I went quiet (again) because it's going tits up!

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Taking a long scenic route!
Jan 23, 2014
New Mexico USA
This is going to be a very long post, so apologies in advance!

I need to know ‘what would you do if you were me’?

History: I had a 2 stage DS due to my high start weight of 644lbs. I had the sleeve portion Aug of 2010, lost 200lbs through diet and exercising 3 hours in the pool, 4 times a week. Had to keep that up for 3 years whilst I waited for my DS.

Finally got my DS Feb 2014, and I had mega complications that almost took my life. The short version is, I bled out so they sliced me open, open wound got infected, I didn’t wake up from anesthesia for 6 days. I only opened my eyes minutes before they were going to do a brain scan to see if I was still alive or if I was a vegetable. The open wound was elbow deep and over a foot wide, requiring in home nurses for 3 days short of a year. Once the wound healed, I had a huge incisional hernia (named him Ernie). And because I was in the hospital, bed bound for 3 weeks, my muscles suffered and the arthritis in my hips took hold. I could not longer stand up straight, nor could I walk without aids.

My arthritis got worse with every 10lbs lost. By the end I was on fentanyl patches AND fist fulls of pure codeine (I lived in England at the time and pure codeine, without Tylenol/paracetamol is totally legal).

In Sept 2015 I had my left hip replaced. It was a rough recovery but was pretty amazing as I had gone from 5’10 to 5’7 in just a year. It took 9 months to feel semi functional, but still had to walk with a cane due to my right hip.

Aug 2016 Ernie the Hernia was evicted and the door covered with biological mesh (apparently pig skin!). At the same time I also had a apronectomy/pannelectomy….basically belly hang, chopped off. My body rebelled and I went into a light malnutrition because…..you guessed it…..infection and open wound!!!! I have horrible medical luck! This would took 9 months to heal with visits from the same nurses who helped me in 2014. During this time of protein loaded and my body not accepting much of it, I reached my lowest, a glorious 232lbs. I was there for a day. One. Uno.

At this point I was malabsorbing mostly like a DSer. Needed lots of vits, protein and even infusions, I however still had to be mindful of calories, unlike 99% of the DSers I know.

Oct 2017 I got my right hip replaced. (By this point my weight was stable around 245lbs). Glorious relief at last! Recovery with this hip was much easier because it was not completely broken up into my pelvis like my left had been. I went cold turkey off of all opiates: do NOT recommend lmao.

Dec 2017 my husband was offered a job in the USA….we jumped at the chance to live in glorious New Mexico with tons of sun. After all the chaos of getting immigration visas (Im American and British, he is only British for now), selling our house in the UK and getting all of our stuff AND our animals sent over meant Stressy McStressy Pants. Weight stayed stable.

June 2018 we landed in the good ole USA. I was determined to lose back down to my lowest….I got down to 240lb again….and then it came back…with friends.

I have no been yo-yoing my way upwards. It’s depressing and scary. I watch my carbs, my protein, my fat, my cals. And I kid you not, I think fat is making me gain.

I know. I KNOW what you are thinking: we malabsorb fats, that impossible. Ha, is my response. I have never ever had any oil slicks….nor does fat help me poop….I’m still as solid as ever.

Living in a hotel room, I was pretty **** about my vits, yet somehow, my labs improved?!?!?! My ferritin went up, my PTH went down and my weight climbed to 255lb. I could starve myself back to the 240’s and I did that several times. Now my body is not playing ball, AT ALL.

Going back to basics doesn’t work anymore. My blood pressure has also run high since I moved back to the USA and I’ve toyed around with antidepressants that I have had to abandon because my blood pressure is being a bitch. The only thing that helps is hydrochlorothiazide but that sent me to the hospital with very low potassium.

I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed and I kinda hate myself, but I’m sat here at 280 most days….if I pee a lot I can get it down to 278…but I’ve been here for months and I’m so ashamed. I feel like a failure. I never thought it would be ME because I was such a model DSer.

Now for the question. I am considering contacting Dr K to see about a revision to my CC and AL because something is quite wrong with DS if I am absorbing vits from food and not malabsorbing fat or protein….oh yeah…protein went from chronically below the low to now above the high range. Once upon a time I had to eat 200g of protein to maintain my low without slipping into major malnutrition, now I can eat 80g and I’ve over the top. So yes, my DS HAS changed. My body is over compensating….great in caveman times, not so great now.

With all my near death issues with my DS, I’m scared of more surgery, but I am also terrified that my metabolism is shitting out like it was preop. Sure, I can look at pics of my 644lbs self and feel proud of where I am, but then I look at how much my body has changed in the last 2 years and I’m terrified. What would you do, if you eat like a DSer and are still MO and yo-yoing weight wise?

My surgeon would never confirm the size of my sleeve, but I do know my common channel is 70cm and my AL is 370, no other measurements are used in my report from Professor Patel.

I’m still thankful to my surgeon every damn day for helping me, but at this point, my spotted, zebra ass, unicorn toting body is pissing me the hell off. Sure I’m not 644lbs anymore, but I’m stuck at 280 and I swear if I ever hit 300 it will be the end of me. Seriously. So I need a game plan NOW.
I'm so sorry! It sounds as though you are in a panic. Give yourself a break and some time. You have been through a lot. You've only been in the USA for 1 year and started out living in a hotel room (are you living somewhere more stable now?). That is big-time stress. I'm sure there was a lot of stress eating involved (there would have been for me!). I bet you were not sleeping well either. Go low carb (<50 gms), get in your protein, work with your trainer, do therapy, and give yourself some time.
I’m embarrassed. I’m ashamed and I kinda hate myself, but I’m sat here at 280 most days….if I pee a lot I can get it down to 278…but I’ve been here for months and I’m so ashamed. I feel like a failure. I never thought it would be ME because I was such a model DSer.

I can't address your DS questions but smart people who know will be along soon. I just wanted to say please, please do whatever it takes to work on these feelings. you are SO NOT A FAILURE!!!!


I’m stuck at 280 and I swear if I ever hit 300 it will be the end of me.

I think I understand exactly how you feel - honestly - but hyperbole will not help you. fearing some random number - like 300 - while totally understandable!!!!! - would not be the end of anything.

you survived at 600+, for god's sake.

seriously, I'm glad you are back and, wow, can't believe how much you have lived through. you are very, very strong.

I'm so sorry! It sounds as though you are in a panic. Give yourself a break and some time. You have been through a lot. You've only been in the USA for 1 year and started out living in a hotel room (are you living somewhere more stable now?). That is big-time stress. I'm sure there was a lot of stress eating involved (there would have been for me!). I bet you were not sleeping well either. Go low carb (<50 gms), get in your protein, work with your trainer, do therapy, and give yourself some time.

I haven't sleep well for what feels like years. I was trialed on Hydroxiyzine and it helped for 2 weeks....then I was put on trazodone...worked great for 2 weeks.

Yes, Im in stable accommodation. We bought a house Aug 1 2018.

And hell yeah I'm in a panic lol. I cry every time I look in the mirror of step on the scale! I looked so good and tiny at 232! :(

I also went on prozac last July.....sleep problems got worse and I started gaining...as I explained to the dr I would as I seem super sensitive to that...so was put on Welbutrin as well...worked miracles.....including the miracle of taking someone who had low bp previously and made it dangerously high :(

I'm so frustrated! I was ok-ish at 250 on wellbutrin...but damn, my bp was not controllable with any meds besides hydrochorothyzide ...and that landed me in the ER with 2.5 potassium.
I can't address your DS questions but smart people who know will be along soon. I just wanted to say please, please do whatever it takes to work on these feelings. you are SO NOT A FAILURE!!!!


I think I understand exactly how you feel - honestly - but hyperbole will not help you. fearing some random number - like 300 - while totally understandable!!!!! - would not be the end of anything.

you survived at 600+, for god's sake.

seriously, I'm glad you are back and, wow, can't believe how much you have lived through. you are very, very strong.


I meant the end of me mentally. I cannot explain how much this regain has shamed me into silence in the shadows. I was so close. I was CONVINCED I would be the female who started near 650 and made it to 199....I was so stubborn and I had it in me.....except I didn't and now not only did I fail that, I am collecting pounds like its going to be a million $ collection after it ages. :(

Sense of humour still in tact, but I can laugh and cry at the same time.
We all struggle with weight. Nothing to be ashamed of here!

What are you eating? Can you tweak your food choices? One thing Dr. K. recommends for DSers is to eat a whole food diet. Meaning, no processed foods. Can you clean up your diet and eat one food ingredients from the grocery store such as "chicken", "beef", "veg", "fruit", etc. He also recommends moderate fat, not high fats. Also, practice mindfulness and eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Get in some type of exercise daily. Weigh yourself once per week. If you gain, look at what you ate that week and see if you can identify the problem to cut back your intake if needed. Do not starve yourself. Then, let the rest go. Concentrate on your life rather than on your body weight.
I meant the end of me mentally. I cannot explain how much this regain has shamed me into silence in the shadows. I was so close. I was CONVINCED I would be the female who started near 650 and made it to 199....I was so stubborn and I had it in me.....except I didn't and now not only did I fail that, I am collecting pounds like its going to be a million $ collection after it ages. :(

Sense of humour still in tact, but I can laugh and cry at the same time.

Wow Roo I'm sho hsppy to hear from you. Yea if I were you I'd call dr K. He will find out and fix you. Don't feel ashamed you didn't fail if anything it failed you. Good luck
OMG, it's SO good to see you back here after so long! But sorry to hear you are struggling yet again.
There is no, I repeat, NO reason for you to feel ashamed. You are a great person no matter what number appears on the scale. Your weight does not define you. As to where to go from here, I would say to continue all the good stuff you are doing and a consult with Dr. K is a good idea because it's a way to learn more about your options without committing you to anything. And certainly, if you were to have any further surgery, given your history, it's imperative that you be in the best of hands.
Now no more avoiding us! Keep us posted on how you are doing, and enjoy your new life in the sunny USA.
I always go quiet when I struggle...be it with weight, with mental health...with anything. I hide!

Life in the USA is amazing!!!!!

I can walk a mile at the dog park with the hubz and dog. I've been white water rafting TWICE...the last time on Saturday. I've been camping on a lakeside where hiking down rocks was required. Last Thursday I returned from a 2,000 mile/4.5 day road tip...went to Tetons, Yellowstone and hiked a bit around Arches National Park.

So I AM living a good life....I'm just sad, frustrated and feeling fat, which is ludicrous in some ways because when I got here coming down, I felt small lol, but being here having gone up, I feel huge!

I emailed Dr K with this post, asking for some input.
And this is why I went quiet lol...I was just told I need to control myself and live off of tofu, salad and brown rice....from a DSer. So yeah. I'm going to go cry for a minute.
And this is why I went quiet lol...I was just told I need to control myself and live off of tofu, salad and brown rice....from a DSer. So yeah. I'm going to go cry for a minute.
Do not let idiots beat you down or cause you to cry. I saw the particular person who posted that. She’s as close to a vegan as one can be as a DSer. She’s a “disciple” of Dr. Garth, who use to do the DS but only does VSG now cause he believes in no meat ever. I’ve tried to rein her in on that group but she’s convinced her way is best. So I let her but I also let others tell her she’s screwy. I saw you told her how her advice made you feel. Good for you. Don’t let others rain on your parade.

You have done awesome things, esp since moving to NM. Hell, two rafting trips recently? That is phenomenal.

Emailing Dr. K was a good step.
I've spent hours and hours reading every blog post Dr K has ever made lol. Wouldn't you know it, there are a few about DSers who need a revision for weight gain/insufficient weight loss. So, I'm feeling more hopeful than I was. I'm refreshing my inbox as if a surgeon isn't performing surgery but sitting on his emails lol. I'm impatient.

I think I may have gotten Mike on board. He obviously has SERIOUS reservations, but he willingly checked our insurance for me and texted me back with hearts lol...so that's something! I'm well aware having WLS before may exclude me from being covered, but it is a step in the right direction from Mike support-wise.

On Dr K's website he also says the DS revision/re-do, is the easiest of all revisions...so I'm a little less scared.

I will keep you all updated because I may be a medical weirdo, but maybe, just maybe, there is someone out there like me who hides even more!
Condolence for the problems

You don't mention how long the original CC and AC are... My understanding is that this is the big knob to twist when you go back to change things ( basically, make the cc smaller). If you are already at 50 cm CC, I'll let the more experienced members chime in as to what can be done. I have no idea if obstructions or other complications can cause these problems

My second understanding is that what gets in the way of revisions is adhesions (scar tissue). You might want to track down the surgeons report for your first and second procedure to send to the new consulting surgeon.

As to feelings of failure, I just look at these things as a toss of the genetic dice. Have you heard of SIRTI 6? Well, some mice were genetically engineered to over/under ( I forget which) express a protein/enzyme called SIRTI 6. The control group of normal mice with normal SIRTI 6 were divided into two groups , one fed a low fat diet the other a high fat diet. The ones on the low fat stayed slim, the ones on the high fat got fat, nothing new there. The genetically engineered ones were similarly divided into two groups.. one fed a low fat diet, one a high fat diet... both stayed slim.. whoa.. a genetic role of the dice

I'm not saying you have over/under expressed SIRTI-6 (who knows if it works the same in humans), but I'm pretty sure something similar is going on. You lost that role of the genetic dice

OTOH, I'm pretty sure you are alert oriented and continent (as my wife the step down nurse puts it), and , more than that literate and socially engaging... not so bad a toss of the dice

Good Luck

70 cc and 370 AL

Yeah....the family joke is, we don't have a gene pool, we have a cess pool!

Thanks for the info :)

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