My 5 day countdown to DS in Mexico

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Sep 5, 2015
Day -5.

This morning I start 5 days of clear liquids, which I am so not going to enjoy, in preparation for DS surgery with Dr. Esquerra at Mexicali Bariatric Center on the 12th.

I was required to start an Atkins-like diet on October 28, but because I am an overachiever, I started it on October 18. Other than a planned 2 slices of "farewell" pizza on the 25th, I have been compliant at eating >120 gr protein, <25 gr carb and 1000-1200 cals.

I've also been taking 50k of D3, 2000mg of calcium citrate, B12 2500, Biotin 5k and multi-vit and hope I am sufficiently stored up for the surgery. If not, well it's too late to worry about it now.

I’ve dropped a few pounds on the Atkins diet (very few, like 9, but should lose another pound on the liquids), but I’m sure to bloat up after 5 days of drinking sodium-laden broth, both regular and Unjury protein. (Really, you’d think “medical grade” protein would go easy on the salt. Good old Costco chicken broth has half the salt of Unjury.) The doctor's recommended liquid diet is only about 300 calories a day. Yikes.

I'm telling no one about the surgery other than my husband. I abruptly got up and moved away from someone with a bad cold at a meeting on Thursday, explaining, "Sorry but I'm having surgery next week and can't get sick." Oops. Of course, everyone then asked what kind of surgery. I said it was nothing and I didn't want to talk about it. One woman said, "OK but can you just tell me in what general area of your body?" Now I'm getting emails and calls from many of them wishing me luck... and what kind of surgery are you having again? Bwahaha. They're all quite old so misbehaving body parts are a prime source of conversation.

Although everyone here who has had DS surgery with Esquerra in the past month or so has had a remarkably smooth and rapid recovery, I never the less have butterflies. I feel a little tachycardic -- or maybe that's just from all the damn SALT.

One of the reasons I want this surgery and I want to maintain a normal weight is so MY body MY weight is not a point of conversation with others. I'm so sick of people smiling and asking if I've lost weight, frowning and asking if I'm getting any exercise, looking me up and down and rolling their eyes in disgust. I don't ever want to have the elderly man across the street who I've never spoken with flag down my car, run up to my window and in from of my children say, "You've gotten pretty fat. I thought I should say something in case you hadn't noticed." I never want to enter the coat department at Dillards to see if they had a different color of a coat I had bought for myself the day before at Macy's, only to hear the elfin clerk roar with laughter from across the department, pause her transaction with another customer and bellow over the racks, "Ma'am, MA'AM!There's nothing for someone your size here." I just want to BE. My body, my business, and have no one so much as give my body a second thought.

Yowser. Where did all THAT come from? A little repressed anger. Or maybe it's just the salt.
@Clematis, I am reading this and thinking many awful thoughts! first and foremost - 5 days of CLEAR liquids. *****, that one sucks. My thoughts will be with you. and darlin, the other things I was thinking is the beyond rude comments the old man and store clerk have said. Lordy, I hope you are taking dramatic license, but I bet you are not. Honey, I am sorry if you have had to go thru that. Damn it. My concern is that if they do not have boundaries now, they won't as you drop the pounds too. Start thinking now what you are going to say to these arse holes!
I wish you all the best - 5 days will pass fast.
I am truly impressed with the level of rudeness where you live.

And to your co-worker who had the chutzpa to ask which body part, you should have told her it was your ass, or a sex change, or an abortion, whatever would have horrified her the most. I am so tired of people who don't respect boundaries. You were probably much more polite than I would have been.

I wish you the best for surviving 5 days (!) of clears and of course the best for a safe and successful surgery. You are almost there!
@Clematis, I am reading this and thinking many awful thoughts! first and foremost - 5 days of CLEAR liquids. *****, that one sucks. My thoughts will be with you. and darlin, the other things I was thinking is the beyond rude comments the old man and store clerk have said. Lordy, I hope you are taking dramatic license, but I bet you are not. Honey, I am sorry if you have had to go thru that. Damn it. My concern is that if they do not have boundaries now, they won't as you drop the pounds too. Start thinking now what you are going to say to these arse holes!
I wish you all the best - 5 days will pass fast.

Vodka is clear but I don't think that counts. :)

After the deranged store clerk finished the transaction with the other customer, she trotted towards me shouting, "Plus sizes are in the basement, ma'am. Do you hear me, ma'am? In the basement." The other customers were looking at me. Without saying a word, I took the coat off the rack (I had just bought the same one the day before so I knew it fit), put it on and buttoned it up. She squealed, "I can't believe it! I didn't know we had anything your size." Then I took the coat off, tossed it at her and left without a word. (I was afraid if I opened my clenched mouth to speak, I might cry.) There were too many wrongs here to list -- but the most amazing was that I had been dieting for months and months, was down to 175 at 5'5" and thought I looked good or at least passable. That happened 4 years ago, btw, but the memory still haunts me.

Thanks for your good wishes, @duh_Mom.
It's the final countdown! Sorry, but I can't get this commercial out of my head

5 days of clear liquids (remember: no red liquids) will be tough, but you can do it by keeping your mind set on the long-term prize that is ahead for you!

Hahaha, yeah that one has stuck in my head too. Not as obnoxious as It's a Small Small World... yet.

Doc says no pineapple jello. All other flavors are ok. Maybe that restriction is just for colonoscopies? In any event, I'm not a big jello fan. Of course I used to say that about Skittles so bought them as a "safe" candy to give out one Halloween.. and quickly developed a taste for them. I may LOVE jello after these 5 days of clears and the 10 days post op of clears.
I am truly impressed with the level of rudeness where you live.

And to your co-worker who had the chutzpa to ask which body part, you should have told her it was your ass, or a sex change, or an abortion, whatever would have horrified her the most. I am so tired of people who don't respect boundaries. You were probably much more polite than I would have been.

I wish you the best for surviving 5 days (!) of clears and of course the best for a safe and successful surgery. You are almost there!

Not a co-worker. An elderly woman in a book club who meant well. I think her intent -- and the intent of the other old ladies in the book club -- was to know if it was a casserole-worthy surgery or if I was just having a wart removed.

Thanks so much for your good wishes.
An elderly woman in a book club who meant well. I think her intent -- and the intent of the other old ladies in the book club -- was to know if it was a casserole-worthy surgery or if I was just having a wart removed.
Many have lost the filter to run their thoughts thru before actually speaking. And elderly women can just be a downright nosy bunch. Nothing evil or rude...they justknow they've been thru most types of surgeries and surely they have some advice to help you feel better.

But that clerk was just rude.
Girlfriend don't let people treat you that way. Those will be the same people that when you get to goal WEIGHT will say you look sick. Look the DS is going to help with weight loss and will not change you as far as standing up to people. As my mom said if you keep attracting the same type of people its something in you that attracts that type of person. With you it's seems you attract people who know they can victimize and not suffer the wrath! It would take 1 time for someone to treat me like that, boy would they be sorry. Mines is I always deal with men who are needy and have medical issues. When she told me and I thought about and she was right. Stand up for you, if YOU don't NOONE ELSE WILL!
Many have lost the filter to run their thoughts thru before actually speaking. And elderly women can just be a downright nosy bunch. Nothing evil or rude...they justknow they've been thru most types of surgeries and surely they have some advice to help you feel better.

But that clerk was just rude.

And corporate would definitely know her name by 10 am the next business day!
One of the reasons I want this surgery and I want to maintain a normal weight is so MY body MY weight is not a point of conversation with others. I'm so sick of people smiling and asking if I've lost weight, frowning and asking if I'm getting any exercise, looking me up and down and rolling their eyes in disgust. I don't ever want to have the elderly man across the street who I've never spoken with flag down my car, run up to my window and in from of my children say, "You've gotten pretty fat. I thought I should say something in case you hadn't noticed." I never want to enter the coat department at Dillards to see if they had a different color of a coat I had bought for myself the day before at Macy's, only to hear the elfin clerk roar with laughter from across the department, pause her transaction with another customer and bellow over the racks, "Ma'am, MA'AM!There's nothing for someone your size here." I just want to BE. My body, my business, and have no one so much as give my body a second thought.

Yowser. Where did all THAT come from? A little repressed anger. Or maybe it's just the salt.

That block right there made me cry because I have felt that pain all of my life. First it was my mother telling me how fat (and ugly) I was all the time, then it was the cruel things the kids would say in school, then incidents like the ones you wrote. It HURTS. I've had enough of that. I think we've all been there.

You've been doing great with starting early and making sure that your pre-op vitamin levels are good. You'll be in top shape for the surgery and I'm convinced that helps with recovery. You've made sure to do what needs to be done and that will pay off. Try to relax a little bit.. let the flight out there be a peaceful and relaxing experience. Remind me and I'll inbox you with some info on how they work getting you picked up at the airport and what happens next so you won't be venturing forth into totally unknown territory. Seeing everyone from MBC and getting the hugs calmed me right down, and speaking with Dr Esquerra took away all the uncertainty - he's a very calm and confident (but not arrogant) man.

The 5 days will go fast. You're going to do just fine... and remember, after the pre-op tests, you can treat yourself to a really nice lunch and a light dinner IF you don't fall asleep like I did! LOL
Mines is I always deal with men who are needy and have medical issues. When she told me and I thought about and she was right. Stand up for you, if YOU don't NOONE ELSE WILL!

Oh boy. Same for me with men. I am working on the "why" part of the issue and until I get that figured out, no dating for me. I just cannot get into another messed up relationship - and I probably would if it doesn't get sorted.
Girlfriend don't let people treat you that way. Those will be the same people that when you get to goal WEIGHT will say you look sick. Look the DS is going to help with weight loss and will not change you as far as standing up to people. As my mom said if you keep attracting the same type of people its something in you that attracts that type of person. With you it's seems you attract people who know they can victimize and not suffer the wrath! It would take 1 time for someone to treat me like that, boy would they be sorry. Mines is I always deal with men who are needy and have medical issues. When she told me and I thought about and she was right. Stand up for you, if YOU don't NOONE ELSE WILL!

I'm quite assertive, actually, perhaps too much so, and had to be in my career advising Fortune 500 companies. I always speak my mind. Almost. But when it comes to people confronting me about my weight, I feel shamed and vulnerable.

Strangers get an icy stare or a version of "f--- you". Intrusive acquaintances with whom I have to interact peaceably in the future get this:

"There is nothing more personal than one's body. I would never dream of confronting you about your body or discussing your body behind your back because another person's body is none of my business. It's private. I'd appreciate it if you'd extend me the same courtesy." (Sometimes I punctuate that with "and by the way, F--- YOU" just because I feel like it.) This has been rather effective, at least regarding discussions to my face -- not so sure about the behind the back gossip.
That block right there made me cry because I have felt that pain all of my life. First it was my mother telling me how fat (and ugly) I was all the time, then it was the cruel things the kids would say in school, then incidents like the ones you wrote. It HURTS. I've had enough of that. I think we've all been there.

I'm so sorry, bebezed. Fat shaming an adult is bad enough; I can't imagine the damage it does to a child, especially when that criticism comes from a parent. (I only became overweight as an adult.)

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