Protein Shake HELP!

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Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Washington State
Hello everyone!
The protein shake that I tolerated before surgery (Premier Protein) worked very well for me and after surgery it has been causing me extreme discomfort; HORRIBLE gas, bloating and non-stop gut wrenching gurgling pain!

What other types of protein supplements do you guys use? My surgeon said that this can happen to people after surgery (i.e - what they used to be able to tolerate, no longer agrees with them).

Would love and appreciate any other forms of protein powders that work well for others! Thanks everyone!
Egg white protein (not egg protein, yuck.). Blend with frozen fruit and Greek yogurt and thin with milk/cream (unless you are lactose intolerant.) for me, the commercial protein drinks or bars have too many questionable ingredients that cause gas. If I keep carbs limited to those that come from the earth and not the lab, it tends to work better. Good luck with it!
I used Myoplex and Muscle Milk. They came in premade 4 packs so I'd never have to make anything. I drank 1 a day for the first 2 years.
I eat all my protein and have never done protein drinks because they are all disgusting to me. Sorry I can't give any help.
These are milk protein based, but I eat a lot of puddings. I want to get all of my protein in. I don't want to loose my hair and I just got a bone graph. So, I buy these locally, but here is a link to the same product. - you want the ones made by skinny delight.

Shipping is free (well when I order a bunch)

I make them as puddings and not shakes - puddings fill me up and shakes do not. They are by far the best tasting thing I've found. The Mocha is very good. Make a pudding, put it in the fridge for a few hours and while it's not chocolate mouse, it is pretty good. I'd put up there with pudding snack packs by Hunts.

Also, when I got home from the hospital, I used it was very mild on my tummy.

I don't seem to be lactose intolerant at all.
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I eat all my protein and have never done protein drinks because they are all disgusting to me. Sorry I can't give any help.

How do you physically eat all your protein? There is NO WAY I can physically eat that much food, ever! Just curious :) I will take all the help I can get! I think it's the lactose.... I'm trying Whey Isolate and seeing if that helps
I also know that losing your hair is part of the process, but I think I'm losing weight at an unhealthy rate due to lack of protein in my diet :( My hair is falling out BADLY.... I'm really worried
How far out are you? I am over 3 years but I never did protein shakes. if you are early out the amount you can eat will increase.
I also know that losing your hair is part of the process, but I think I'm losing weight at an unhealthy rate due to lack of protein in my diet :( My hair is falling out BADLY.... I'm really worried

My Doctor had the DS too and I'm freaked about losing my hair - though it does grow back - she said Biotin really does work. I take it every day. I"m 90 days out, no hair loss yet.
Hello everyone!
The protein shake that I tolerated before surgery (Premier Protein) worked very well for me and after surgery it has been causing me extreme discomfort; HORRIBLE gas, bloating and non-stop gut wrenching gurgling pain!

What other types of protein supplements do you guys use? My surgeon said that this can happen to people after surgery (i.e - what they used to be able to tolerate, no longer agrees with them).

Would love and appreciate any other forms of protein powders that work well for others! Thanks everyone!
I had the same issues. For me it turned out to be both the lactose and the sugar alcohols. I switched to egg white protein powder (unflavored, Jay Robb brand) and still use that today. It's expensive but worth it to me, both for the protein and the comfort level. I typically mix it with a little almond milk and some cinnamon and a few drops of stevia and the rest water, adding unsweetened cocoa powder if I feel like chocolate, or sometimes some cold coffee, or some fresh lemon juice or whatever I feel like (even did 'pumpkin pie spice' which wasn't bad!).
The only whey protein I can handle is this one:Musclegen Research – Genepro Medical Grade Protein ( Something in the way it's processed maybe? I also really like that the serving size is so tiny - 30grams of protein in a tablespoon instead of a huge scoop. I typically stir it into ~1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt at night if I've not had enough protein that day. Also very easy to travel with because it mixes easily with anything - even plain water. Good luck!
I also know that losing your hair is part of the process, but I think I'm losing weight at an unhealthy rate due to lack of protein in my diet :( My hair is falling out BADLY.... I'm really worried
I had this issue too! Lost ~1/3 of my hair between 3 months and 6 months out. Tried everything! Stuck with a supplement called 'BioSil - Hair, Skin, Nails, Advanced Collagen Support' and a liquid biotin supplement called 'Rupunzel Liquid Biotin For Hair Growth', both of which I still take. Also tried a number of shampoos and stuck with one called 'PURA D'OR Anti-Hair Loss Premium Organic Argan Oil Shampoo (Gold Label)'. Hair loss stopped and now, at 13 months out, I'd say its 50% back. It's definitely thicker now with lots of hair regrowth. Fortunately, I've not that the issue of hair growth in unwanted areas! I have no hard evidence that any of these products 'worked' - perhaps they did or perhaps the loss would have stopped and the hair regrown on its own anyway with time? - but I felt like I was doing something about it which eased the anxiety quite a bit :) Good luck!
Yeah, I've seen that as well as other commentary on both sides over the years. Seems that the company could certainly be more transparent. I'm not a scientist so can't comment at all other than to say that my personal protein labs are perfect. This is not my primary source of protein (which is real food) or protein supplementation (which is the Jay Robb egg white powder) but it is very convenient for me as an occasional evening boost especially when traveling. I mentioned it here in the context of being the only whey protein that doesn't cause me gastrointestinal distress. As with everything, YMMV!

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