Oh my Flying Spaghetti Monster...5.5 inches?!?!

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Yup...when I eat the wrong thing...usually over-processed white stuff like flour, sugar and so on...my gut hates it and I get bloated and miserable.

Last night, when I was feeling AWFUL, I measured my waist. This morning, after spending the night eating simethicone and a couple of bathroom trips early today, I remeasured.

When I am bloated, my waist apparently increases by 5.5 inches. M.I.S.E.R.A.B.L.E, I tell you. Isn't that like THREE clothing sizes? And the worst part? I don't recall eating any offending food. Unless...unless...that half of an English muffin was from HIS bread stash and my gluten-free one is in the freezer. I hate self-inflicted pain.

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