Anal Fissure

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
While an anal fissure is not specifically a WLS-related issue, it can be exacerbated by WLS-related issues (constipation, diarrhea) and can devastate your quality of life. I have worked out (tailoring a treatment regimen from recommendations on the internet, in consultation with my colorectal surgeon) a medical (as opposed to surgical) treatment for anal fissures. I strongly urge anyone who has a fissure to try it BEFORE surgery, and to do so as soon as you know you have a fissure. Don't suffer needlessly!

This is a MEDICAL (rather than surgical) course of treatment for anal fissure that worked for me!

I should preface this with the fact that when my anal fissure was FINALLY properly diagnosed in 1995 (after THREE YEARS of incorrect and humiliating and painful treatments), the treatment was surgery, a lateral sphincterotomy -- which is slicing the anal sphincter to stop the spasms and allow the fissure to heal (I think they also cut the scar and granulomatous tissue of the anal fissure to provide clean surfaces to heal together as well). That was the WORST surgery I have ever had, and the most painful -- and it was OUTPATIENT. I will freely admit that it DID cure the fissure, and I was pain-free for 10 years after the excruciating recovery period -- I needed demerol pills for several days after that surgery, it was that bad.

When I got my second fissure in 2006, I obviously was more educated and aware about them. Before I even went to see the colorectal surgeon, I did some intensive internet research, and went to the surgeon with a MEDICAL course of treatment I had found (well, modified from my research). This was particularly important to me because I had learned that doing a second sphincterotomy is a BAD idea -- you greatly increase the chances of fecal incontinence, and as a DSer, I occasionally need to exercise good sphincter control if I eat something that gives me gas or loose stools! I got him to agree to try my plan, and when it worked as well as it did, he said he was going to modify how he treated other patients!

This is what I did, which healed the fissure in 10 days:

Nitroglycerine paste: I believe this was a 5% formulation that had to be made up by a compounding pharmacist. Use a pea-sized dollop, applied directly to the fissure. Nitroglycerine is a muscle relaxant that calms down the spasms of the sphincter, which helps the fissure heal (rather than doing it surgically by sphincterotomy). It also is absorbed through the mucous membranes, so the first couple of times you use it, you should be at home in case it gives you a headache or makes you feel light-headed (as you probably realize, nitroglycerine is a heart medication). Use twice a day, AFTER you go poop.

Nifedipine pills: This is a heart medication that is also a muscle relaxant. I believe the dosage was 10 mg, taken twice a day orally -- as I recall, we opted against the time-release version due to the malabsorption. This supplements what the nitroglycerine does topically. Again, if you don't have high blood pressure, this treatment can make you feel a little lightheaded, but it should go away after a day or so as your body adjusts, and compared to the pain of the fissure, it is an acceptable side effect (to me). It can also be used as a topical treatment, which is what I first suggested to the surgeon, but he thought there was already too much medication being applied topically, which might prevent all of them from working well, so we opted for parenteral administration of this one, and it worked.

Lidocaine gel: I recall this was a STRONG prescription, 5%? Or, you can buy it over the counter at a sex toys store or online as Anal-Eaze (yes, used for what you are thinking ). You want to apply this gel BEFORE a poop to numb the pain, and then afterwards as well (after you apply the nitroglycerine paste). Again, this medication is absorbed through the mucous membranes, and should be used sparingly, because it can affect your heart rate.

Sitz baths: Or some equivalent, at least twice a day. I used a hand-held shower massage to get warm water directly to the area in the AM, and hot tub at night. You want to increase the blood flow to the fissure and thereby promote healing. Plus it makes it feel better.

In addition, you want to be particularly careful to not get constipated, to not strain while pooping (follow the mantra to just "let **** happen"), and to not pull your butt cheeks apart too far on the toilet -- a habit some of us get into to avoid the loose skin on the butt getting in the way, and also because it "feels" like that helps get the poop out, but which puts tension on the skin of the sphincter and can tear the healing tissue.

When I returned for a checkup after 10 days of this treatment regimen, my surgeon was amazed at the fact that the anal fissure was almost completely healed. And, I should note, it hasn't returned (knocking on several wooden objects).
I am so glad I found this post. For the past 2-3 weeks I have been having bad rectal pain, urinary tract irritation and I feel like poop gets stuck (just doesn't feel like I always get it all out and like a small piece is stuck right near the exit). I went to the GI to ask if there was something I could take because I think the CREON has been causing the problem (read that creon can cause rectal irritation). He did a digital exam and said he felt something rough so he wanted to do a sigmoidoscopy. Two Thursday's ago I had that procedure. The report says:

Impression: - Anal papilla(e) were hypertrophied(still not exactly sure what that means). Biopsied.
- Non-bleeding external and internal hemorrhoids.
Recommendation: - Await pathology results. (came back fine)
- High fiber diet indefinitely.
- Return to GI office in 2 weeks.

Okay so the report doesn't say anal fissure but the nurse mentioned fissure when I called back the next day because I was having really bad lower back pain and still having really bad rectal pain with a constant burning (not on fire but very irritated) feeling in my urinary tract. Was your fissure visible outside?

Later that day the Dr finally prescribed lidocaine cream, but of course our pharmacy didn't have any in stock so we had to go find some the next day (had to go to 3 pharmacies before finding one who had it). Honestly I have tried it a few times and it doesn't seem to do much. The nurse said not to use internally, which to me is why I needed it. I really don't feel a hemorrhoid on the outside or inside, but I have a lot pain inside and the most relief I have gotten is from prep H (generic suppositories a few times a day). I am going to try and do that 4 times a day and use the lydocaine a couple times a day. It did seem to help some today but I had used the hemorrhoid suppository a few hours early so I think the combo works well together.

So I have a few questions:
  • If I have roids then don't I need to use the prep h or a stronger script to shrink them? The lydocaine is just numbing agent but doesn't shrink from what I read and btw, can I put some internally to help numb that pain?
  • Is there a surgery one can have to get rid of roids since prep h is temporary and not curative? Is that surgery as painful as the fissure surgery and with same incontinence risk?
  • Do any of you get that feeling of stuck poop and burning of rectum and urinary tract? I know most of you don't have male plumbing but I am assuming it is the inflammation and irritated tissue causing pressure on my prostate and causing the discomfort. I also feel like I am leaking urine after I poop and have that that stuck poop feeling.
  • I have pictures on the report (just printed on regular paper so won't scan and upload) so would I be able to see a fissure? Honestly all I see is what appears to be raised crinkles around the internal pucker and they don't look that raised.
  • Do you think the CREON is causing the irritation and if so is anyone aware of a med to combat that? FYI - I was starting to ramp down on the CREON but my labs started going the wrong way the last month so I am not sure I can really do that.
  • Another silly question - Sitz Bath - like I said I don't really feel anything on my external pucker so with the sitz bath and internal stuff do you open it up a little and let some of that up in there?
  • Oh, I almost forgot. The Dr's fiber recommendation, I thought I read here or the other place that we shouldn't take fiber? Is that true or do you think I should take extra fiber? I do eat veggies and other things with fiber so I am not sure that is the issue..I really do think the creon irritates/inflames things and is the root cause but I really do want to make pooping a least straining as possible. yesterday was rough because I must have pooped 10 times and I want to do whatever I can to make poop "flow the best" and cause as little straining as possible.
Thanks for any feedback any of you have in regard to my questions.
In my experience and from what I've been told, there are no pain receptors inside the rectum. Your pain must be coming from the anal canal, and yes you can put some lidocaine up there - but be careful! Lidocaine is absorbed through the mucus membranes, and can affect your heart rate.

No, fissures sometimes/often can't be seen. Mine was not seen and was misdiagnosed for three years. The diagnosis is often first based on symptoms - describing the pain as being like shitting razor blades.

The medical protocol I described above often but not always works to heal a fissure. If it doesn't, a lateral sphincterotomy may be necessary. The medication stops the spasms in the sphincter, unless things have gotten so bad the meds are ineffective.

If it's "just" hemorrhoids, usually they can be banded. I've had that for internal ones. I had external ones removed with my sphincterotomy.

Fiber may help - I'd try it first. Benefiber or Miralax? another question. Anal canal, do you know how long that is typically? I definitely feel something up in there, what seems to be a good distance.

I bought some medicated wipes today, more butt butter and some fiber chews to try out.....I just ate a bowl of raisin bran with half and half so that is a good amount of I will see how this works out. I am getting ready for bed and I am going to do the lidocaine and get a little up in the canal to see if that helps at all

EDIT: Just googled it an the average length is 4.2 CM or just under 1.7 I guess that makes sense

I will try the other things in your OP over the next few days
So I finally saw a Colorectal surgeon today and he confirmed I have a fissure (extra hole in my ass :D ) and fistula. Apparently I have a 4mm hole. He prescribed a compounded cream, Bethanechol 0.1% & Diltiazem 2% (Sounds the same as your paste and from what I read less headache chance and excellent pressure relief. Told me to do the hot baths/heat up to 4 times a day if possible. and that I need to remember 3 words. Cream, heat and fiber.

He also said to stop the prep h suppositories as they have not been shown to be effective.

He said to try this for a month or so and that if not substantially better we will need to consider surgery...but he is hopeful this will work. I didn't have a chance to pull up this post while in his office so I need to call back and ask about the Nifedipine pills.

Not sure if this protocol will work on the fistula - which is the hole (the fissure is a crack or erosion) he is talking about, I believe. Fistulas usually are tubes connecting a hollow organ to something else, like rectum to vagina, or rectum through a tunnel to the skin. What is on the other side of your fistula?
So here is a tibit of information you probably never wanted to know. Every time we drive to Costco or the airport, we drive past an office building that has a sign listing a variety of businesses inside. I noticed the other day that one of them is "The Fistula Foundation." I just looked it up - it's not YOUR kind of fistula, but one that affects women (I think it means a fistula between the vagina and bladder, which is a problem in the third world, notsomuch here, where it would be treated immediately):
Not sure if this protocol will work on the fistula - which is the hole (the fissure is a crack or erosion) he is talking about, I believe. Fistulas usually are tubes connecting a hollow organ to something else, like rectum to vagina, or rectum through a tunnel to the skin. What is on the other side of your fistula?
So here is a tibit of information you probably never wanted to know. Every time we drive to Costco or the airport, we drive past an office building that has a sign listing a variety of businesses inside. I noticed the other day that one of them is "The Fistula Foundation." I just looked it up - it's not YOUR kind of fistula, but one that affects women (I think it means a fistula between the vagina and bladder, which is a problem in the third world, notsomuch here, where it would be treated immediately):
Well hell! Now I need to call back for sure tomorrow to see exactly what he said. He had a fellow/resident who he was talking to while reaming my ass, so it was a little confusing . He definitely said I had a fissure and I think he said a fistula next to it as well. He said it looked yellow like pus and asked me if I had ever noticed any pus. I told him no and he said that could have been from the prep H suppository.

I will call tomorrow to speak with the nurse to see what he documented on the report and from there ask more questions.
I would imagine you would KNOW if you had a fistula, because poop would be coming out of somewhere it isn't supposed to, either from a hole to the skin, or into your bladder (which would be a BAD thing, I think). Perhaps he meant an abscess and not a fistula?

I'm having that exact same "burning" feeling in my urinary tract. It's definitely not painful as much as just, like a dull burn. I had my doc tell me today that I might have an anal fissure and he referred me to a surgeon. Unfortunately, I didn't think anything of the burning in my urinary tract while I was at the doctor so I didn't say anything to him about it. It's a bit weird because I've been drinking cranberry juice by the gallons since the surgery.

@DianaCox With your experience with the sphincterotomy, there's no way in freaking hell that I'm going to do that unless it's a last resort. I researched hemorrhoids all of last night thinking it had to be that. The horror stories I read concerning a hemorrhoidectomy ( and ) sounds exactly like a sphincterotomy. Honestly, those surgeries sound like the worst surgeries I've ever heard people tell of outside of trauma/burn surgeries.

I have 4% lidocaine ointment coming from amazon,160_&refRID=0823MF4SCE17P7VNAEW7. It should be here in the morning. I'm hopeful it takes care of some of the pain. The doc also got me a steroid script. When I go to the surgeon I'll talk to him about the other stuff you mentioned in your post Diana.

I'm having that exact same "burning" feeling in my urinary tract. It's definitely not painful as much as just, like a dull burn. I had my doc tell me today that I might have an anal fissure and he referred me to a surgeon. Unfortunately, I didn't think anything of the burning in my urinary tract while I was at the doctor so I didn't say anything to him about it. It's a bit weird because I've been drinking cranberry juice by the gallons since the surgery.

@DianaCox With your experience with the sphincterotomy, there's no way in freaking hell that I'm going to do that unless it's a last resort. I researched hemorrhoids all of last night thinking it had to be that. The horror stories I read concerning a hemorrhoidectomy ( and ) sounds exactly like a sphincterotomy. Honestly, those surgeries sound like the worst surgeries I've ever heard people tell of outside of trauma/burn surgeries.

I have 4% lidocaine ointment coming from amazon,160_&refRID=0823MF4SCE17P7VNAEW7. It should be here in the morning. I'm hopeful it takes care of some of the pain. The doc also got me a steroid script. When I go to the surgeon I'll talk to him about the other stuff you mentioned in your post Diana.

I can't comment on your problems but, watch any juice drinking, even cranberry. They are loaded with sugar AKA carbs!

I'm having that exact same "burning" feeling in my urinary tract. It's definitely not painful as much as just, like a dull burn. I had my doc tell me today that I might have an anal fissure and he referred me to a surgeon. Unfortunately, I didn't think anything of the burning in my urinary tract while I was at the doctor so I didn't say anything to him about it. It's a bit weird because I've been drinking cranberry juice by the gallons since the surgery.

@DianaCox With your experience with the sphincterotomy, there's no way in freaking hell that I'm going to do that unless it's a last resort. I researched hemorrhoids all of last night thinking it had to be that. The horror stories I read concerning a hemorrhoidectomy ( and ) sounds exactly like a sphincterotomy. Honestly, those surgeries sound like the worst surgeries I've ever heard people tell of outside of trauma/burn surgeries.

I have 4% lidocaine ointment coming from amazon,160_&refRID=0823MF4SCE17P7VNAEW7. It should be here in the morning. I'm hopeful it takes care of some of the pain. The doc also got me a steroid script. When I go to the surgeon I'll talk to him about the other stuff you mentioned in your post Diana.
Sorry that you have a fissure, but they are treatable without surgery many times. I did end up having surgery on mine while Dr K was doing my revision to extend my CC & AL. He was concerned that it might be a fistula so he scoped it and found it was just a fissure that wasn't too deep...just wouldn't heal...and he simply cauterized it. It was a bit sore for awhile but nothing like I have heard others talk about from the sphinterectomy.

The surgeon whom I was seeing for my fissure prescribed Diltiziam Bethanocol. You should ask about that as the purpose is to take tension off you sphincter so blood flow is increased and healing can happen. That is also why Dianna recommended hot sitz bath or running hot water over your bum in the shower. The heat increased blood flow and that promotes healing.

BTW, this stuff is expensive as it has to be compounded and my insurance is great but does not cover compounding. The lidocaine did nothing for me and actually burned a little.

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