Can a probiotic prevent COVID-19?

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Can a probiotic prevent COVID-19?

Publish date: November 19, 2020

Researchers are testing whether a probiotic called Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG can prevent COVID-19 in household contacts of COVID patients.
On the Nov. 12 episode of the Blood & Cancer podcast, Anthony D. Sung, MD, of Duke University, Durham, N.C., joined host David H. Henry, MD, of Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, to discuss the trial of LGG as well as other research. The following transcript of that discussion has been edited for length and clarity.
David Henry, MD: Here we are in COVID. We’re recording this the first week in November. Sadly, cases are spiking in the country. And I understand you’ve got some information that you might share about how manipulating ... the microbiome that we all exist with inside our gut might somehow play into doing better or worse with COVID.

Anthony Sung, MD: Absolutely. So, as associate director of the Duke Microbiome Center, I was approached by one of my colleagues, Paul Wischmeyer, who is a professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Duke. Paul had previously done some very nice murine studies with the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, or LGG.
He showed, in a murine model of pseudomonas pneumonia, that giving LGG to mice would help modulate their microbiome and, in turn, their immune system, leading to decreased inflammation, decreased TNF-alpha, IL [interleukin]-2, and IL-6, [and] increased Treg cells [Clin Nutr. 2017;36[6]:1549-57]. This also helped prevent lung injury, and it actually significantly improved survival in mice receiving LGG [Shock. 2013;40[6]:496-503].
In addition, there has been a randomized clinical trial of LGG showing that its administration would help prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, or VAP [Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Oct 15;182[8]:1058-64].
And a few years ago, there was another RCT [randomized, controlled trial], published in Nature, showing that another Lactobacillus product significantly decreased the combined endpoint of sepsis and mortality, primarily by reducing lower respiratory tract infection [Nature. 2017 Aug 24;548[7668]:407-12].
Dr. Henry: And how is that working? What is the bacillus doing to help us?
Dr. Sung: We think it’s through modulating the immune system. As mentioned in Paul’s studies, we saw significantly decreased amounts of TNF-alpha, IL-2, and IL-6, which are the same cytokines that have been implicated in COVID-19 and associated with increased lung injury in patients during this pandemic.
And we believe that by giving individuals this probiotic, LGG, we may help modulate the immune system, decrease lung injury and symptoms, and maybe even prevent COVID-19.
So with support from the Duke Microbiome Center, as well as private donations and philanthropy, we are conducting a randomized clinical trial of LGG to prevent COVID-19 in household contacts who’ve been exposed to the disease. In other words, if someone in the house gets COVID-19, we want to try to prophylax everybody else living in that house and prevent them from coming down with the same infection.
Dr. Henry: And this is an oral administration?
Dr. Sung: Correct. This is an oral pill, two pills once a day.
Dr. Henry: And it’s an ongoing study, of course, in COVID right now?
Dr. Sung: Correct. So we have an IND [investigational new drug application] from the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], and we are actively recruiting subjects both at Duke University, but also due to the unique study design, we can enroll patients anywhere across the country. Because of the importance of social distancing, everything is done remotely.
So a household contact can hear about us, either through your podcast or one of our Facebook ads or through other media. They can reach out to our study website, which is, or reach out to us at our study email, [email protected].
And we can go ahead and screen them for eligibility in our trial. And if they are eligible and they consent to participate, we will mail them a package basically overnight, FedEx, containing either LGG or placebo, as well as kits so that they can self-collect their stool and nasal swabs so we can test it for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR [polymerase chain reaction] and look at the microbiome.
Dr. Sung and Dr. Henry have no relevant disclosures. Funding for the trial is provided by the Duke Microbiome Center and philanthropic giving. The LGG and placebo used in the trial are provided by DSM.
Can a probiotic prevent COVID-19?

Publish date: November 19, 2020

Researchers are testing whether a probiotic called Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG can prevent COVID-19 in household contacts of COVID patients.
On the Nov. 12 episode of the Blood & Cancer podcast, Anthony D. Sung, MD, of Duke University, Durham, N.C., joined host David H. Henry, MD, of Penn Medicine in Philadelphia, to discuss the trial of LGG as well as other research. The following transcript of that discussion has been edited for length and clarity.
David Henry, MD: Here we are in COVID. We’re recording this the first week in November. Sadly, cases are spiking in the country. And I understand you’ve got some information that you might share about how manipulating ... the microbiome that we all exist with inside our gut might somehow play into doing better or worse with COVID.

Anthony Sung, MD: Absolutely. So, as associate director of the Duke Microbiome Center, I was approached by one of my colleagues, Paul Wischmeyer, who is a professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Duke. Paul had previously done some very nice murine studies with the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, or LGG.
He showed, in a murine model of pseudomonas pneumonia, that giving LGG to mice would help modulate their microbiome and, in turn, their immune system, leading to decreased inflammation, decreased TNF-alpha, IL [interleukin]-2, and IL-6, [and] increased Treg cells [Clin Nutr. 2017;36[6]:1549-57]. This also helped prevent lung injury, and it actually significantly improved survival in mice receiving LGG [Shock. 2013;40[6]:496-503].
In addition, there has been a randomized clinical trial of LGG showing that its administration would help prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, or VAP [Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010 Oct 15;182[8]:1058-64].
And a few years ago, there was another RCT [randomized, controlled trial], published in Nature, showing that another Lactobacillus product significantly decreased the combined endpoint of sepsis and mortality, primarily by reducing lower respiratory tract infection [Nature. 2017 Aug 24;548[7668]:407-12].
Dr. Henry: And how is that working? What is the bacillus doing to help us?
Dr. Sung: We think it’s through modulating the immune system. As mentioned in Paul’s studies, we saw significantly decreased amounts of TNF-alpha, IL-2, and IL-6, which are the same cytokines that have been implicated in COVID-19 and associated with increased lung injury in patients during this pandemic.
And we believe that by giving individuals this probiotic, LGG, we may help modulate the immune system, decrease lung injury and symptoms, and maybe even prevent COVID-19.
So with support from the Duke Microbiome Center, as well as private donations and philanthropy, we are conducting a randomized clinical trial of LGG to prevent COVID-19 in household contacts who’ve been exposed to the disease. In other words, if someone in the house gets COVID-19, we want to try to prophylax everybody else living in that house and prevent them from coming down with the same infection.
Dr. Henry: And this is an oral administration?
Dr. Sung: Correct. This is an oral pill, two pills once a day.
Dr. Henry: And it’s an ongoing study, of course, in COVID right now?
Dr. Sung: Correct. So we have an IND [investigational new drug application] from the FDA [Food and Drug Administration], and we are actively recruiting subjects both at Duke University, but also due to the unique study design, we can enroll patients anywhere across the country. Because of the importance of social distancing, everything is done remotely.
So a household contact can hear about us, either through your podcast or one of our Facebook ads or through other media. They can reach out to our study website, which is, or reach out to us at our study email, [email protected].
And we can go ahead and screen them for eligibility in our trial. And if they are eligible and they consent to participate, we will mail them a package basically overnight, FedEx, containing either LGG or placebo, as well as kits so that they can self-collect their stool and nasal swabs so we can test it for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR [polymerase chain reaction] and look at the microbiome.
Dr. Sung and Dr. Henry have no relevant disclosures. Funding for the trial is provided by the Duke Microbiome Center and philanthropic giving. The LGG and placebo used in the trial are provided by DSM.

Funny... I was just reading about this process .. not on covid.. but on how the SCFA produced by the gut bacteria interact with the lung cell free fatty acid receptors

Here is Greger's description of the process. If anyone really wants to get into it.. I've also copied Greger's reference list that goes with the text

"This laundry list of mechanisms for fiber-induced weight loss included the best explanations we had back in 2001 when the “Dietary Fiber and Weight Regulation” review was published, but that was two years before a discovery was to change our ideas about fiber forever.1213 Cells are the fundamental unit of life. We’re composed of trillions of them,1214 and they communicate with each other through receptors on the cell surface. That’s how many hormones work: Like a lock and key, hormones are signaling messengers, and each has a unique shape. When released into the bloodstream, they circulate throughout the body until they find a receptor they can fit into. Once the key is in the lock, a whole series of reactions can be turned on or off in the target cell.

"For example, cells in our adrenal glands release adrenaline when we get scared, and there are receptors on our hearts, called beta receptors, into which adrenaline fits that can trigger an increased heart rate. That’s how beta-blocker drugs work to lower our heart rates—by gumming up this lock so adrenaline can no longer fit. The largest family of cell receptors is known as G protein–coupled receptors. G proteins are molecular switches inside the cells that transmit the receptor signal.1215 More than one-third of the drugs currently on the market work by plugging into these receptors,1216 from antihistamines to heroin overdose drugs that block opioid receptors. We’ve discovered hundreds of different G protein–coupled receptors, but remarkably, we don’t know what many of them do.1217 We have the lock, but we just don’t know which key fits into them. Accordingly, these are called orphan receptors. Two of these mystery receptors, known only as G protein–coupled receptor #41 and G protein–coupled receptor #43, were found heavily expressed throughout the body in our gut, on our nerves, and in our immune, muscle, and fat cells.1218 We knew they must be vital, but we didn’t know what activated them until 2003 when they were “deorphanized.” (That’s actually what scientists call it.)

"And the keys that fit into those important locks were the short-chain fatty acids that our gut bacteria make when we feed them fiber.1219 This may be how our gut bacteria communicate with us.1220 Renamed free fatty acid receptors,

"They may explain why fiber is so anti-inflammatory.1222 So, for example, how can a single high-fiber meal improve lung function in asthmatics within a matter of hours? The fiber we eat is turned into SCFAs by our good gut bacteria, which then are absorbed into our bloodstreams, where they are thought to dock with these free fatty acid receptors found on inflammatory immune cells in our airways, turning them off.1223

Ref... how not to diet, M Greger

1213. Brown AJ, Goldsworthy SM, Barnes AA, et al. The orphan G protein-coupled receptors GPR41 and GPR43 are activated by propionate and other short chain carboxylic acids. J Biol Chem. 2003;278(13):11312–9.

1214. Bianconi E, Piovesan A, Facchin F, et al. An estimation of the number of cells in the human body. Ann Hum Biol. 2013;40(6):463–71.

1215. O’Connor CM, Adams JU. Essentials of Cell Biology. Cambridge, MA: NPG Education; 2010.

1216. Hauser AS, Attwood MM, Rask-Andersen M, Schiöth HB, Gloriam DE. Trends in GPCR drug discovery: new agents, targets and indications. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2017;16(12):829–42.

1217. Layden BT, Angueira AR, Brodsky M, Durai V, Lowe WL. Short chain fatty acids and their receptors: new metabolic targets. Transl Res. 2013;161(3):131–40.

1218. Kumari M, Kozyrskyj AL. Gut microbial metabolism defines host metabolism: an emerging perspective in obesity and allergic inflammation. Obes Rev. 2017;18(1):18–31.

1219. Brown AJ, Goldsworthy SM, Barnes AA, et al. The orphan G protein-coupled receptors GPR41 and GPR43 are activated by propionate and other short chain carboxylic acids. J Biol Chem. 2003;278(13):11312–9.

1220. Ang Z, Ding JL. GPR41 and GPR43 in obesity and inflammation—protective or causative? Front Immunol. 2016;7:28.

1221. McKenzie CI, Mackay CR, Macia L. GPR43—a prototypic metabolite sensor linking metabolic and inflammatory diseases. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2015;26(10):511–2.

1222. Jiao J, Xu JY, Zhang W, Han S, Qin LQ. Effect of dietary fiber on circulating C-reactive protein in overweight and obese adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2015;66(1):114–9.

1223. Halnes I, Baines KJ, Berthon BS, MacDonald-Wicks LK, Gibson PG, Wood LG. Soluble fibre meal challenge reduces airway inflammation and expression of GPR43 and GPR41 in asthma. Nutrients. 2017;9(1):57.

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