This is going to work, right...

All the best to you OP. I'm coming up on 14 years. There are trade offs with the DS (you know them all). At last I can rest within my body. That feeling is worth every trade off, at least to me.
My Ds is a little less than 5 weeks away. I'm having the second part done as I already have the sleeve. I have been there done that with weight loss surgery. This is serious shit I am doing to my body. I want to be healthy. I want to weigh under 200 pounds and KEEP IT OFF.

I was excited when I got the sleeve. I thought that was "it". I was even confident in sharing it with some family members. And what did I get...failure. So, I keep thinking some of the same things I was thinking almost 6 years ago. I was going to do this. It was going to work. I was excited.

Now, I want to get excited. I am more open about sharing with safe people, and I find myself wanting to share more...this was an area of shame for me, so this is actually a sign of my healing, I am a private person and would never tell the world, but if the person is safe, I'm good. I have a potential strong support system within my church and small group but I'm hesitant to share somewhat.Because of the what ifs....

Is this going to work? Is this "it"? Am I going to tell people and fail again. More importantly, am I never going to get under 200 pounds. Screw what anyone else thinks (but shame is a symptom I still deal with). I want this. But my body so far has not cooperated.

I know this is malabsorption. I know I have never had it. I know it's radical. I know my surgeon, better yet I know people who's had my surgeon perform their procedure. I know he is awesome. I know to follow the rules. I'm prepared to do whatever.

There's just this tiny seed of doubt....what if???????

I can't help it.

I feel very similar to you. I'm very much hoping for a win here. I've done my best to look at all the options and am going with this full steam ahead. We will make this work. Good luck!

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