HelloFresh? I'm gonna try it.

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
With the coupon, here's what we get for $30:
•Someone else plans
•We pick three from the five meals offered
•They shop and deliver...exactly what you need (so you don't have to buy a whole package of thyme when you need only two sprigs)
•They deliver
•We cook

This week...we are too late for this one...the chicken dish adds up to:
Calories 577
Fat 25g
Protein 47g
Carbohydrates 46g
Fibers 8g

Other meals have higher carb counts, but nothing that normal people aren't supposed to eat.

Has anyone tried this? Verdict? (And at just under thirty bucks for three nights' meals for two, it seems worth it...so I'll let you know.)
who else is doing this? someone on FB that I know.

it seems like a good idea so I am interested to see how it goes for you.
If anyone wants to try it, there are $20 and $30 discount codes all over the place, the one they sent to me was for $40 off and I can share that one, getting $40 off for you (and $20 off for me!)
My best friend here in Sydney uses them - he swears by it. He's lost about 75 pounds total from doing it. :)


They were not marketed here, from what I saw, as a weight control tool. The advertising I got mentioned stuff like great recipes, farm fresh-ness, "nutritious" (I always wonder what that means in advertising), less food waste and convenience.

But in my case, weight loss would not be a bad thing. (Do they come to the house and take away all the "fun size" Snickers? That might help, too.)
I think for him it was a matter of working in the industry he's in - he rarely works less than a 12 hour workday. Doesn't really leave much time for planning meals, shopping, etc., so I think there was a lot of takeout/takeaway that was a regular part of his diet. :) I think that's where the difference was for him.
I think for him it was a matter of working in the industry he's in - he rarely works less than a 12 hour workday. Doesn't really leave much time for planning meals, shopping, etc., so I think there was a lot of takeout/takeaway that was a regular part of his diet. :) I think that's where the difference was for him.
Well then, something healthier that can be done in 30 minutes is a big improvement!
I saw on their site, if you trade them your take out receipts you can get up to $50.00 off. This looks pretty interesting for people who want to save some time on planning and shopping. It is not for me. I am still in the weight loss phase and have enough trouble controlling my carbs and these are more carbs than I would want delivered 3 times a week. I have very little self control. :choc:
I saw on their site, if you trade them your take out receipts you can get up to $50.00 off. This looks pretty interesting for people who want to save some time on planning and shopping. It is not for me. I am still in the weight loss phase and have enough trouble controlling my carbs and these are more carbs than I would want delivered 3 times a week. I have very little self control. :choc:

Yes! But there is a December 31st deadline on those receipts. I could have gone that route, too, but was anxious to get started asap, so I settled for $40 off!

Also yes to the carb counts. Some are in the 40s, but others are in the 80s and even 90s. (I didn't check the vegetarian meals.)
Lisa Kraus on FB (not sure if she is here) gets them and gives good reviews.
Ah....well, we have tried two meals so far and are mostly pleased.

I WAS having a temper tantrum when waiting for it on Thursday and cancelled our subscription starting the delivery coming Christmas week. But I may reconsider.

I was more irritated at UPS. Hello Fresh said the order would be here Thursday, then UPS said Wednesday. Then UPS said Thursday between 9 am and 7 pm...and it got here at 6:47 pm. Moving the delivery to Friday was going to REALLY irritate me, because I had to be at the hospital by 8:30 am and food that had already been in transit for three days would then sit on the porch for several hours.

But it DID get here Thursday and it was STILL quite chilled, so that was okay.

I did figure out that my endurance/shortness of breath issues are probably a big part of why I'm so "lazy" and why we eat out so often. Mr. Sue has been very helpful. And, if I wanted to (and if we hadn't had the kitchen somewhat torn apart), I could do the 30-minute prep in bits and pieces throughout the day.

And we are both trying (if my one bite of Brussels Sprouts constitutes "trying") things we don't normally eat...so that is good!

ETA...tonight, I had to substitute my flour for their wheat flour. Next week, I will have to sub out rice for orzo, because I have not yet found any gluten-free orzo. But it's all do-able.
This is super easy, fast, healthy, yummy, gluten free and low carb.

I don't get that fancy with mine, I just use the food processor to grate it like cheese, put it in a microwave safe bowl add butter and salt then zap it for about 7 or 8 minutes and eat! It keeps well in the fridge for leftovers too.
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This is super easy, fast, healthy, yummy, gluten free and low carb.

I don't get that fancy with mine, I just use the food processor to grate it like cheese, put it in a microwave safe bowl add butter and salt then zap it for about 7 or 8 minutes and eat! It keeps well in the fridge for leftovers too.

I like to cook, and I've been saving all these recipes you and others always post and I'm gonna try a few over the Holidays. especially that one. Thxs for taking the time to share it!
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