@duh_Mom THANK YOU for sharing your amazing story. I am so glad you are here.

These are the stories that made a huge difference in my decision to traverse this journey as well. I got so tired of the ignorant and uneducated around me trying their damnedest to fill me with fear and convince me that I was just taking "the easy way out". ********!! There is nothing easy about ANY part of this journey, no matter WHO you are or WHAT surgery you have. What IS easy, is to sit in the same place you've always been and do nothing. Until it isn't...or it kills you. And while those that judge and make ignorant comments continue to spread their misinformation, speculation and "opinions", YOU are the real TRUTH! You are the epitome of courage and determination to make positive changes and to LIVE!!! To show amazing strength in the moments where it hurts more to stay in that place than it does to move out of it, regardless of the risks or the challenges. That is the place I finally landed in. I would rather die trying to escape this disease and this hellish life, than to sit back idly while it overtook me and and stole my very life. If I was going to die anyway...I would rather go out fighting for my life!!
I may not be a daily poster here, I'm here weekly at best due to family, work, trainings, schedule, etc. but this place, YOUR TRUTHS, every single one of you who were brave enough to step up and authentically share your struggles...YOU ARE ALL the reason I found MY COURAGE to make this journey. I had attempted this 2 previous times and caved to the fear and ignorance around me. I came here asking for advice about Dr. Boyce's recommendation for the DS..I received hard truths, honesty and candor that gave me the push I needed to move forward.
So, again, THANK YOU, and the same to everyone here who reads this, and is keeping this community alive for people just like me who may be teetering on the edge and just need some truth and honesty to get them to the other side. Its not easy, simple or without challenges...but its damn well worth everything you will come up against to have your life back. I PROMISE THAT!
I hope everyone keeps sharing their stories, struggles, truths, questions and experiences because this is exactly what's needed. I am honored to share this space with every one of you brave, brilliant and courageous souls!