what's your favorite vice?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
by vice I guess I mean something that isn't good for you but is relatively harmless...so, coffee but not cocaine, you know?

mine is coffee for sure, and I'm at an adorable coffee shop having some right now.

it might be completely harmless for some, but with my acid reflux (not to mention anxiety!!) it's not the best idea. my current philosophy is it's okay to have once a week.

I am reminded of a chapter in Little Women, where the sisters are sending letters to their Mom who went to nurse their Father. their housekeeper writes about the girls reassuring Mrs. March that she is keeping them on wholesome food and only lets them have coffee once a week.

I am specifically not calling sugar a vice because I find it TOO harmful, at least currently. curious what others think.

what's your vice?
I was in Barcelona last week... Catalan coffee...go for the good stuff cafe solo...with sugar(apologies)

Doesn't do me a bit of harm so it's not a major vice... except that it keeps me returning to Barcelona.. not bad as minor vices go

That, and a local dish of beans duck chicken and pork sausage called cassoulet... now there's a vice.. except that it's good for getting your protein quota
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I can't stand coffee and often think it smells. I used to love ice cream particularly Bluebell and pop but it just doesn't do it for me. I haven't had a hankering for it and the frozen yogurt tore up my guts. The pop is too fizzy and can hardly swallow it. But I have a non food vice of a huge makeup and nail polish/nail art hoard. I have to to remind myself often that I don't need anymore because I find more stuff that I think I need all the time.

I do enjoy bacon cheeseburgers a lot lately! I always am willing to eat it. Not quite a vice though.
I love the smell of coffee....

make up as a vice? I can understand that. any kind of shopping/collecting I get.
I aggressively chew bubblemint gum. A lot of it all day at work. :) It really kicked in once I stopped biting my fingernails a few years ago.

Coffee, I could take it or leave it.
not sure that bubblegum is a vice - unless you chew it so loudly it annoys your co-workers?!

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