Sunday Weigh In (10/6/2024)

I’m 12 days po
This week: 247😳
I reluctantly weighed myself today because I meet with my surgeon tomorrow for my post op check in and the scales at the office always adds 5-6 lbs. Also, this is shark week for me as well. I’m worried about what he might say because the drop is not drastic and I should be lower than that.
I’m 12 days po
This week: 247😳
I reluctantly weighed myself today because I meet with my surgeon tomorrow for my post op check in and the scales at the office always adds 5-6 lbs. Also, this is shark week for me as well. I’m worried about what he might say because the drop is not drastic and I should be lower than that.
Don’t worry about what he says. I know it’s hard but he doesn’t live in your body. Let it go in one ear and out the other. You will lose AT YOUR PACE NOT HIS.
I’m 12 days po
This week: 247😳
I reluctantly weighed myself today because I meet with my surgeon tomorrow for my post op check in and the scales at the office always adds 5-6 lbs. Also, this is shark week for me as well. I’m worried about what he might say because the drop is not drastic and I should be lower than that.
Quite possibly water weight. It'll definitely go down!
Last week 382

This week 382

I hit the infamous "3 week stall" and I am here for the second week as of yesterday) hoping the scale moves soon(ish) on the bright side, I can't remember who recommended for me to measure using string/ribbon, but today I used the same string to measure my belly (because I'm belly heavy and that's my largest part) and it was exactly 6" less! That's a huge win 💪🏻 the scale not budging is just a mental game and I'm doing my best to ignore it.

HW 475

CW 382

GW 160 (I honestly don't know, I haven't been 160 since I was a child in 3rd grade) Mixed feelings here, but a good goal regardless.

TDS 08/28/24

200 cm Common Channel

100 cm Roux Limb

Total Alimentary Limb Length is 300 cm
I’m 12 days po
This week: 247😳
I reluctantly weighed myself today because I meet with my surgeon tomorrow for my post op check in and the scales at the office always adds 5-6 lbs. Also, this is shark week for me as well. I’m worried about what he might say because the drop is not drastic and I should be lower than that.
Shark week always guarantees me 10-15lbs every month (then the loss of the water weight about 5-7 days later)

Don't put too much thought into what the surgeon says because your body will start losing when it's ready. It wants to heal first. 💗 I know it's easier said than done and I remind myself as well.
Yes! I just need to relax! I was just thinking that I would have to manage his expectations since I’m sure he may have been expecting more of a drop. I’m a revision patient. My first surgery I was down 30lbs at the two wk po appointment last year. This go round not so much! With that being said, you are absolutely correct.
Last week 382

This week 382

I hit the infamous "3 week stall" and I am here for the second week as of yesterday) hoping the scale moves soon(ish) on the bright side, I can't remember who recommended for me to measure using string/ribbon, but today I used the same string to measure my belly (because I'm belly heavy and that's my largest part) and it was exactly 6" less! That's a huge win 💪🏻 the scale not budging is just a mental game and I'm doing my best to ignore it.

HW 475

CW 382

GW 160 (I honestly don't know, I haven't been 160 since I was a child in 3rd grade) Mixed feelings here, but a good goal regardless.

TDS 08/28/24

200 cm Common Channel

100 cm Roux Limb

Total Alimentary Limb Length is 300 cm
THIS is why we say the scale is a lying bitch! 6 inches is a huge win.

As far as goal weights, I had several. I started at 205, my first was 180, which is where I always stalled on every diet I ever tried as an adult. Blew past that one.
My next one was 147, which was my lowest ever adult weight. Got there. Then my next one was normal BMI, which was only 2 lbs lower at 145. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I’d be where I am now. It was never a goal.
I am super late with the weigh in for 10/6

9/29: 136.1 pounds
10/6: 135.1 pounds

On 10/5, my father in law passed away. We know he was suffering so we are glad he is with his wife and other relatives that passed before him.

But I am sort of relieved, to be honest. It was difficult to be away from my family on a daily basis.

My father in law was a difficult man, to say the least. But I feel I was honoring a promise I made to my mother in law in her death bed: To take care of all your boys (I am the only female in the family) which is important to me.

Now, the real work begins…we are started the process to clean out his house, sell his house and have an estate sale.

Spoke to my bariactric nutritionist yesterday. She states she is not really concerned yet with my weight. She will be if my BMI gets to 21 (126 pounds). The problem is that I can’t seem to gain or maintain my weight. I weighed myself today and I am 134.3 pounds. On 10/7 and 10/8,I gained 1.5 pounds (total for the two days) but this morning, I lost 2.3 pounds. So it is .8 of a pounds overall.

She wants me to start to take weight gainers. The serving is 2.5 cups, but wants me to start with 1 cup for now.

It is just wild to me that I am taking a product to gain weight!
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I am super late with the weigh in for 10/6

9/29: 136.1 pounds
10/6: 135.1 pounds

On 10/5, my father in law passed away. We know he was suffering so we are glad he is with his wife and other relatives that passed before him.

But I am sort of relieved, to be honest. It was difficult to be away from my family on a daily basis.

My father in law was a difficult man, to say the least. But I feel I was honoring a promise I made to my mother in law in her death bed: To take care of all your boys (I am the only female in the family) which is important to me.

Now, the real work begins…we are started the process to clean out his house, sell his house and have an estate sale.

Spoke to my bariactric nutritionist yesterday. She states she is not really concerned yet with my weight. She will be if my BMI gets to 21 (126 pounds). The problem is that I can’t seem to gain or maintain my weight. I weighed myself today and I am 134.3 pounds. On 10/7 and 10/8,I gained 1.5 pounds (total for the two days) but this morning, I lost 2.3 pounds. So it is .8 of a pounds overall.

She wants me to start to take weight gainers. The serving is 2.5 cups, but wants me to start with 1 cup for now.

It is just wild to me that I am taking a product to gain weight!
I’m sorry your husband lost his dad. Remember in all this to take care of yourself. I had to deal with clearing out my dad’s apartment at the long term living facility and only had 30 days to accomplish it. Thank goodness my husband was a big support and both of us were retired. Even then, we hired help for the furniture to get it moved. I ended up with most of it.

What weight gainers?

BTW, I bottomed out at 20.8 BMI for 10 seconds, long enough to get a photo, that was my 121. Then it headed back up with no help. Just by staying on course. But by then, I wasn’t even seeing my bariatric team. They actually didn’t want me under 145 at all. 145 at 5’4 is actually still overweight. But only by one lb. I blew by that. My PCP’s don’t seem to worry as long as I’m in the 20 BMI and not losing weight for some unknown reason WITHOUT trying or not gaining while trying.

Remember, your bariatric team knows you were morbidly obese. It’s like they don’t want you a normal weight. A 20 BMI is a perfectly normal BMI for a healthy adult female. Just keep your labs in line. Find a supportive PCP.
@Manecawife, I'm sorry for your father-in-law struggles and loss, which must be particularly hard for your husband. It was a huge kindness for you to spend so much of your time caring for someone with a challenging personality. It must have been very draining and I wish you a quick sale so that you can take time for yourself!

It seems odd to me to be trying to gain vs. maintain at this point when your BMI now appears to be in the mid-normal range. Does your doctor think you will be healthy if your weight could be stabilized at some level fairly near to what it is now?
@Manecawife, I'm sorry for your father-in-law struggles and loss, which must be particularly hard for your husband. It was a huge kindness for you to spend so much of your time caring for someone with a challenging personality. It must have been very draining and I wish you a quick sale so that you can take time for yourself!

It seems odd to me to be trying to gain vs. maintain at this point when your BMI now appears to be in the mid-normal range. Does your doctor think you will be healthy if your weight could be stabilized at some level fairly near to what it is now?
Thank you so much for your condolences. To be honest, my husband was not sad about it. He was relieved, actually.

My FIL was verbally abusive to my husband and my BIL when they were growing up. Unfortunately, my BIL believed every negative word my FIL said to him. My BIL struggled through life. Still struggling blaming his father for his failures.

My husband succeeded in spite of his father’s criticism and abuse. I do believe my MIL was their saving grace. My MIL was an angel on earth. She was not the typical MIL. She and I were super close. I was devastated when she passed away on 2007.

In a way, I could tell my FIL things that his sons could not. My husband, being the more responsible son, my FIL put A LOT of pressure on my husband. It was sad to see. But I am not only a “Mama Bear”, I am a “Wifey Bear”. I would talk to my FIL on occasion regarding the issue but some things never change.

Regarding my weight:
My physician assistant stated at our last appointment, if I could just maintain my weight, it would be good. The problem is that I am not really maintaining. I have not taken any of the weight gainer powder yet. I see my P.A. on 10/18, so we will see what he says then. With me coming up on my 1 year surgery anniversary, I don’t know he will want to do.

To be honest, I am not super worried. I have been keeping an eye on my BP and HR. I see my cardiologist on 10/18.

Also, getting my labs done on 11/12 for my 11/26 follow up appointment. From my last labs in August, my P.A. was thrilled!

My ultimate goal is be healthy. And to be able to get my excess skin removed in May/June 2025.
In that case, I'm happy you've arrived at greener pastures and soon get to fully enjoy them. I'm glad you were there and able to speak your mind to your FIL to stand up for your husband.

Hopefully soon your body will adjust - but not overcorrect as regain is real - and you'll find stability at a healthy level!
I am super late with the weigh in for 10/6

9/29: 136.1 pounds
10/6: 135.1 pounds

On 10/5, my father in law passed away. We know he was suffering so we are glad he is with his wife and other relatives that passed before him.

But I am sort of relieved, to be honest. It was difficult to be away from my family on a daily basis.

My father in law was a difficult man, to say the least. But I feel I was honoring a promise I made to my mother in law in her death bed: To take care of all your boys (I am the only female in the family) which is important to me.

Now, the real work begins…we are started the process to clean out his house, sell his house and have an estate sale.

Spoke to my bariactric nutritionist yesterday. She states she is not really concerned yet with my weight. She will be if my BMI gets to 21 (126 pounds). The problem is that I can’t seem to gain or maintain my weight. I weighed myself today and I am 134.3 pounds. On 10/7 and 10/8,I gained 1.5 pounds (total for the two days) but this morning, I lost 2.3 pounds. So it is .8 of a pounds overall.

She wants me to start to take weight gainers. The serving is 2.5 cups, but wants me to start with 1 cup for now.

It is just wild to me that I am taking a product to gain weight!
I'm so sorry for you family's loss 🫶🏻

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