support for Roo

Ya know, when I used to fuss about having my hair colored every 8 weeks, my stylist thought I was being a bit obsessive and told me to use a sharpie or mascara to cover the few greys that were annoying me in between colorings.

Eight weeks!? I am every three!
haha I have a streak...on my usual I did my hair a bit different and it was also pushed up by shades :) I enjoyed the heck out of today :) When I came down with my hair and makeup done, mike said, hey I recognise you ;)
Well, you're way ahead of me there, 'Roo. I'm afraid my face hasn't seen any make-up since before my surgery. Maybe I'll give it a go tomorrow for my bub's birthday party. It's about time, I guess ;).
Well, you're way ahead of me there, 'Roo. I'm afraid my face hasn't seen any make-up since before my surgery. Maybe I'll give it a go tomorrow for my bub's birthday party. It's about time, I guess ;).

I always feel better with hair and makeup done. I don't feel like "me" otherwise. But I also don't have children of my own and the hubz helps me a lot so I have energy to do things like makeup and hair :)

Enjoy the party tomorrow :)
You look absolutely amazing! About the brown on your neck I believe it is some kind of antiseptic they use and it will eventually wear off. Happy you got some sun on your beautiful face. Happier that you are feeling better today.
Keep that hood down!!!! You look wonderful. Beautiful eyes and an amazing complexion. Such bonne mine, despite all you've been through!

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