Ask her why she uses a washing machine, and doesn’t haul her laundry to the creek and beat it on rocks. Is she taking the easy way out??
Morbid obesity - and especially super super morbid obesity as you have - IS A DISEASE! You can’t cure this or most any disease with willpower.
Please share this with her:
I went to Yale, and have a PhD in molecular biology, as well as being a lawyer. I am 68 years old. I struggled with my weight MY ENTIRE ******* LIFE. I know more about the DISEASE of morbid obesity than most medical doctors. I had my duodenal switch over 18 years ago, at age 50, and my only regret is that I couldn’t have had it 20 years before that.
I dieted my way up to 300 lbs, because every diet tells our remarkably evolutionarily adapted bodies that we are in a famine, and it permanently adjusts our metabolic rate down, and favors storage of MORE fat to ensure we survive the next famine.
You have NO ******* IDEA what your stepdaughter is going through. At 600 lbs, there is NO ******* WAY she can lose 400+ lbs on her own. She will DIE if she doesn’t lose a massive amount of weight, and soon.
If you can’t be supportive of her struggle and her LOGICAL AND SENSIBLE intention to use the progress of science and medicine to help cure her of her DISEASE, please learn to SHUT THE **** UP WITH YOUR IGNORANT AND HURTFUL OPINIONS ABOUT BARIATRIC SURGERY BEING THE “EASY WAY OUT” - you have NO ******* IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, SO AGAIN, SHUT THE **** UP.
You have NO ******* IDEA what her life is like, how much physical, emotional and psychic pain she is constantly in, especially if her ****** up metabolism is causing her to be constantly hungry, with no sensation of satiety.
If you love her, you will EDUCATE yourself about her disease and the only treatment that works, which is bariatric surgery, and most especially the duodenal switch. Otherwise, LEAVE HER THE **** ALONE, and in particular, SHUT THE **** UP WITH YOUR HURTFUL, DEMEANING AND GROTESQUELY IGNORANT OPINIONS.
If you would like to talk to me (and I promise I can speak calmly without saying **** every other word, but you need to be impressed with how ignorant and hurtful you are being), I would be happy to explain the science to you, as well as what you can do to HELP her, rather than being part of the problem.
But hey - I’m somewhat opinionated myself. I just happen to have opinions based on KNOWLEDGE.