What's your "too full" signal?


Yankee gone south
Jan 3, 2014
South Carolina
So I remember reading about some people getting a runny nose if they eat too much or too fast, and some get hiccups. I think mine might be sneezing, is that a thing?

When I'm home, I make it a point to eat slowly- I put my fork down between bites or I take breaks or I do other things while I'm eating so I take my time, but for some reason, when I go out to eat I think I can eat like the old me again and I get stuffed in a few minutes. Then the sneezing fit starts. At first I thought it was a weird coincidence, I do get sneezy sometimes for no apparent reason, but I started thinking back and it has happened at least 7 times that I can think of when I was out to eat so I don't think it's much of a coincidence anymore. So, does anyone else get the sneezies?

This is what Google tells me, http://www.healthmedicinemagazine.com/gustatory-rhinitis/ and it makes sense to me since I've had to blow my nose a lot everyday since surgery. It's not that I'm sick, just kinda like allergy runny nose, but with no other symptoms. Hmmmm
Yes, it is:p I get a little runny nose sometimes and other times I do multiple sneezes. I was out to dinner and sneezed at least 7 times. This little boy behind my started fake sneezing and his parents were mortified. I thought it was hilarious.
Yes, it is:p I get a little runny nose sometimes and other times I do multiple sneezes. I was out to dinner and sneezed at least 7 times. This little boy behind my started fake sneezing and his parents were mortified. I thought it was hilarious.
I'm glad to know I'm not alone! :)
Lately it's just an uncomfortable feeling above the diaphragm. Was a slightly drippy nose. I'm still learning to keep my bite size MUCH SMALLER than I was used to before. I've mastered the "put the fork down and clear the plate" when it happens, which I consider to be a major victory for me!
Yes, I sometimes sneeze, which can be a little scary when you are full. When it is multiples sometimes it gags me a little. Most of the time it is hic-ups for me.
My nose runs - a lot. I have to get up and run to the bathroom if I overdo at a restaurant (which is what I still often do, since the food is so yummy).
Gotta say, I'm a little relived to know I'm not alone! It's especially mortifying when I sneeze 5 or more times in a row and then I feel like I'm going to throw up across the table :eek:
Wow. I had no idea other folks was experiencing similar things.

My nose runs sometime too.. And the hiccups. Sometimes I get a little pressure - almost like a phantom limb sensation where my stomach. Kinda tells me I'm full - and I'm like - wait a sec - My stomach isn't *really* in use - it's my pouch. Anyway - interesting sensations when full. It's a WLS thang folks LOL

If I get to the signal, a hiccough, it's too late. Before that, it crosses my mind I am full, and I must stop there...
Oh. My.....My nose gets a little runny and I sometimes have pretty wild hiccups....I had no idea it was related to being full....Brilliant. I'm glad I stumbled across this!
Wish I had an early warning signal. I just get an instantaneous and overwhelming feeling of regret accompanied by the sensation of Thanksgiving dinner overload of years past...

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