WTF is going on with pharmacies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
I have tried to renew a prescription. I ordered it on 7/ and was told it would ready in 2 days. Then I get told it was delayed. Then it was under review. Now I'm told it was canceled. My pharmacy is open 24 hours. Since it's 4:30 AM, I called. Had to wait because they were busy helping others. (Who else could calling at this hour?)

Then I got hung up on. I call back. They told me it was canceled because they couldn't get it. I asked if the other 2 close to me had any. I was told "No". They suggested I call different pharmacies to see if they have it. Then I can transfer it.

Okay. WTF? Now the reason I'm totally pissed off is because the prescription is for Ambien. I can't sleep and I'm therefore I'm cranky.

Yes, it's not something necessary like insulin. This happened before and I couldn't get my thyroid medication. Not life threatening.

So now it'll take a while to calm down thus taking my insomnia to a nuclear state. I want my life back to what it was before Covid. The supply chain was bearable when couldn't find what I wanted to eat or had to settle for toilet paper that wasn't my preferred brand. I just bought something else.

I'm agitated and would consider voting for Trump in exchange for some sleep. Not really. Yet, I would be tempted.
That’s annoying as hell. So far, I haven’t had issues with getting mine. I was in there the other day to get two refilled and the pharmacist received devastating news. I didn’t get upset. I let her have her moment and then said, let’s focus. She was able to, got mine in the system. I told her it didn’t have to be that day, just that week. Told my husband that I was gonna give her a few days to be sure it got handled, it did.
I called other pharmacies, and they don't have it either. I also learned that several pharmacies have quite a few drugs on backorder due to manufacturing problems. To say I'm appalled is a gross understatement. Do drug company stockholders lose money when there are problems in the industry? I doubt it.

In the meantime, does anyone know a prince that can put me to sleep with a kiss? Surely, the prince who awoke Sleeping Beauty has a brother or someone that can do the opposite of him.
I'm so sorry. No fun. My son's prescriptions have had repeated shortages and we play search the inventory all too often. It's frustrating and dangerous, honestly.
I'm so sorry. No fun. My son's prescriptions have had repeated shortages and we play search the inventory all too often. It's frustrating and dangerous, honestly.
People not being able to get necessary drugs makes me even more outraged. Or necessary drugs being so expensive. My brother-in-law takes several drugs that are needed for his survival. My sister had a few instances of her doctor wanting to prescribe her something. She would ask how much they cost and what are the consequences if she doesn't take them. She'd assess the risks and costs then often did not get them. They had shitty health insurance. Things got better when BIL signed up for veterans' benefits. They also got better for her after she was eligible for Medicare.

She was diagnosed with OSA and was told she needed a CPAP machine They simply could not afford it ($5000.00 deductible). At the time, I no longer needed mine. (Thankfully sleep apnea resolved after my weight loss.) I sent my slightly used machine to her. Sadly, that was just a partial solution. She went through hell trying to find a Durable Medical provider. Many of them wouldn't sell her a mask because she hadn't got her machine from them. Eventually she found a place that would help her and that one was 50 miles from her home.

I am extremely grateful that through Medicare and Tricare for Life, we pay nothing or very little for our care. However, when I'm sleep deprived, I sometimes lose that gratitude. @hilary1617 I hope your *searching the inventory* is a problem that will go away soon.
I think I belong to this club. And this is ONLY the Rx issue…there are other issues in my life.

The dentist sent a Rx prescription notice to our pharmacy for my beloved after dental work. (We hate them, but they deliver, for free.) They called and told me they couldn’t fill it because it required compounding and they were not a compounding pharmacy. But I knew one, so I called. THAT pharmacist (and he’s cancelling all contracts with insurance companies) called our crappy pharmacy to get the Rx transferred. They said they didn’t HAVE any Rx for him. AARGH.

I called the dentist and he wasn’t in today, so maybe he will send an Rx to the compounding pharmacy tomorrow.

Also from the crappy pharmacy…after I checked TWICE, no, they couldn’t deliver my Lyrica today because they were out. The original Rx was for 90 days with one refill. They filled 30 capsules. The LABEL says that 1.67 refills are available. Maybe they SHOULD HAVE known they were going to be refilling that drug?

And oxycodone? Jeebus H. Christmas on a pogo stick! My Rx is for 120 tabs. One time they have 40 pills. If I accept the 40, I will need a new Rx for when I run out (in ten days.) Drug seeking much? Well, since the temp crown on my root canal fell off, yes.

I hate everyone I’ve had to deal with on business today.
..... She went through hell trying to find a Durable Medical provider. Many of them wouldn't sell her a mask because she hadn't got her machine from them. ...

Back when I needed it, cpap dot com, would sell masks, and all else. Only the machines needed a script..


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