How did you find out about Bariatric Facts?


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
How did you learn about Bariatric Facts as a new source of information and support?

Were you contacted by a member?

Learned about us on FB?

Another WLS board, if so which one?

An internet search? Which search engine and what terms did you use to search?

And then:
What can you do to help promote and grow BF?

While we have had good growth so far, we need to keep going. The more active members, the more content, etc. the better.

We have some ideas for promoting the site but it would help us focus our efforts if we know how our current members found us.
How did you learn about Bariatric Facts as a new source of information and support?

I got my OP date and after being away from another forum for a while I didn't realise people were gone for a couple of days....didn't want to stir the pot so I didn't ask I hit up google with "Elizabeth duodenal switch 2014" to find you lot lol. I knew either you or EN would come up somewhere in that search and BAM! There you were :) And the social media likeness of this forum has me HOOKED!!!!

And then:
What can you do to help promote and grow BF?

I linked it to my blog, don't want to put it on my FB as that's where lots of my family are and the WLS people I know are far out and not looking for support, or are jaded with the WLS community as a whole.

While we have had good growth so far, we need to keep going. The more active members, the more content, etc. the better.

I think I'm doing my part but chatting my head off lol. Trying to use as many keywords so google will lead people seeking information about weight loss surgery, specifically the duodenal switch, in 1 or 2 stages, here :)

We have some ideas for promoting the site but it would help us focus our efforts if we know how our current members found us.

Found you with my mad stalker skills and google, lol, not sure how that helps :p
I knew there was a new forum, but had no idea what it was called. I used stalker skills as well. "elizabeth niederer wls"; I guess that only works if one knows her from another WLS board. I used another name and only got hits for her as an attorney. I guess it will take time for this place to grow, yet it will be worth it.
I got an invite from Liz *feeling special*

I have done some sharing on facebook and mentioned "not for profit" and "no ads" I think it was. I have reached out to others from other sites when I can find them.

once people try the forum, I know they will like it!
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I found out on FB when I received an invite to like the page. About a week later I happened to notice on my PC a message in the Other message folder (wish I could we it on my phone) asking if I was interested in checking out BF.

I've shared the site on FB and sent some messages on FB and OH. Unfortunately many I know are no longer posting anywhere but FB but I'm not giving up trying. A few have joined although they aren't participating.
When on proboards someone had mentioned it. I called my daughter and said it's time to move again. Where to? Bariatric country. Southernlady friended us both. My 28yr. old is on social media, FB, tweet, whatever they are calling these sites these days, she has posted about
"Time to move again" is funny AND accurate. Oh, I still, visit the old places, but more of my time is spent here.
I found out when Kelly posted a poll on whether or not you thought she ran the board like a dictatorship. I hadn't checked the board for a few days and wham! When Ianswered the poll all I said was I followed everyone when Diana was banned from OH. I thought back then OH was crazy and I would follow En and Diana along with the rest of the vets that mattered to me. When I came over here in my first post I asked En and Diana if we could stay put now. I have tried OH facebook and I hate the format. I can't remember who but I believe a couple of people sent me a PM to come here. I think one was Whit! Thank You! I have tried to post on proboards to the other DeeDee (Diane) because i know she has had a real hard go of it. I wish she would post here.I am trying to post more. I am trying to pay it forward. There are just so many of you that are way better at it than me.

I just remembered the other was @ginger ! Thank you!
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like Barb, I saw some dust up on proboards, so went looking at facebook, then found my way here. (I am rarely on PH since we moved to proboards)

Proboards, OH and some facebook sites provide strong "support" to newbies (read "we are here to make you feel good about all of your choices, and let's not confuse you with too many facts, that you don't want to hear"). Many of those newbies love that approach and are not prepared to engage in, or "listen" to direct, factual exchanges with differing views, which cause them to re-examine themselves. Yet many new pre and post ops are open to the intelligent exchange, once they see it in action, and respect for the site is built on this respect for the vets and the information they share
The link was listed on DSfacts. I am on other forums too, but this is by far my favorite. I am an adult and don't need things tiptoed around. Nor do I need four letter words "bleeped" for me. I need and want real information from real people. Don't get me wrong I have also gather good info on these other sites as well this forum just seems more like adults sitting down and having open discussions.
@southernlady, I think I saw you mention it on Facebook, so I decided to come check it out. I hadn't been on Proboards in ages, so I missed the kerfuffle, but went back early this year as my surgery date drew closer. That's when I realised something was very wrong. Unfortunately, I couldn't read the relevant posts to try to work out what happened as they were in a protected area and I hadn't posted enough to have access to it. I've got a fair idea now, though, from the "chron" discussion here in R&R. I still go there from time-to-time because there are some people I would like to hear from, like Leonie, for example. But I find I am so uncomfortable when I go there now, I probably won't be doing it for much longer.

Anyway, this is more than you asked for, Liz, but I do love this board. I feel at home here. I do still ask questions on FB because it's often easier (it's hard to know where my question belongs here sometimes - on FB it doesn't matter), and I'm more likely to get an answer on FB (more quickly, at least). More serious/important, less personal/individual questions I prefer to ask here. Iow. questions I think will help other people too, and that would be good to have as a reference later.

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