0 Low risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
1.0-3.0 Average risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
>3.0-10.0 High risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
>10.0 Persistent elevations may represent non-cardiovascular inflammation.

Ferritin 238 ng/mL 8 - 252 ng/mL !!!! This is a year and 4 months after my last infusion, which was Infed. Hot damn!

My only concern with these numbers is that both CRP and ferritin can be affected by inflammation, and I've had a miserable cold that has lasted well over a week now (the blood draw was scheduled 9 days AFTER the cold started, but I seem to have developed a touch of reactive asthma). So I'm not sure how valid these numbers are.
I wouldn't TOUCH your D until you see your PTH.

As for your B12...1001 is considered high but a few of us stay above 2000 all the time, only taking what is in our multi...I am one, I think @Larra is another. Honestly dealing with peripheral neuropathy makes me GLAD mine stays high.
Diana, My BFF's little sister lives in Aptos! Sorry you two are under the weather, but glad you are in such a lovely spot and that the blood lab location was convenient! Feel better.
Your liver new Margaritas were coming and got scared! :p
BTW I dint know that I have had my CRP tested at least not since having the ds. Why do we need that one?
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) is a non-specific indicator of inflammation - it is used to reflect cardiovascular risk (in the absence of other infections - I'm thinking my cold/asthma may have made it a little higher than usual) - my CRP was 8-10 for several years prior to my DS, and was one of the main reasons I was on statins pre-op:

Reference Range for cardiovascular risk
<1.0 Low risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
1.0-3.0 Average risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
>3.0-10.0 High risk per AHA/CDC guidelines
>10.0 Persistent elevations may represent non-cardiovascular inflammation.
Yeah I thought it was as a marker for potential cardiac problems, but wasn't sure of anything else. I think mine back before ds was maybe 3.2 when checked once. I had fever of unknown origin for 3 months so I saw an infectious disease guy who did a binch of tests and I think CRP was one.
More results:

Another hot damn (@southernlady):
PTH, Intact 37 pg/mL [14 - 64 pg/mL] - that's the best result ever! I wonder if it will be reflected in my DEXA scan on Tuesday?

Other new results were all normal, including calcium, B6, copper and zinc. So my copper supplementation regimen of 3x/week is just right.

I'm still puzzled about my ferritin level being that good. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but that doesn't make sense.
More results:

Another hot damn (@southernlady):
PTH, Intact 37 pg/mL [14 - 64 pg/mL] - that's the best result ever! I wonder if it will be reflected in my DEXA scan on Tuesday?

Other new results were all normal, including calcium, B6, copper and zinc. So my copper supplementation regimen of 3x/week is just right.

I'm still puzzled about my ferritin level being that good. I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, but that doesn't make sense.
Then I wouldn't TOUCH the amount of D if it were me.
Zinc and selenium OK too.

Vitamin A is not as good as last time, which was after I started taking A for the first time ... not sure what's going on with that. I only take 25K IU 3 times a week - might have to increase that.

Vitamin A (Retinol): 38 - 98 ug/dL Standard Range
7/22/04 - 53
1/24/05 - 79
7/23/05 - 52
7/18/06 - 42
7/20/07 - 55
7/9/08 - 54
6/30/09 - 55
10/9/09 - 40
12/17/09 - 73
7/6/10 - 67
7/19/11 - 63
7/6/12 - 78
7/16/13 - 48
7/18/14 - 49
7/9/15 - 44
12/10/15 - 67
7/19/16 - 44

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