is it hot where you are?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
it's 99 right now but it's supposed to get worse :( next week the forecast high is over 100 for five days. :eek:

thank goodness I have AC but it's just a "window unit" that is stuck in the wall.

what's it like where you are?
It's 84 and of course humid. We have central air. Our family room is one of 3 room additions so we have window unit in it.

I heard in some parts there is supposed to be a "polar vortex" in the next couple weeks. The high temps in those areas will have highs in the 60's. I didn't catch what area though.
Currently highs in the mid 80's, lows around 50. Usually humidity levels virtually never exceed 25% in this part of MT in summer, but yesterday we had a genuinely sticky day with levels around 75% until early afternoon, when it dried up to 50% or so. It should all burn off today.
Absolutely gorgeous here in Seattle! Little warm (for us) in the upper 80's low 90's in places, but overall the kind of weather that makes putting up with all the rain worth it!
I am in Twin Falls today supposed to hit 101, ugh! I hate the heat. It will be hot when we head home this afternoon.
Hot! And I love it. Thyroid problems and weight loss make me intolerant of cold, but do run the AC for a while. The worst part is that we have to crate the dogs if we want to go somewhere. They are destructive little maniacs if left alone.
Currently highs in the mid 80's, lows around 50. Usually humidity levels virtually never exceed 25% in this part of MT in summer

I consider this perfect summer weather, EN - you are so smart to be there! is hot...but where I used to live, every October, I'd look at Mr. Sue and ask, "So...summer? We had that? And it's done now?" That's life at the beach.
@Elizabeth N. , if you don't want to answer that's fine but where in MT are you? I'm your upstairs neighbor in Alberta... Right now in northern Alberta working on the rigs but my home base is southern Alberta about 4 hrs away from Great Falls. Not asking for a meetup or anthing (I'm not a stalker :)); just curious.
ROAD TRIP!!!!!! I'm in Jefferson County near Boulder, so I think it's about two hours to Great Falls. Come on down and spend a night or two, I'd LOVE to meet up. I'll be headed back to NJ on Labor Day weekend.

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