Sunday Weigh In (10/25/2015)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Last week was on the road.
Week before that 146.
This week, 148.

Ate too many carbs, not enough fat (not even close)!

But we had a great week. The funeral at Arlington was inspiring. Absolutely picture perfect day.
Glad you had an awesome week and a great day for the funeral (guess I didn't realizing you were going for a funeral...sorry for your loss but it sounds like it was a beautiful ceremony)
No gain no loss !
Seems like an every other week loss for me lately. Staying the course !
Hello Friends,

LW 126.5
TW: 125

I'll take it too! In the road short same day drive to Chico State about 2.5 hours north. I'm checking on BFF's son. First year in College. Poor dear has a bit of asburgers and struggling to "fit". Steve and I are piping up to "check out" the campus and take him to lunch.

Have a great week all
The last time I weighed, the first Sunday in October, I weighed 151. This morning I weighed 152.8 for a gain of 1.8. It must be the fabulous food I ate in California, totally worth it!
LW: 289.3
TW: 295.8

I'm a little vexed by a 6-lb gain so early out. I think it's 3 things at once:
1- Constipation the last week
2- Water retention from my period
3- The dreaded week #3 stall

I vowed not to complain about the scale, so I will keep doing what I am doing, fix the constipation, and stick to the plan!
Glad you had an awesome week and a great day for the funeral (guess I didn't realizing you were going for a funeral...sorry for your loss but it sounds like it was a beautiful ceremony)
Yeah, the whole reason for the trip was to be at my uncle's funeral at Arlington National Cemetery. We just decided to make a week of it and enjoy the area.
LW: 174.4
TW: 176.6

I am very happy with this number after the 2 days of liquids and all the stress.
I bet you are...good going!

No gain no loss !
Seems like an every other week loss for me lately. Staying the course !
That works
LW 128
TW 128

I'll take it!
I would too, LOL
Hello Friends,

LW 126.5
TW: 125

I'll take it too! In the road short same day drive to Chico State about 2.5 hours north. I'm checking on BFF's son. First year in College. Poor dear has a bit of asburgers and struggling to "fit". Steve and I are piping up to "check out" the campus and take him to lunch.

Have a great week all
Doing good, Whit. Hope he is doing well.
LW: 265.4
TW: 264.2

It was nice to meet you, @southernlady. I hope you're trip home is safe and pleasant.
Thanks, was great to meet you and catch up with Diana and Charles as well. Trip home was safe...not so sure about pleasant considering the 4 year old boy trapped in the truck for 12 hours WITH us. LOL.
LW: 203
TW: 201

Getting sooooo close to the ones. Woohoo to @DSRIGGS for some gain! :)
Yes, you are...ALMOST to Onederland
The last time I weighed, the first Sunday in October, I weighed 151. This morning I weighed 152.8 for a gain of 1.8. It must be the fabulous food I ate in California, totally worth it!
Yeah...understand the fabulous food! Just don't be like me and have it creeping up.
I hope everyone is doing well!
I just hit the 3 week mark so I'm hiding from the 3 week stall. Hope it doesn't find me this week! LOL

LW: 258
TW: 255
If it finds you, it finds you. One way to avoid the 3 week stall is not weigh until one month has passed, :)
LW 299.0
TW 289.2

Can't complain! Feeling good. Hope everyone has a great week.
You are doing great.
LW: 289.3
TW: 295.8

I'm a little vexed by a 6-lb gain so early out. I think it's 3 things at once:
1- Constipation the last week
2- Water retention from my period
3- The dreaded week #3 stall

I vowed not to complain about the scale, so I will keep doing what I am doing, fix the constipation, and stick to the plan!
Just keep at it...many of us stair case our way down the scale.
LW - 217.8
TW - 216
got the nutritionist visit this week as well as labs. Kinda of looking forward to it to make sure values are where they need to be and hopefully H and H has come up.

@DSRIGGS glad to see you are up - that is excellent news. @Pacifica I am thrilled for you almost being in onederland. Congratulations. I am right behind you... I hope, realizing it will be several weeks.
I hit 146.6 one day last week.
Today I was 152...but that was after 3 days of fluids in the hospital and surgery. Hopefully by next week that will all be out of my system.

Have a great week everybody!

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