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Thanks for sharing about the Lima beans, very interesting. I’m always looking to get more fiber as we still need it, even with the DS.

One of the best books I’ve read recently is Super Gut by William Davis. Lots of great info about probiotics, prebiotics, SIBO, and SIFO. His recommendation is to use kefir or his super gut yogurt which is packed with different strains of cultures.
I started drinking kefir recently... to me it's a lot like ice cream... sweet and creamy. I probably don't do it often enough to make a difference

I remember reading William Davis when his concentration was on heart health and calcium channel scores. As near as I can make out, they (ccs) influence clinical decisions rarely. I think it was his book on heart health that started out with , paraphrasing, "if you smoke stop reading any further and stop smoking" which was a refreshing approach.

The guy I like to read about nutrition is Dr Greger, who has a set of videos at His personal ax is plant based diets, and he loves beans.

You do have to keep your perspective, For many with DS, fruit and veggies, for some reason, are a gateway food to cheese doodles and snickers bars, and have the same effect w.r.t weight gain.

But, if you can do it without gaining weight, high fiber foods are beneficial. The weird thing is that other beans caused me distress, but not lima beans
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