Sunday Weigh In (5/26/2024) Remember Memorial Day

I hope you feel better soon, Liz. Rest sounds like a good plan and hope your weather is good.

ETA I thought I had posted this Sunday but here it was just a draft. I don't know!
I spent today digging up hostas we inherited that are in the wrong spots. Those sucker have long roots. But the ones I dug up are residing in the wheelbarrow until I get that bed finished and can replant them where they will do the best. As long as I keep the dirt damp, they are fine. And since it poured buckets overnight, I can wait til morning to water them.
Last week 144.2
This week 143.2

I spent Memorial Day weekend suffering from a sinus infection. I finally feel okay-ish, so of course it's back to work. Thank goodness the school year ends soon.