Thanks. I‘ve been at a good weight lately but being sick recently has created this issue. I’ve bought ice cream and other goodies (e.g. Theo Chocolate) but I can’t really stomach them. I’ve been making smoothies with lots of protein added, and loaded with great ingredients, just how I like them; however, I struggle to have anything in my stomach other than water right now, even my favorite smoothies.
I’ve been trying to get a COVID-19 test at the various medical centers my doctors are associated with in Seattle. I get approved for the test but then they keep running out of test kits. I have a couple of leads for some affiliated centers that are further away, which I’ll contact later today or tomorrow (virtual visits are the engagement protocol). I’d like to know one way or the other, as well as get my asthma/chest tightness under control, before deciding on when to fly back to So Cal where my sister said she’ll fatten me up, and I can take care of Dad’s financial/legal/medical stuff, and not put him at risk. He’s so worried about me being in Seattle so my sister hasn’t told him that I’m not feeling well right now.