Too fat/too skinny— lose weight/gain weight

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
so I must rant about my f-ing doctor right now.
Am I too fat, too skinny, do you want me to gain weight lose more weight— make up your damn mind. I e made up mine and I’m happy and think I look damn good!

When I started this portion of my WL journey I was 5-7 350#. BMI of 54.8! I was at 47% body fat. So I had 183 lbs of lean body mass. When I asked what my goal was I said I just want to be under 200.

I was told no-no you would still be obese and can lose way more that- let’s make your goal a healthy weight.

We had a lot of conversation about the fact that I had a large frame and a lot of muscle and 120-125 seems too low. I pointed out that if I lost ALL my fat, is still be 185. The Dr thought that I was making excuses — the whole - I’m not fat I’m just big boned thing and did tell me the reason I needed such big muscles was to move around my obese body so my “muscle” I was claiming to have wouldn’t be so needed.

We settled at 140 as a healthy goal weight, (my mental goal was still 175- but I didn’t tell him that) I was told I SHOULD weigh 120-125 (and that was my Dr goal for me)

In February I weighed in at 144# while at his follow up clinic. Lean body mass was 122# with 15% body fat. They were frustrated that I had “seen too much lean body loss” and told me I needed to STOP and not lose any more muscle! They also proceeded to tell me my body fat was too low and I needed to bring that up- which was likely the reason I had started to have some hormone problems.

Ok— so maybe I’m an idiot, but if I need to get my fat % up I have 2 options— lower my total body weight without fat loss. (Lose muscle) or Option 2 - Gain fat back to bring .

I guess option 3 would be let my bones get porous to bring total body weight down)

Needless to say- my brain thought it was obvious they wanted option 2.

I wasn’t back for my follow up yet but rather to schedule my gallbladder removal. In 12 weeks I really didn’t gain much. When Weighed at the Doc this week I was 149 (WITH shoes on). Didn’t do a body composition this week, but I’ve been hitting the weights so imagine the gain is about half fat half muscle? Won’t know til the end of the summer.

He proceeded to fat shame me. Informing me that my BMI is 22.7–. “Which is only borderline normal, which also means I’m still borderline overweight”. And I should “make sure I don’t gain any more and should try to get my weight back down and settle at 125-130- where I SHOULD be, with a BMI around 20. Not 23”

WTF. I can not do that without losing muscle, bone or ALL of my body fat.

As I sat him his office in a pair of size 4 dress slacks which were loose and a Small shirt. He told me I’m still almost overweight

I’ve been overweight since 4th grade. Not fat- but heavier than my friends— after Highschool- I got Fat. I’ve been fat shamed my whole freaking life. Whether active or not. And it was always upsetting but now i ho early feel like I’m ******* SKINNy and I’m still getting fat shamed at the doctor. WTF is that about

Side note- my bad eating is what filled my gallbladder with stones and caused them to move into ducts inflaming my world- And I need to be avoiding anything with fats. And my hypoglycemia is clearly bc I’m eating too many carbs (even though the CGM has shown it is not reactive and it happens in the middle of the night). So apparently I should just not eat so I don’t have carbs or fat.

That being said THANK YOU guys all here for not being ******** and helping me see the doctors comments for the jack wagon comments they are rather than running off to be on some crazy VLC liquid diet trying to waste my body away to nothings.

Also it feels good to vent that out.
I was thinking the same thing - no need for a new diet, just a new doctor. And a bmi of 22. anything is NOT borderline anything, it's smack in the middle of the normal range.
Is this your surgeon? I'd stop seeing him because well he's not needed any longer. If he's your PCP I'd find a new one cause he sounds like a *******
Holy crap. You need a new doctor. And after your GB is out (which should have been done with your DS), you should be able to enjoy the high protein, high fat DS diet. Keeping carbs under control is probably a good idea.

BMI of 23 is NORMAL!! Jeebus! I’m almost 15 years out and never got below a BMI of 28, and NOBODY has ever dared to fat-shame me.

New doctor, stat!
Thanks for the sanity check.

My PCP retired this year and after a crazy hunt calling more tha 15 offices I finally found one accepting patients. And well— I don’t love her. She is afraid to do ANYTHING without me going to my surgeons office for their blessing. I think she is just not knowledgeable about WLS and doesn’t want to learn or deal with it. So I’m still shopping for a new one but this is what I have for now.

The one being an ass is my surgeon. Same surgeon Scott had (DSRIGGS). My gallbladder def needs to go. They couldn’t do it with the DS bc BCBS wouldn’t cover it since I was asymptomatic. But symptoms are definitely presenting now- 10 more days

I’m generally pretty good avoiding carbs Except for the week before my period where i tend to up the intake - but in general they just make me sluggish and bleh so I generally stick with my meat and cheese. My blood sugar issues are not related to my carb intake. The endo has been watching it like a hawk to try to find the connection to food. Surgeon just jumped to that conclusion. Not sure why he was such an ass this visit-but I guess it doesn’t even matter. Now just to find a good solid PCP. (I don’t know how people do this without insurance. I have good insurance and haven’t been able to find a good doc taking new patients)
New doctor asap! Find one with a brain!

That sucks about the GB. I insisted mine be removed when I had my DS.

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