On the road again! And a long diversion beforehand ....

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Our last day for this trip. We decided to take it easy today - sorta. We did a nice local bike ride on the frontage road near the campground. We haven't risen much in a while, so we were trying to be "reasonable." It was only a few miles altogether - maybe 4? - but up and down some hilly rises. It was a workout for both of us - so we are now sitting outside the RV under the awning, with a lovely mild breeze blowing, watching TV and munching snacks - I'm having a pineapple juice and vodka muscle relaxant with my bao.

Yup, glamping.
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Yesterday, we did some running around and then I did a few wineries. Not bad - but I can't bring myself to spit, and I'm SUCH a cheap date that I get toasted on tastes. I was flying after three wineries, so we came back and relaxed after 5:30, until I was ready (and able) to make the steaks we brought. Mimi is starting to like being outside, so I put her on a leash and she sat with me watching TV on the extra used one we bought to replace the tube TV (which turns out to still work, after some wires were reconnected, so we're leaving it there for the time being):

Today, which is our last day here, we're going to just hang out and relax, except for taking a bike ride up and down the service road near the campground for a little exercise.
I love this picture! You look great, hanging in the campground with a fat happy cat for a lap warmer.
Only thing missing from that picture is a margarita.
Nope - I was already toasted from wine tasting - and I don't get drunk or I puke. So I had a nice buzz on in that pic.
Sigh, on our way home, about 160 miles. It started to drizzle as we were hooking up the Jeep, but it didn't last (I was worried from the start that we'd be driving in the rain, but it appears to be mostly overcast now).

The cats still don't like the driving part. Mimi crawled up on the banquette next to me, as usual, while Onyx paced - but for the first time, didn't **** all over! And neither of them yowled as they have done previously. Then Mimi crawled on top of the computer bag and under my jacket, leaving the spot next to my hip for Onyx, who is sitting relatively calmly next to me. (I took this pic from my lap ...)


It is quite windy out, and I can feel the rig being buffeted - so I am probably the most nervous of the three of us.

We have been ogling other people's nicer rigs (which is pretty much everyone else), but can't wrap our heads around spending $200K for a reasonably modest upgrade. Plus, we don't have the money, unless we sell the house. (Which, by the way, is sounding better and better: http://www.nbcnews.com/science/envi...9-percent-chance-big-california-quake-n320996)
We have been ogling other people's nicer rigs (which is pretty much everyone else), but can't wrap our heads around spending $200K for a reasonably modest upgrade. Plus, we don't have the money, unless we sell the house. (Which, by the way, is sounding better and better: http://www.nbcnews.com/science/envi...9-percent-chance-big-california-quake-n320996)
They keep saying that the new coastline will be closer to Nevada and Utah! I saw that news report.

Mimi and Onxy look like they might be getting use to being RV cats. Altho Mimi has the "Southern Cat go to Hell" look (a variation of the Southern Lady Go To Hell look)
I'm not so much worried about dying in an earthquake as losing all the equity we have in our house. If our house loses half its value, I'm sure it won't be the half the bank owns. Since that half is half of our net worth, and I'm 61, I can't afford to lose it.
I'm not so much worried about dying in an earthquake as losing all the equity we have in our house. If our house loses half its value, I'm sure it won't be the half the bank owns. Since that half is half of our net worth, and I'm 61, I can't afford to lose it.
TOTALLY understand that. And it's NEVER the half the bank owns.
I'm not so much worried about dying in an earthquake as losing all the equity we have in our house. If our house loses half its value, I'm sure it won't be the half the bank owns. Since that half is half of our net worth, and I'm 61, I can't afford to lose it.

so, selling really makes sense!
I'd like to, except I love my house and I love it's location. I'm afraid I wouldn't want to live anywhere else (that I can afford).
Ha! That's exactly how I feel about our humble abode... most of the time (except when it is 20 below zero). :) Home sweet home.

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