Cannabis as medicine


Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
The Sacred Plant is a series of videos I have found some good information in even though it's also pretty annoying (too woo, preachy, etc), at times. I don't particularly like the couple who "host" it, for example. The link I posted I hope takes you to where you can see Season Two this weekend for free (while they keep encouraging you to buy it). seven videos (lots of repeat info, however, they could all be a lot shorter) depending on if you want to see people talk about using it for pain, cancer, PTSD, pets, etc.

I also want to share which is actually a much better source of info but it's always available (while the sacred plant videos are only there sometimes, like this weekend) - this is the site of a doctor in Maine who is an excellent source to learn about microdosing, which is more my speed. even more so since I went off lexapro!

Spiky Bugger - I was wondering how you are finding it for pain?

ETA: I tried to make clear the SP videos may be flawed - and if anyone sees info in there they feel is scientifically just wrong, please post it, that's fine! but our federal government has literally and deliberately demonized cannabis for decades now and it's time for people to talk about it. it's CRIMINAL to watch video of it stopping seizures in a child or tremors in a man with parkinson's while realizing the government continues to classify it as having NO medical value.

the doctor at is having very good results using cannabis to wean people off opioids which are MUCH more dangerous.
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I love it for sleep. And I have some real, sort of, evidence that it works. I have worn a fitbit for years. Keeps me aware of my physical activity. It tracks my sleep. How many hours I get, how many times I wake up, and how restless I am. My fitbit knows the difference and I am much less restless and wake up less. I also sleep more.

I take indica based edibles. I don't feel high or tired, I just sleep better. I think the stuff you smoke works better and faster but it was too harsh for me. I almost choked up a lung. I don't take it all the time because it is too expensive. Probably costs more than real sleeping pills. Considering that it is a weed, it is very overpriced here. I keep waiting for the prices to go down to Colorado or Oregon levels but it's not happening. If it was more affordable I would take it more. I keep thinking about growing some!
I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called A Life Of Its Own about the health benefits (that you can see with children that have seizures, and others with cancer, etc). As dramatic and powerful as that is the research that has been going on in Israel for the past 50 years is very compelling as well. There are a few other docs there as well.
The Sacred Plant is a series of videos I have found some good information

I'm watching episode 7 now and it's pretty good. I really liked 6, as well, which talked about use for geriatric patients and also pets. turns out dogs are much more sensitive to dose than people so you can't just go by their weight. and a Vet was interviewed who said he could write about cannabis for pets in his book (and he has) but if he talks about it with a patient in his office he could lose his licence. WTF?? :banghead:
I'm watching episode 7 now and it's pretty good. I really liked 6, as well, which talked about use for geriatric patients and also pets. turns out dogs are much more sensitive to dose than people so you can't just go by their weight. and a Vet was interviewed who said he could write about cannabis for pets in his book (and he has) but if he talks about it with a patient in his office he could lose his licence. WTF?? :banghead:
So they are counting on dogs to report? The owner is not the patient, the animal is and the last time I looked, animals don’t actually talk the same way humans do.
until I watched the video I didn't know this - they can make and sell cannabis products for pets but currently your vet can't talk to you about it, at least in California.

makes no sense to me, but they are trying to change the law. quick google.
So they are counting on dogs to report? The owner is not the patient, the animal is and the last time I looked, animals don’t actually talk the same way humans do.
Nor do they read as best I know. Therefore, I giggled at the sign in our neighborhood: Dogs. Don't pee on this bush.

Back to cannabis, my PCP has recommended it, but it is not legal in TN. However, we are going to CO next year if I can hold out. I need to eat more and just can't stand food or protein drinks. We all know what happens to a WLS patient who doesn't comply. I'm working on increasing my protein intake.
Mostly a lurker but thank you for posting every time this subject is brought up in my fb support groups it gets deleted. I gained about 100lbs on gabapentin in the last year and a half have switched to cbd oil and no more nerve pain or weight gain. I happen to be Canadian so won't even have to worry about legalities soon or prescriptions.
I'm still learning.

And I ended up with a nerve pain dx this time, with a new (to me), closer to home ortho...and I don't know shit...except that I now have a Physical Therapy Rx.

I SUSPECT that whilst dealing with my usual SI joint pain, I somehow injured a nerve...or maybe the doctor doing the injections hit a nerve...because that's when pain got horrific...after the first injection. I started to get relief on Thursday, after about two months of disabling pain.

Previously, using CBD oil, a vape pen and some edibles, I cut my hydrocodone use by 2/3s. But it costs a damn fortune because my insurance covers opioids, but not weed. (I get $600 street value of hydrocodone or oxycodone for $5 or $10.)

Also, the onset of relief w/hydrocodone is, for me, 75 minutes....while with oxycodone it's about 30 minutes... So I just switched from Norco to Percocet.

Used to be, I'd take a Norco and, knowing it would take well over an hour to work, I'd eat a candy or take a couple of hits on the vape pen, to have some relief while waiting for the opioids to work. Of course, the opioids cause so many problems...

So, I know nothing.
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I’m sure there is something about the verb in this statement that is off - perhaps the conditional modifier “would?”

“I get $600 street value of hydrocodone or oxycodone for $5 or $10.”
I’m sure there is something about the verb in this statement that is off - perhaps the conditional modifier “would?”

“I get $600 street value of hydrocodone or oxycodone for $5 or $10.”

How about...

"Per a couple of websites that keep track of such things, the hydrocodone or oxycodone for which I pay a mere $5-10 has a street value of $600."
So, well, I have not gotten stoned in years and years. But, to be honest, I used to get horrible muchies. I'd be scared I would eat a full pint of ice cream a hug bags of chips. lol

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