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Overall that's a great update, even if you don't have pics of your innards to put on facebook and your holiday cards. I'm going to go look up Kratom. My back will never be the same, but I'm unwilling to use opioids so far because I know it will be for life, and I'm not there yet. I've also been frustrated by the stinginess and paranoia that doesn't always let post ops get the pain medication they need. We really do need better answers.
Scott, you can buy tests for cannabis off amazon 15 or something for $10 All I know is it was reasonable whereas when I went into a Walgreen's it was ONE test for $18 :eek:
If you Google how long does it take to get out of your system it CAN be weeks or Months but after experimenting me is was like 3 days if we don't count first morning urine. Makes a big difference how much and how often you use.
For whatever reason.

Any typo is totally because I'm on my phone :D
Thanks my friend. I stopped using it because it really wasn't working and I don't have any job that close on the horizon so it should be gone by time that happens. I smoked about 7-10 times over a 5 day period and nothing for a week now.

And lol Jackie, I am typing in my phone too so this probably a mess but I am too tired to proofread.

@DSRIGGS did Dr k keep u with your repair. Insurance made mines outpatient unless needed. I NEED TO SPEND AT LEAST ONE DAY SO I CAN GET PAID from day one and not day 14!!!! Uggggh
Well I just saw your other post and I think you got more than you bargained for. I had surgery on Friday morning and Dr k discharged me Sunday morning .
Overall that's a great update, even if you don't have pics of your innards to put on facebook and your holiday cards. I'm going to go look up Kratom. My back will never be the same, but I'm unwilling to use opioids so far because I know it will be for life, and I'm not there yet. I've also been frustrated by the stinginess and paranoia that doesn't always let post ops get the pain medication they need. We really do need better answers.
Well my gut really hurt a lot that past week and back has been screaming so I went back to the Norco. The kratom wasn't working for severe pain.

I saw a new pain doc yesterday and he is going to do facet join injections in the lumbar region...a trial of two areas (insurance requires) and if that gives some relief we will I guess to nerve ablation and possibly a patch that he says has less side effects and isn't as addicting as other opiates. I'd that doesn't work he said we would discuss a spinal cord stimulator which he says the new ones are showing incredible results.....we shall see how it goes but in the mean time he said keep on the Norco and said have my PCP continue to refill...if he won't he will take over. They wanted me to do a pisd test yesterday to do a to screen and I told them I am broke as a wedding dick not having worked for the last 2 years so my insurance won't cover and I am not spending $200 tight now...of course the nurse told me it could take 2-3 weeks for the screen. I told her I really just want to see if injections work because I don't want to be on narcotics all the time so let's go this route and I will just do my Norco from my PCP. They just did an effing UA to on me a few months ago and they are the same effing hospital system but of course that UA is no good. ..I hate these ******** at times and the bs opiate crisis that makes everything expensive and hard. So with a UA to in future I am not going to take kratom as I am sure they will freak over that since pharma is trying to get it scheduled so they can do away with it or make a synthetic do they can exploiting people

BTW Cameron just told me that his boss has a stimulator and he said he loves it..took pain completely away. So I will update you on how my series of **** goes and if something works or doesn't I will let you know

I on my phone and can only see a tiny area so I am sure this is a mess. I will come back in morning and clean it up because I probably just typed a garbled mess.

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