How long did your post-surgery exhaustion last?

Marquis Mark

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
Had my surgery 12 days ago. Overall, I'd say I'm recovering very well except I feel like an Amazonian tree sloth with congestive heart failure. Taking a shower is my big athletic feat of the day. I used to walk four miles a day. Now I'm lucky to get around the block once. Liquids are no problem. I'm up to about 60 gms liquid protein/day. I've even been able to start some chew-able vits with no problem.

How long did the funk last in you?
Well, I am not normal but I have yet to recover. Battling nutritional deficiency has zapped me, but I am told most people bonce back pretty well in a month. I actually started feeling a lot better after about three months. I have just never consistently felt strong for more than a few weeks.
You went through a major surgery and you aren't getting a ton of nutrition right now, but you will feel a little better everyday and one day will realize you are back to normal. A week or two from now I bet you will be feeling much better.
I had my RNY to DS revision (and a hernia repair) 24 days ago and went back to work after 17 days. I felt well enough but fatigue soon crept up on me 4 hours into a 15 hour tour. My batteries ran dry ... felt exhausted. It takes quite a while to build up ones stamina after major surgery and I've found that mine is building quickly the more I walk and take in fluids.
Your body is still working hard to repair you so fatigue is inevitable. Keep achieving small victories by walking further and the stamina will come but at the same time listen to your body if you tire.
For most people, it takes 2-6 months to recover from surgery. Remember, while the outside incisions may have healed, the insides are still swollen and pissed as hell at you. THAT part takes more time to recover. At three months out, I had more energy than I knew what to do I stripped wallpaper, painted, and tiled a kitchen and bathroom.
I'm 5.5 weeks out and definitely do not have my energy back. Although I can power walk 2-4 miles, I come home and sit like a log for an hour... or more. Yesterday morning I had diarrhea from something I had eaten the night before and had to take a nap at 10:30am. (I NEVER nap. I can't imagine napping in the morning.) I just feel I don't have any "stores" of energy left so it doesn't take much to knock me on my ass.
It takes a while and Les, my man, you went back awfully early. I was a virgin DS and was scheduled to go back after 3 weeks but I had a kidney stone that weekend that put me in the hospital for three days. My surgeon thought it might be an ulcer or leak so he was watching it. A CT revealed the stone so urologist when in to get it but pushed it back into my kidney so I got a lovely stent for 10 days (talk about peeing blood). In any case, when I say I was going back to work after 3 weeks I was going to work four hours a day from home. The stone and hospital visit (NPO for a couple days) set me back a good month. It was 6 weeks before I went back and then it was half days for a little while before I could get the strength to do a full day.
@Marquis Mark it was every bit of 2 months for me. I would take a shower and then have a nap I would be so worn out. I was off work 5 weeks then back to a desk job for ½ days for a couple - however, I knew on the second or 3rd day back, if I had to drive to the office I never would have made it. My commute was up the steps as I work from home.

Be easy with yourself. It will come.
Wow. Those are some pretty long recovery times. I've got another 20 days until I'm scheduled to return to teaching on Jan. 11. I'll only be going back half time to start, but, feeling as I do now, the thought of standing up there explaining and answering question after question seems pretty dreadful.
Wow. Those are some pretty long recovery times. I've got another 20 days until I'm scheduled to return to teaching on Jan. 11. I'll only be going back half time to start, but, feeling as I do now, the thought of standing up there explaining and answering question after question seems pretty dreadful.
You might not be all the way back, but 20 days will make a big difference.
Everyone is different. I was a few days shy of 50 when I had my DS, and went back to work on day 20. I spent the first week by working 4, 4.5, 5, 6 and 7 hours, then it was a 3 day weekend, and then I was back to work full time, at a desk job. I was tired a lot. But I did a cross-country business trip (SF to DC and NYC, where I gave a talk) at 5 weeks, a trip to Paris (part business, part vacay with a friend who had ovarian cancer and was between chemo rounds, so we were both moving a bit slowly) at 8 weeks, and then at 2.5 months, a 10 day trip back to Paris, London and Edinburgh with my husband (one day giving a talk in London, the rest vacay). I was NOT climbing mountains (though Edinburgh Castle was close!), and resting a lot, but I managed.

I think one of the key things is there is a point - which is different for everyone - where the slowly improving exhaustion from the surgery crosses with the trajectory of improvement that comes from the weight loss and then suddenly - you feel GOOD. Your strength is coming back (remember, your legs were really strong to carry your fat self around) and there's less of you to carry around. For me, at 5 weeks, when I got on the plane to fly to DC, and the goddamned seat belt snapped without an extender and the tray table went all the way down, was a threshold moment. Made a huge difference in the 4 12 hour flights in weeks 8 and 11.
It took a full two months for me to feel like I had good energy throughout the day. That newborn foal feeling gets better, I promise!
Wow. Those are some pretty long recovery times. I've got another 20 days until I'm scheduled to return to teaching on Jan. 11. I'll only be going back half time to start, but, feeling as I do now, the thought of standing up there explaining and answering question after question seems pretty dreadful.
See if you can perch on a stool while teaching?
I'm dealing with the tiredness more now than I was thexpecting first week. Once I started eating pureed food I started to feel it.

I went for my 2 week checkup yesterday and everything is healing nicely but that trip took it out of me. I slept about 9 hours last night and I'm napping off and on today.

I can't wait to get some energy back. I do feel good when I first wake-up for about an hour, then the tiredness kicks back in.

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