A bit of an update since I haven't been around her much lately (Sorry).
I have been battling a UTI and the final healing of the relatively large additional incision (was lap surgery) that was necessary to pull out my colon. I have a small seroma underneath that 3.5 inch incision line and it is painful if my stool gets solid or I get any bloat. It is almost fully healed underneath (Dr k said 4-6 weeks to fully heal so I am almost 5 weeks now) but where Dr K had to make the incision due to the mesh I have from the large ventral hernia repair and then double inguinal hernia repair, it is almost touching the bottom of my incision that was made for my revision in 15. These two being so close together I think led to the knot/seroma. Not anything Dr K did wrong he just didn't have a good option for anywhere else because cutting mesh is a bad idea, so for lack of a better description it was joining a couple pieces of mangled meat so the result was a little more mangled meat underneath (if that makes any sense). Anyway the UTI contributes to the pain I get in that area below that incision and hopefully both are over within the next 5 days. The UTI pain is more of an irritation and the gut/incision pain isn't that often so I am doing pretty well...just when it hurts it is hurting like a Mudder fugger.

I was on CIPRO for 7 days but still felt ****** and still had urinary issues so about 5 days later my PCP put me on a 14 day course of CIPRO which I am a week into as of today.
Recoveries suck but the good thing is that I have much better strength this time than with my last surgeries, so now I am just finding my new dietary and supplement balance to keep my stool the proper consistency. I got a bit constipated a few days ago (actually went about 12 times that day but the first 9 or 10 were just tiny amounts but was hurting all day, until I got the poop to break loose) and that really caused a great deal of pain in that still healing incision area. Enough pain that I almost went to the ER (BTW, I went off NORCO that I have been for chronic pain from my spine and joints, as well as the acute gut pain from my issues so not having anything for that couple days when the pain got bad, was very rough. I started taking Kratom and it helped with the spine and other pain but doesn't touch the gut pain if it gets fired up).
One final thing. Dr K had worried that I would be very prone to diarrhea since he shortened my colon but it has been closer to the other way than to diarrhea. That is a good thing and as I said I have had to find a new dietary and meds balance.
BTW, I was taking Ibuprofen to help swelling and any associated pain. I had no idea until I researched it that NSAIDS are the number 1 type of medicine for causing constipation. The number 6 class of drugs for constipation? Yep, opiates. It really pisses me off the "Opiate epidemic" now and the battle it is for responsible users to get opiates for chronic and acute pain control. They are so completely missing the boat on the opiate epidemic. I don't have the article at my hands, but the vast majorities of Opiate OD's are from those who were not prescribed the Opiate. Same with addictions. All this war on opiates is doing is making it harder on those who absolutely need their medications to function. Dr's are so scared now that many won't properly prescribe the necessary meds for these people. I also read that suicides are up significantly because so many people can't get the pain meds they need to function. That is very sad and unacceptable. Big Pharma need to ******* step up and put drugs on the market that are effective as opiates for pain control without the addictive and serious overdose risk. You can't tell me there aren't items they have worked on for this exact goal...it is all about money as they are trying to get Kratom scheduled into the same class of drugs as Opiates and weed. Why? Cause because they are afraid of losing billions of $ in lost opiate sales. Kratom isn't a drug. It is a harmless powder that comes from a plant grown in Asia. It has actually helped many get off of opiates and it controls the chronic pain for many. I started a week ago and while it doesn't touch my acute gut pain, it does very well for the spinal related pain...yet big pharma is running a campaign to make it illegal in some states and trying to get it scheduled as Class 1 (thing that is designation, whatever it is they want it to be like opiate classification) medicine so they can get there grubby & greedy ******* hands on it to make BILLIONS. They effectively want to shut down the ability to get this supplement that is a powder that you mix with citrus juice (potentiates) or other liquid and your drink it. To avoid big brother it is sold as "tea" by the very reputable site from where I bought mine (Wicked Tea Company).
Anyway, sorry that I digressed into another direction but the "Opiate Addiction BS" pisses me off. Yes there are people who abuse the drug and the system, but it is doing great harm to people who have no real alternatives to these drugs for pain control. The actions being taken are not appropriate and the there are several ways in which the problem can be better addressed but I will stop.
As always thanks for you support, concern and well wishes. I really do feel like this surgery is the final piece of the puzzle for fully resolving my gut issues that have caused so much grief for me the last 4 years.. I finally do have the strength and my gut is almost good enough that I could work. I could work right now if I absolutely had too a job and had to, but I really need one more week and I should be pretty much healed. (well I couldn't pass a drug test right now because I used my weed card to try one more thing for pain control with weed...I did get something that gives some relief so i have smoked a hitter about 7 or 8 times the last week ....I had only smoked it about 2-4 times before that because it wasn't working...and I hadn't done anything with weed for 30 year prior to that. I am not sure how long it takes to get out of the system so I can pass a test but I think I am done for now.)