My own personal food nazi

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
Adelaide, Australia
I'm doing a modified Optifast pre-op diet, because I really need to actually eat food sometimes. I especially need something savoury from time to time. So, tonight my dh went to make himself some bread and cheese (he's Dutch - that is breakfast, lunch and late-night snacks for him), so I asked him to bring me a few slices of cheese. He refused and gave me a lecture about willpower and not enabling me. Well, I've been pretty good about my diet and careful with substitutions, so this annoyed me quite a bit. My total food today has been:
Breakfast: Optifast lemon dessert
Lunch: 3 eggs scrambled with a little water and salt (ok, I think I dropped the salt pot in, so not as enjoyable as it should have been!)
Dinner: The yet-to-be-eaten cheese, and possibly some Summer squash
Snacks: 2 cups of espresso with Splenda and evaporated milk, 1 cup milk, Diet cordial

I have been replacing 2 meals with Optifast until today. This evening I just couldn't face it again. Is this so awful? I had lost a kilo (2.2 pounds) after 4 days of Optifast/dieting. Haven't checked today. Unfortunately, dh is very much a 'doctor knows best' kind of guy, so I cannot convince him that there might be equally good alternatives. I'm sure some people will think he's right. But, the fact is: I know myself. If I just follow a liquid diet, I will get to the point that I get so hungry that I will eat anything that comes to hand. That's what I want to prevent. I'm very concerned about how things will be with my dh post-surgery when it comes to what I eat.

Anyway, I just needed to rant. I love my husband, but this kind of thing drives me batty!
@4KidsAndaDog Thank you. It's certainly not easy! I believe that the Optifast is just to lose some weight and shrink the liver, as you suggest. I think I will follow your advice and ask my doctor or his PA about it. At least if it comes from the doc, DH should accept it!
You know what cordial is, don't you? Basically flavoured sugar water concentrate that you mix with water to make a cooldrink (very much inferior to juice, IMO, which is what I would expect my butler to serve, lol). Diet Cordial just contains sweetener instead of sugar, a la this:
Sorry if I haven't explained this well. I'm just not sure which terms are common to our different cultures and which are not!
Btw. Australia - only one 'i' ;)

@Elizabeth N. and @southernlady Thank you. I'm glad you don't think I'm being unreasonable!
Okay, then cordial is like our simple syrup:
Perhap, but I've never seen/heard of home-made cordial. It's always flavoured and coloured and usually just mixed with water to make a cold drink, although lime cordial is often used with lemonade/Sprite as a mixer, eg. Lemon, Lime & Bitters. It's pretty much the same as the stuff you use with a Soda Stream, except it's usually mixed with flat water rather than sparkling water.
Perhap, but I've never seen/heard of home-made cordial. It's always flavoured and coloured and usually just mixed with water to make a cold drink, although lime cordial is often used with lemonade/Sprite as a mixer, eg. Lemon, Lime & Bitters. It's pretty much the same as the stuff you use with a Soda Stream, except it's usually mixed with flat water rather than sparkling water.
Sounds like crystal light or something to that effect. Here, a cordial is either a cocktail or a yummy chocolate with a cherry and some gooey liquid goodness inside :)
Sounds like crystal light or something to that effect. Here, a cordial is either a cocktail or a yummy chocolate with a cherry and some gooey liquid goodness inside :)
Yes, that sounds right. What you call a cordial is definitely something quite different, lol! How confusing! And to think, we speak the same language! :ahhh:
"Thank you for your concern; I am comfortable with my well-considered choice. If you are not comfortable serving it to me, I will be happy to go get it myself."

PS: feel free to sleep on the couch tonight. And possibly for the next few months.
Oh dear God. I'd give that man the death stare. I'd give him the Gift of Silence. I'd sew the flies shut on all his boxers. I'd sabotage the zipper on his favorite jeans in the down position. I'd secretly alter all his pants two inches smaller. And then, just to be funny, I'd put plastic bugs in his favorite snack foods and reseal the factory seal.

Support from a loving husband, and commiseration or soothing agreement, is much more attractive in a mate than a lecture. That's Daddy behavior, not Lover behavior.

I told my husband early in our childrearing life that the MOST attractive thing that he could ever say was "What did your mother say?" or "Do what your mother just told you." He never forgot that, and he is still very attractive to me, even though our kids are grown up.
Haha! Some intriguing ideas there! I do think its a bit of a guy thing.... in particular, a naturally thin guy thing. I mean, the feeling that they can and should 'help you' do the 'right thing'. My ex-husband was far worse (hence the 'ex' bit) - a total control freak.

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