@DSRIGGS I do understand more completely now that the entire system is equally as important. In our discussion, the alimentary limb was never mentioned once. He did, however, mention several times that I was one of the very few patients that had any understanding at all of the surgery. LMFFAO, he said, "Half of my patients' greatest concern is if I'll write them a note so they only have to pay the child's price at Golden Corral." I think that sums up the clientele nicely!

@Larra, I actually did exactly that, earlier!! I thanked him for listening to me, and taking my concerns into consideration, and then outlined the terms on which we agreed. I did mention the sleeve size, and asked him to clarify what size bougie he intended on using. We'll see what he says.
@DSRIGGS On a few different occasions, the surgeon has mentioned that it's "almost impossible" to get an accurate measurement of the bowel system. Each time he's said it, i'ts been in response to the Hess Method, and I thought, "That doesn't seem right", but I chose my battles. Fortunately for me, I'm only 5'3, so the 100cc should be relatively accurate. Ish. Right?
@aaa My first thought was, "Wow, that's a lot of pooping!!", But your results are so encouraging!!!
After reading story after story of Dr.'s trying to convince patients to have the RNY, or the pseudo DS, I was actually shocked by my surgical group methods. Once a week, they have a "So you think you want bariatric surgery?" group appointment. The damn things goes from 8am to 3:30pm. They bring in the NUTs, the nurses, the insurance people, the hospital nurses, and they do a brief overview of each available surgery and at the end you have your consult with your designated surgeon, and tell them what you've decided.
@Munchkin, the Imodium was one of the first things you recommended to me, and one of the first things I bought!