Last week 121
This week 120
I’m liking this range. 119-121. My clothes fit well.
This week 120
I’m liking this range. 119-121. My clothes fit well.
You are still doing great.Last week 145.8
This week 145
I'm scheduled to see my PCP next Friday to get an iron panel done. My surgeon only checks ferritin and whatever is checked during the CBC with differential. I've been super fatigued lately, even more than usual, and my blood work is a bit wonky. Super fun.
Also, it's been 9 months. I'm in that mental burn-out stage I think.
I had my D checked, and it's in the 50s (range 20-80). It's down from last time, but they wanted me to stop taking D, so now I'm taking it again because they suck. B12 is 1237 (range is 211-911). They didn't order a thyroid panel, so I'll ask my PCP about that as well. Part of the problem is that I also have cardiac issues with meds that also affect my blood pressure, so it's a game of which doctor wants to deal with all of this. My PCP is actually really good, and I probably should have just taken things to him in the first place.You are still doing great.
Yeah, I think we all hit mental burn out at some point. That’s why typical diets fail. We get tired of them and fall off them. Thankfully, with the DS, even if you hit burn out and fall off. You can climb back on and not lose a significant amount of progress.
Besides an iron panel, was your D, B12, and thyroid panel checked?
the first year (at least) is your body changing much faster than your brain can keep up with - both exciting and hard I think. maybe that goes without saying, but I said it!I'm in that mental burn-out stage I think.
Check this link had my D checked, and it's in the 50s (range 20-80). It's down from last time, but they wanted me to stop taking D, so now I'm taking it again because they suck. B12 is 1237 (range is 211-911). They didn't order a thyroid panel, so I'll ask my PCP about that as well. Part of the problem is that I also have cardiac issues with meds that also affect my blood pressure, so it's a game of which doctor wants to deal with all of this. My PCP is actually really good, and I probably should have just taken things to him in the first place.
Check this link
A D of mid 50’s is not high enough and to top it all off, your lab is using the wrong lab range. The correct range of 30-100 is the correct range: D levels of 30,ng/mL are considered optimal.
You listed 30-80. That’s an old range.
As a DSer, never stop vitamin D, it tanks your PTH, which will steal calcium from your bones to keep your heart healthy.
Was your PTH tested?
You want your calcium mid normal. D between 80-100. And PTH as low normal as possible.
The ONLY time I stopped D, my PTH was below normal. The endocrinologist was worried. I agreed to stop for three months as long as he ordered repeat testing at that point of calcium, D, and PTH. My PTH climbed to mid 20’s, my D dropped to the 40’s from 150. My calcium was obviously fine cause my PTH was doing its job.The last D lab I had was 111, so now that I've started taking it again (not listening to NUT again), it should go back up. And really, the only reason I stopped the D was because I got scaremongered by the NUT and surgeon about Vitamin D toxicity.