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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose

Scientists home in on 'good' gut germs for weight loss, health

Researchers are closing in on "good" bacteria in the gut that could help with weight loss and ilnesses.
Researchers say they are homing in on the particular gut microbes that can make you fat, or keep you free of irritable bowel disease. Their goal? Maybe infusions of good, clean germs to treat disease.

They found a set of bacteria that seem to help control how much fat the body layers on, and a separate set that affect the immune system. And they think they’ve got a system for testing which bacteria, out of hundreds of species living in the gut, might be important for health.


“There is not a single magic organism that has the power the regulate the body,” Gordon cautions. It’s more likely to be a combination that works. In the meantime, while fecal transplants are definitely shown to cure C. difficile infections, Gordon does not recommend clinics that claim to treat weight loss with poop transplants from slim people.

Um, where are these clinics??

Scientists home in on 'good' gut germs for weight loss, health

Researchers are closing in on "good" bacteria in the gut that could help with weight loss and ilnesses.
Researchers say they are homing in on the particular gut microbes that can make you fat, or keep you free of irritable bowel disease. Their goal? Maybe infusions of good, clean germs to treat disease.

They found a set of bacteria that seem to help control how much fat the body layers on, and a separate set that affect the immune system. And they think they’ve got a system for testing which bacteria, out of hundreds of species living in the gut, might be important for health.


“There is not a single magic organism that has the power the regulate the body,” Gordon cautions. It’s more likely to be a combination that works. In the meantime, while fecal transplants are definitely shown to cure C. difficile infections, Gordon does not recommend clinics that claim to treat weight loss with poop transplants from slim people.

Um, where are these clinics??

Yup...a few months ago, the Infectious Diseases Dude at Mayo Clinic said, "We have a very good idea of which half dozen or so bacteria we need in the gut of a mouse to make a healthy mouse. We just have to work on a much larger model for humans."

If morbid obesity is, in fact, a disease, then gut bacteria could possibly hold the cure?
I'm so disappointed that nobody else found my spa name hysterically funny. Oh well, I'm not only easily amused, I easily amuse myself.
I'm assuming when they figure this all out, which bugs are optimal, etc., they will also figure out how to make a pill out of it. Though I must say, I'm trying to figure out how this is going to work for DSers, who I'm guessing have the additional problem of getting the good bugs up the biliopancreatic limb.
Well, I spewed green tea all over my Surface, thank you very much, Diana. I found your humor priceless.

If anyone else watches "Trailer Park Boys", they should probably name the pill the **** Rat Pill, after Bubbles cats. Now, lets see who gets THAT reference. Hint: you can find the show on Netflix.
I don't watch it, but I know my kids do. My daughter and her b/f dressed up as characters from it for Halloween.

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