Just curious Denis: can you please list all the government funded services you are getting, which your Republican idols would like to take away from you, because, you know, taxes, promoting self-sufficiency rather than a welfare state, taxes, entitlements, taxes, etc.? (Of course, it's THEIR taxes they are concerned about, not yours - and to ensure that any taxes that ARE collected go to paying for military incursions into countries we have no business meddling in, because those taxes primarily go to military contractors like Halliburton, and NOT to the members of the military irreparably harmed by their service. You know that, right?)
- Are you on SSDI?
- Are you on Medicare/Medi-Caid?
- Under what program(s) are you getting the services of a social worker?
- You go by ambulance to doctors' appointments? Who pays for that?
- Food stamps?
- What else?
You do realize the Republicans want to take ALL of that away from you, to incentivize you to get off your lazy ass and get a job, right? Especially to take away your health care coverage? And yet you think Obama has done nothing that benefits the country? Amazing.