I've had a woman tell me in a large group "You weren't THAT FAT, you didn't even NEED weight loss surgery". So I pulled up my highest weight photograph I own, which just happened to be on the groups web page. In it, I'm sitting next to a woman who is near 7 feet tall, we are both seated. I am larger than her, and I'm 5'3". She just stared at it, then said that same thing over again.
Some people you just can't argue with. They are THAT stupid. They will cling to their opinion just as firmly, no matter what you do or say.
BTW, this same woman? Had the sleeve a year later. She had T2D symptoms (which she denied) and HBP, high cholesterol, triglycerides, and the beginning of heart failure. I recently saw her in the grocery store. She has no hair. THEN, I recalled that she once told me she ate oatmeal for the protein. So there you go. Stupid people.