Last week 143
This week 142
This week 142
Doing great! I suspect it would still be 143 if you had been nude.LW 143
TW 144 but I'm dressed! (shorts/tank but still!)
I didn't have to look up last week's because I remember being the same weight as you, Liz.
Doing great.Last week 118
This week 118
This seems to be my spot, at least for now. Another week flew by. Hubby and I worked the election on Thursday the 2nd which also happened to be our 32nd anniversary, very romantic! Our garden is producing lots of green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, okra and tomatoes so I’ve been trying to freeze beans and use and give away things. It tastes so good. Last year I had a few bites but not much. This year it tastes good again, although I still eat small amounts of it.
No, I haven’t tried that.Doing great.
Grilled squash/zucchini is great. But one will last both of us several days. Can’t imagine having a full garden at this point even if we did have a yard. Maybe if we settle again, a container garden of one/two plants would be plenty. Do you fry the squash blossoms?
Glad the fires near you are under control for the most part. Be careful of air quality.LW: 127
TW: 127
Well it looks like the fires in our area are almost contained. Not so much Northern CA. So devastating. I just had labs drawn and will post results once they have been received. I am battling Osteoporosis which is scary but I feel pretty good.
I'll post all of that in a dedicated thread in a more appropriate location.
Have a good week all!
Good for you, just stay hydrated and stay cool.LW: 142 (?)
TW: 143
Back and forth the same 2-3 pounds. Making an effort to be active several days each week.
Interesting.In Australia this week.
Not a weigh in but I did naked yoga on Saturday night! (Long story, but my former trainer was piloting it so I thought I'd go support her.) It was part of a workshop on body positivity for women, and 16 of us spent three hours naked talking about body image and doing yoga.
Big takeaways for me were:
1. Despite being fat for a long time, I never had the negative self talk of 'I hate my [body part here]', possibly because I sort of just viewed my body as a vehicle to get my brain around. (Which breeds its own set of issues...)
2. I am a lot wobblier than I thought post DS. The state of my tummy in downward dog was something I'd never noticed before. Not particularly fussed one way or the other, just a 'huh'. I thought I'd got out of the DS a lot more lightly than apparently I did, but I also don't hang out naked in downward dog pose too often.
3. I have lost a lot of flexibility, even though I got smaller. I will need to work on it to get it back - can't just assume that thin = fit...
As long as you are holding steady. It’s very hard to be active. Stay hydrated.LW- 152
TW- 153
Definitely trying to work through the "be active" aspects with this heat and humidity lately. In a slump. Eating is ok for the most part.