So call me crazy but I'm not nearly as worried about a care home as I am about prison lol. I haven't gotten so much as a speeding ticket, but the thought of prison with a DS terrifies me!!!!
As far as the dream goes, you never know, but it depends on how much you want what you want.
knew something was going to go wrong with my DS. In fact, I thought it would kill me. Everyone told me I would be fine. I wasn't lol but I also didn't die
And as for DSers falling off the map...I'm one of those. Life took hold...not fun stuff, just life! After my second hip replacement Oct 2017, we were working on Mikes job offer, getting his immigration visa, selling a house etc...stupid adult, pain in the ass stuff lol. I lived on FB and South Park to soothe the stress. In all honestly, I had kinda forgotten the value of a non-FB forum until I realised I needed to hear opinions from educated, level headed people and not Dr GoogleDSers on every dang group out there.
I'm pretty sure you will be ok. Bad things don't usually happen. As you will get to know me more, you'll figure out that I'm mystery medical issue prone lol.