5 weeks post op today

Dec 12, 2014
Hope everyone got threw the holidays ok... I had a hard time for sure but I just keep in mind why I did this and it was interesting because I am now starting g to see how much I just didn't give a shit when it came to what I put ok n my mouth. I ate what ever when ever ... and then would have some more pre op . Having a partner in crime ( my husband) didn't help either the difference is he is at a healthy weight and always has been and I just gained and gained. It was hard when he would lay in bed and eat all the holiday stuff I missed so much and I would say some things every now and then to him but ultimately it was my choice to do the surgery so he shouldn't have to suffer. At 5 weeks post op I'm fine ding I'm feeling good knew day and awful the next and I am struggling w my water the most. I have even had thought like ... an Iv treatment would sucks less then one more fucking swallow of water but I get it down. It's just making me so nausea. I have lost 45 pounds in 5 weeks so I'm very very grateful for that but I do feel like I have worked for it as I'm sure everyone after was does when they loss weight it's not easy but enough rambling just frustrated today...
sorry to hear you are having a tough time!

I have even had thought like ... an Iv treatment would sucks less then one more fucking swallow of water but I get it down. It's just making me so nausea.

if you are dehydrated enough you are nauseated you should go get IV fluids, you would feel so much better!

how much fluid are you getting in per day?
I hope it helps you to know that you're not alone in feeling that way about drinking water! I never expected it to be as difficult as it was. Keep trying different things to flavor it, you'll find something eventually.
I am getting on a regular day 3 16.9 oz down I need four but have only done that maybe twice today I haven't even got a full one down yet.... I keep doing the pinch test on my hand and it goes back quick but iam very nausea every time I take a drink... so iam getting mixed signals from my body I have been dehydrated before and know u do get to the point were u can't keep anything down iam doing my best to not get there... another thing is I hate hate hate the hospital I had my surgery at and where my surgeon is I usually go to a different hospital and when I think of having to go back there even to get an IV put in to get fluids I just want to cry as silly as that sounds do you think if I did choose to go get an IV treatment I could go to any hospital as long as they contacted my surgeon I don't know if that's a stupid question or not.I'm just not sure if I'm dehydrated enough to where they would do anything I don't know I dunno I should be feeling a hell of a lot better by now and I'm just not so something's going on I feel
I know it's no fun at the beginning, but it will get better every day. Many people find it easiest to manage hydration in small sips all day long versus bigger drinks. I went for Gatorade and it was really helpful and seemed to go down easier than plain water. I also drank warm tea (caffeine free) at the start because that seemed to be easier to tolerate. In any case, if you are feeling at all worried, I agree with newanatomy that it's a good idea to go in to any ER or your doctor's office for an IV. It will make you feel so much better. Happy new year and congratulations on starting it 45 lbs lighter!
doesn't have to be a hospital, necessarily, is there an Urgent Care or something? call your doctor's office and tell them you are probably dehydrated enough to need some fluids and ask where can you go.

when I think of having to go back there even to get an IV put in to get fluids I just want to cry as silly as that sounds

that makes it harder. thing is, once you get the fluids in it will be easier to keep hydrated than it is now to get hydrated. so I'd advise getting the fluids in anyway you have to. doesn't matter where.

you do what makes you cry if that's what you have to do. you need to take care of yourself! once you get through this beginning part it will get easier!!
Thank you so so much for all your replys and support. I concentrated and I got myself feeling a little better, I figured out I was constipated( tmi ) but that was causing some of the nausea and also I switched my ant acid I was on nexium and I switched to prilosec because my heart burn was also a factor and I have done better today and yesterday. And that's true I could go to an urgent med I didn't think about that I will absolutely keep that in mind if things don't keep progressing. I have four kids so sometimes it's not so easy to go in and get medical attention in less I am really in trouble. I have now started to make a plan b in case I need to go get checked out I will have someone to help w them. I love this forum so much it has given me comfort I haven't been able to get any were else. So thank you ladies !!

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