The Kidney Stones are Gone!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
I am extremely happy and relieved to have them gone. But before I got rid of them, I was grateful to have them. I was supposed to go to a convention in Rochester where my presence would be a big deal. It was an initiation for an important role in the organization. I was stressed out because my hip is still limiting my activities. It would have been long days and lots of walking. I was dreading it and arranged a scooter rental.

But what about the stones that hadn't shown much progress? I saw the doctor the Thursday before I was scheduled to go. He said there was a small possibility it could move and cause an obstruction. No thank you, did not want to be hospitalized so far away from home.

A few weeks earlier and fueled by my chronic anxiety, I had looked at the tracking of the latest hotspot for the the recent rise in Covid. Three guesses where the numbers were increasing.

I canceled my flight, hotel, and scooter rental. A few days after the end of the meeting, we get an email urging us to get tested for Covid as several attendees had it.

I'm sure you can imagine that I was indeed satisfied with the state of my health. Hip pain, kidney stone pain, and a ridiculously scheduled non-direct flight not withstanding. Some of my friends were among the Covid infected.

A twist of fate that was beneficial to me. Usually my twists of fate work against me.
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Sometimes you’re the bug, sometimes you’re the windshield. Or something like that.

Glad you avoided all of that unnecessary crap, even if you also missed being acknowledged publicly for the star you deserve to be!
I guess depending on how you look at things there can be a blessing in the midst of our troubles. Those kidney stones helped you avoid a COVID hotspot.
I guess depending on how you look at things there can be a blessing in the midst of our troubles. Those kidney stones helped you avoid a COVID hotspot.
I try to look for something good in the worst of situations. And in this case, those stones did save me from exposure to Covid.

I even found a good laugh in my hip fracture fiasco. Language and words change. My first pair of those cheap rubber beach sandals were called "thongs". When the doctor asked me what happened, I told him I tripped in my thongs. His facial expression was priceless. I still get tickled that he thought I'd fell over tangled up in my underwear. That's a visual, ain't it? Especially since I was on the front porch retrieving packages. Fortunately, we live on a small cul-de-sac and it was wasn't noticed by the neighbors until the ambulance came. Then again, it hurt so freaking bad.I'm not sure who saw me in my nightgown and trying to crawl the few steps to reach my phone and kick the door shut to keep the dogs from running out the door.

I couldn't have asked for better care. The hospital. Is growing to point where so much can treated here. We've both had to to Nashville due to lack of specialists in town.

Now I personally feel with everything that's been going on since March 1st. I've been spending way too much at the medical center center.
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My first pair of those cheap rubber beach sandals were called "thongs". When the doctor asked me what happened, I told him I tripped in my thongs. His facial expression was priceless. I still get tickled that he thought I'd fell over tangled up in my underwear. That's a visual, ain't it?
Oh my yes. We called them flip flops. Still do, I think. I fell off mine the other day. Twisted my bad ankle (right side). Did go to the Urgent Care the next morning, they X-rayed it, all was fine, just twisted.
Ah yes, I remember when thongs were footwear. I believe they were also called zories (zorys?) at some point, and now flipflops, which seems appropriate as they do flip and flop around. And can make the wearer flip and flop around, apparently, too.

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