Taking a long scenic route!
This is going to be a very long post, so apologies in advance!
I need to know ‘what would you do if you were me’?
History: I had a 2 stage DS due to my high start weight of 644lbs. I had the sleeve portion Aug of 2010, lost 200lbs through diet and exercising 3 hours in the pool, 4 times a week. Had to keep that up for 3 years whilst I waited for my DS.
Finally got my DS Feb 2014, and I had mega complications that almost took my life. The short version is, I bled out so they sliced me open, open wound got infected, I didn’t wake up from anesthesia for 6 days. I only opened my eyes minutes before they were going to do a brain scan to see if I was still alive or if I was a vegetable. The open wound was elbow deep and over a foot wide, requiring in home nurses for 3 days short of a year. Once the wound healed, I had a huge incisional hernia (named him Ernie). And because I was in the hospital, bed bound for 3 weeks, my muscles suffered and the arthritis in my hips took hold. I could not longer stand up straight, nor could I walk without aids.
My arthritis got worse with every 10lbs lost. By the end I was on fentanyl patches AND fist fulls of pure codeine (I lived in England at the time and pure codeine, without Tylenol/paracetamol is totally legal).
In Sept 2015 I had my left hip replaced. It was a rough recovery but was pretty amazing as I had gone from 5’10 to 5’7 in just a year. It took 9 months to feel semi functional, but still had to walk with a cane due to my right hip.
Aug 2016 Ernie the Hernia was evicted and the door covered with biological mesh (apparently pig skin!). At the same time I also had a apronectomy/pannelectomy….basically belly hang, chopped off. My body rebelled and I went into a light malnutrition because…..you guessed it…..infection and open wound!!!! I have horrible medical luck! This would took 9 months to heal with visits from the same nurses who helped me in 2014. During this time of protein loaded and my body not accepting much of it, I reached my lowest, a glorious 232lbs. I was there for a day. One. Uno.
At this point I was malabsorbing mostly like a DSer. Needed lots of vits, protein and even infusions, I however still had to be mindful of calories, unlike 99% of the DSers I know.
Oct 2017 I got my right hip replaced. (By this point my weight was stable around 245lbs). Glorious relief at last! Recovery with this hip was much easier because it was not completely broken up into my pelvis like my left had been. I went cold turkey off of all opiates: do NOT recommend lmao.
Dec 2017 my husband was offered a job in the USA….we jumped at the chance to live in glorious New Mexico with tons of sun. After all the chaos of getting immigration visas (Im American and British, he is only British for now), selling our house in the UK and getting all of our stuff AND our animals sent over meant Stressy McStressy Pants. Weight stayed stable.
June 2018 we landed in the good ole USA. I was determined to lose back down to my lowest….I got down to 240lb again….and then it came back…with friends.
I have no been yo-yoing my way upwards. It’s depressing and scary. I watch my carbs, my protein, my fat, my cals. And I kid you not, I think fat is making me gain.
I know. I KNOW what you are thinking: we malabsorb fats, that impossible. Ha, is my response. I have never ever had any oil slicks….nor does fat help me poop….I’m still as solid as ever.
Living in a hotel room, I was pretty **** about my vits, yet somehow, my labs improved?!?!?! My ferritin went up, my PTH went down and my weight climbed to 255lb. I could starve myself back to the 240’s and I did that several times. Now my body is not playing ball, AT ALL.
Going back to basics doesn’t work anymore. My blood pressure has also run high since I moved back to the USA and I’ve toyed around with antidepressants that I have had to abandon because my blood pressure is being a bitch. The only thing that helps is hydrochlorothiazide but that sent me to the hospital with very low potassium.
I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed and I kinda hate myself, but I’m sat here at 280 most days….if I pee a lot I can get it down to 278…but I’ve been here for months and I’m so ashamed. I feel like a failure. I never thought it would be ME because I was such a model DSer.
Now for the question. I am considering contacting Dr K to see about a revision to my CC and AL because something is quite wrong with DS if I am absorbing vits from food and not malabsorbing fat or protein….oh yeah…protein went from chronically below the low to now above the high range. Once upon a time I had to eat 200g of protein to maintain my low without slipping into major malnutrition, now I can eat 80g and I’ve over the top. So yes, my DS HAS changed. My body is over compensating….great in caveman times, not so great now.
With all my near death issues with my DS, I’m scared of more surgery, but I am also terrified that my metabolism is shitting out like it was preop. Sure, I can look at pics of my 644lbs self and feel proud of where I am, but then I look at how much my body has changed in the last 2 years and I’m terrified. What would you do, if you eat like a DSer and are still MO and yo-yoing weight wise?
My surgeon would never confirm the size of my sleeve, but I do know my common channel is 70cm and my AL is 370, no other measurements are used in my report from Professor Patel.
I’m still thankful to my surgeon every damn day for helping me, but at this point, my spotted, zebra ass, unicorn toting body is pissing me the hell off. Sure I’m not 644lbs anymore, but I’m stuck at 280 and I swear if I ever hit 300 it will be the end of me. Seriously. So I need a game plan NOW.
I need to know ‘what would you do if you were me’?
History: I had a 2 stage DS due to my high start weight of 644lbs. I had the sleeve portion Aug of 2010, lost 200lbs through diet and exercising 3 hours in the pool, 4 times a week. Had to keep that up for 3 years whilst I waited for my DS.
Finally got my DS Feb 2014, and I had mega complications that almost took my life. The short version is, I bled out so they sliced me open, open wound got infected, I didn’t wake up from anesthesia for 6 days. I only opened my eyes minutes before they were going to do a brain scan to see if I was still alive or if I was a vegetable. The open wound was elbow deep and over a foot wide, requiring in home nurses for 3 days short of a year. Once the wound healed, I had a huge incisional hernia (named him Ernie). And because I was in the hospital, bed bound for 3 weeks, my muscles suffered and the arthritis in my hips took hold. I could not longer stand up straight, nor could I walk without aids.
My arthritis got worse with every 10lbs lost. By the end I was on fentanyl patches AND fist fulls of pure codeine (I lived in England at the time and pure codeine, without Tylenol/paracetamol is totally legal).
In Sept 2015 I had my left hip replaced. It was a rough recovery but was pretty amazing as I had gone from 5’10 to 5’7 in just a year. It took 9 months to feel semi functional, but still had to walk with a cane due to my right hip.
Aug 2016 Ernie the Hernia was evicted and the door covered with biological mesh (apparently pig skin!). At the same time I also had a apronectomy/pannelectomy….basically belly hang, chopped off. My body rebelled and I went into a light malnutrition because…..you guessed it…..infection and open wound!!!! I have horrible medical luck! This would took 9 months to heal with visits from the same nurses who helped me in 2014. During this time of protein loaded and my body not accepting much of it, I reached my lowest, a glorious 232lbs. I was there for a day. One. Uno.
At this point I was malabsorbing mostly like a DSer. Needed lots of vits, protein and even infusions, I however still had to be mindful of calories, unlike 99% of the DSers I know.
Oct 2017 I got my right hip replaced. (By this point my weight was stable around 245lbs). Glorious relief at last! Recovery with this hip was much easier because it was not completely broken up into my pelvis like my left had been. I went cold turkey off of all opiates: do NOT recommend lmao.
Dec 2017 my husband was offered a job in the USA….we jumped at the chance to live in glorious New Mexico with tons of sun. After all the chaos of getting immigration visas (Im American and British, he is only British for now), selling our house in the UK and getting all of our stuff AND our animals sent over meant Stressy McStressy Pants. Weight stayed stable.
June 2018 we landed in the good ole USA. I was determined to lose back down to my lowest….I got down to 240lb again….and then it came back…with friends.
I have no been yo-yoing my way upwards. It’s depressing and scary. I watch my carbs, my protein, my fat, my cals. And I kid you not, I think fat is making me gain.
I know. I KNOW what you are thinking: we malabsorb fats, that impossible. Ha, is my response. I have never ever had any oil slicks….nor does fat help me poop….I’m still as solid as ever.
Living in a hotel room, I was pretty **** about my vits, yet somehow, my labs improved?!?!?! My ferritin went up, my PTH went down and my weight climbed to 255lb. I could starve myself back to the 240’s and I did that several times. Now my body is not playing ball, AT ALL.
Going back to basics doesn’t work anymore. My blood pressure has also run high since I moved back to the USA and I’ve toyed around with antidepressants that I have had to abandon because my blood pressure is being a bitch. The only thing that helps is hydrochlorothiazide but that sent me to the hospital with very low potassium.
I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed and I kinda hate myself, but I’m sat here at 280 most days….if I pee a lot I can get it down to 278…but I’ve been here for months and I’m so ashamed. I feel like a failure. I never thought it would be ME because I was such a model DSer.
Now for the question. I am considering contacting Dr K to see about a revision to my CC and AL because something is quite wrong with DS if I am absorbing vits from food and not malabsorbing fat or protein….oh yeah…protein went from chronically below the low to now above the high range. Once upon a time I had to eat 200g of protein to maintain my low without slipping into major malnutrition, now I can eat 80g and I’ve over the top. So yes, my DS HAS changed. My body is over compensating….great in caveman times, not so great now.
With all my near death issues with my DS, I’m scared of more surgery, but I am also terrified that my metabolism is shitting out like it was preop. Sure, I can look at pics of my 644lbs self and feel proud of where I am, but then I look at how much my body has changed in the last 2 years and I’m terrified. What would you do, if you eat like a DSer and are still MO and yo-yoing weight wise?
My surgeon would never confirm the size of my sleeve, but I do know my common channel is 70cm and my AL is 370, no other measurements are used in my report from Professor Patel.
I’m still thankful to my surgeon every damn day for helping me, but at this point, my spotted, zebra ass, unicorn toting body is pissing me the hell off. Sure I’m not 644lbs anymore, but I’m stuck at 280 and I swear if I ever hit 300 it will be the end of me. Seriously. So I need a game plan NOW.