Seasonal Affective Disorder


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
is what I hope this is: other wise I'm drying of something! I am dragging, really dragging and SO freaking irritable. it's so hard to work all day. I have 3 big really strong cups of coffee and can function so-so all morning and then I am just phoning it in until I leave work...come home and want to EAT and EAT and EAT and SLEEP and never, ever get my ass off the couch. BOO!

I had one of those light boxes in OR and I donated it to charity like a dumb ass. what was I thinking? oh, I was thinking I can get enough sun here in NV. not if I am at work during all the daylight hours!

GAH! :badmood:
I tan for this same issue. Getting ready to gear back into it as I type. This is the worst time of year for my depression. I call it "depression" because "wanting to shoot people" is not politically correct and will get me in legal trouble. And also because I no longer have access to a back yard to bury the dead people, having moved into a rental unit.
Same here! Although the change of scenery last year (moving from NY to SC) definitely helped since there's not nearly as much snow, and a good deal more sun, it still sucks. It's like I go into mourning as soon as the clocks get turned back and that first Sunday after we turn them ahead in the spring feels like Christmas! I hate, hate, HATE coming home in the dark. The good news is that in less than a week the days will start getting longer again!
Did the light-box thing help? I'm having a rough patch again.. and it's getting rougher. I'm not going to get back onto wellbutrin as I hate the side-effects, but am going to start back on SAM-e again, slowly. Last time I was taking it, I had some horrible gut-cramping after being on it for months.. but it does work for me and pretty quickly. I need to do something.. this will not go well for me physically if I don't intervene in some way. I also KNOW I need to bump the endorphins naturally by, oh, maybe walking or moving or something like that.. but my mood has turned me into a slug that wants to avoid all.
Did the light-box thing help? I'm having a rough patch again.. and it's getting rougher. I'm not going to get back onto wellbutrin as I hate the side-effects, but am going to start back on SAM-e again, slowly. Last time I was taking it, I had some horrible gut-cramping after being on it for months.. but it does work for me and pretty quickly. I need to do something.. this will not go well for me physically if I don't intervene in some way. I also KNOW I need to bump the endorphins naturally by, oh, maybe walking or moving or something like that.. but my mood has turned me into a slug that wants to avoid all.

My husband is, I finally figured put, doing some of this. It got cool, so he got out of the pool. Then it got cold, so he stays indoors. He has gained weight (he has a cardiac hx and should not do this) and, other than taking care of me which must be very uplifting, he does nothing. He bought a new leaf blower. I thought he'd at least go outside and blow some leaves away from the pool...but the most exercise he got was walking around Home Depot looking for it.

I need to send him to a tanning place...asap!
I hear you. I swear I have this too. I HATE winter and that it's dark at 5 pm. I just want to hibernate until spring - actually until after the rain in the spring is over because I HATE the dog tracking all the damn mud in the house!

Man this insurance issue is making me bitchy. Mad
that "mad" in the previous post was supposed to be a cute emoticon that reflected my bitchy mood. ugh
I was just looking at one of those lights at Costco. Then some lady told my 87yo mom who was using a walker to move out of the isle because she was slowing down traffic. I went nuts, and even though she was beyond rude to say that to a durdling old woman, I probably should have just told her to STFU and go around. But no, it was completely necessary to rip her a new one, then go eat two pieces of pumpkin pie. I need that light before anyone gets hurt and I regain my previous pumpkin-like physique.
Jo, I honestly don't know if it helped. I can't remeber anything, seriously.

Bearmom - who kind of idiot acts like that? :mad1: but yes, PIE.
@bearmom , I have, in fact, tore a complete stranger a new hole to poop out of for a similar offense. A woman once dared to touch my son in a store. He was looking at gum, and she took it from him and "steered" him towards me, whilst chastizing him. I went off like an effing rocket. Do NOT touch my child, you sanctimonious church lady wanna be.

I started tanning today. Got out of the bed, it's a Wolf, exactly like the one I considered buying 2 years ago but didn't. This town is tiny, and the salon has two really nice beds. Super clean, too. No music, though.
I might just try and tough it out til spring...not sure. if I go to walking the dogs before work (and work later in the day, then) I might get enough light just being outside for that time. maybe.

tell us how you feel after tanning, Sheanie - how long does it take to help?

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