This is going to work, right...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2015
My Ds is a little less than 5 weeks away. I'm having the second part done as I already have the sleeve. I have been there done that with weight loss surgery. This is serious shit I am doing to my body. I want to be healthy. I want to weigh under 200 pounds and KEEP IT OFF.

I was excited when I got the sleeve. I thought that was "it". I was even confident in sharing it with some family members. And what did I get...failure. So, I keep thinking some of the same things I was thinking almost 6 years ago. I was going to do this. It was going to work. I was excited.

Now, I want to get excited. I am more open about sharing with safe people, and I find myself wanting to share more...this was an area of shame for me, so this is actually a sign of my healing, I am a private person and would never tell the world, but if the person is safe, I'm good. I have a potential strong support system within my church and small group but I'm hesitant to share somewhat.Because of the what ifs....

Is this going to work? Is this "it"? Am I going to tell people and fail again. More importantly, am I never going to get under 200 pounds. Screw what anyone else thinks (but shame is a symptom I still deal with). I want this. But my body so far has not cooperated.

I know this is malabsorption. I know I have never had it. I know it's radical. I know my surgeon, better yet I know people who's had my surgeon perform their procedure. I know he is awesome. I know to follow the rules. I'm prepared to do whatever.

There's just this tiny seed of doubt....what if???????

I can't help it.
Just do your best and make the most of what you get. Lose as much as possible as fast as possible.

The sad truth is we are not all the same. There nothing written in stone that guarantees x amount of weight loss. There are DSers who end up getting part of the surgery reversed because they got too thin. And there are also DSers who are still fat. But there is nothing out there better than the DS or more powerful.

I am hoping you get your wish and get under 200! I will be pulling for you!
A bit of doubt is a good thing - it's an antidote to hubris. The DS is ALMOST - but not quite - magical. It's better than anything else, but you have to do your part.
I'm not sure of your age, but I was 42 when I scheduled my DS, and had spent my lifetime fighting my weight. Sometimes "successfully", but not healthily or safely. I had put in so much honest effort in diets and exercise programs, and so by the time I was ready for the DS, I could not honestly believe there was anything that was really going to make a difference. Logic is one thing, but I'd been learning for too many years there was really no hope, and it stuck. I was giving up hope, and just moved forward on autopilot towards the DS.

I'm one that is not skinny, but I eat what I want including bread and sweets, and am usually around a size 8-10. I'm OK with that. All co-morbs are gone. I know for a fact that there is no other way in the universe being at a normal weight would have been possible for me without the DS.
Less than 1% get it reversed. That tells me you have 99 chances out of 100 that you will get your wish. I'm eating as much as I can/want (including some carbs), and can't stop losing weight. As my capacity expands, the body adapts and my weight drops (requiring less food to maintain a new, lower body weight) the weight loss will taper off and find a new equilibrium. I don't expect to get to a "perfect" weight, but I'm confident it will be MUCH better than where I started. If you are in the tiny minority that loses too much you can get it revised, but, statistically, it's unlikely. It's natural to be nervous before a big procedure. As Diana said, if you weren't nervous THAT would be a problem. So you're right where you're supposed to be and once you're on the other side you'll see. Godspeed!
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Doubt is long as you keep moving forward. I won't say it won't fail but it stands the BEST chance of succeeding compared to ANY other WLS.

Just do your best and listen to the vets HERE for lifetime eating and vitamin advice.
I didn't know if this would be "it" but the way I figured, the DS was the best "it" out there. At less than 3 months out, I still don't know if this is "it". I've lost 42% of the weight I want to lose. Will I make it all the way to 100%? Dunno. If I do, will I keep it off? Dunno. But the DS my all statistics, is the best option.

I'm sorry you are having angst about this but most of us felt the same way. You've done a lot of research for a long time. Trust your instincts.
thanks everyone. Reassurance was good to hear, and that I'm not crazy for thinking what I'm thinking. Time just needs to hurry along so I can be on the other side.
I am not a DSer, but when I was completing my evaluations for a possible revision, the dietitian gave me the best piece of advice ever. She suggested I go back through my memory and examine each year after my first surgery. She asked me to create two lists. On the first list write down everything I did that was helpful in losing and maintaining your weight after surgery. On a second list, write down what the things I did that did not help you lose weight or may have created weight gain. Review each list carefully. With the new surgery, you are only going to do the items on your "things that worked" list. You are not going to do the things from your "did not work" list. Easier said than done of course, but I found this activity very useful.
Hey @SJB41976 , I think I was a bit like you - excited, scared, not sure I was 'doing it right'. Sure this weight and the failed lapband was all my fault. I waited years to have this WLS- but it worked out like it was supposed to for me. My head was not where it needed to be before now.

After the first couple of months, I have not had regrets. as @DianaCox says -
The DS is ALMOST - but not quite - magical.
. It really does feel like magic. I have struggled now because I don't feel like I am doing anything to deserve this weight loss. 99 pounds in 7 months... 99 pounds and I am not a spring chicken. I am 58. so, no, I don't think you will regret it.

I do think you will have moments of regret -I did - especially at first because you will feel like you had major surgery and it takes time to get past that and get used to how to eat and how your body will respond.

At 7 months, I am still a baby - well maybe toddler - my guts are settling in and I am more and more active everyday. I am not afraid to try any new activity now and don't even think about my back hurting or anything else.

You got this! and we will all be with you each step of the way.
10.5 months post op here and I've lost 126 pounds. I am a revision from a failed lap band. They say revisions lose slower and less. I was very nervous this would not work. I'm very happy and relieved to say, it is SOOOOOO working!
I am having similar thoughts SJB, I'm a having a "virgin DS" ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! Eek! While I know its the best bet for me long term, (I've done extensive research) I also know that this is EXTREME and my life will never be the same....I'm trying to flip it and make that a positive thought, my life won't be the same - for the BETTER! This Forum is a huge help - so many supporters and experts that have been there!
I am having similar thoughts SJB, I'm a having a "virgin DS" ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!! Eek! While I know its the best bet for me long term, (I've done extensive research) I also know that this is EXTREME and my life will never be the same....I'm trying to flip it and make that a positive thought, my life won't be the same - for the BETTER! This Forum is a huge help - so many supporters and experts that have been there!
May not ever be the same but what I have now is SSSSSOOOOO much better than before my DS.
@Pugcrazy it will be better! The first few weeks are the most difficult (6 to 8). Some folks bounce right back and go at it. Me, I got sent to the sufferin' bench a few days so everyone is different. I was also a revision not a virgin DS. We will all be pulling for both of you!

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