Need the Wisdom of the Vets


Active Member
Mar 1, 2016
Please help! This has GOT to get better!!

My RNY to DS was Friday, 12/2, and I was released Tuesday, 12/6 with instructions from Dr. Keshishian to take Lortab and Motrin (children's liquid) alternating (Lortab 12pm, Motrin 3pm, Lortab 6pm, Motrin 9pm.) I guess this is to help manage the pain.

I talked to him about Dilaudid and he doesn't like using too many narcotics because it will slow my GI tract.

Tonight I went into the ER (whole ordeal lasted 8 hours!!) with a fever which is from a UTI. (Antibiotics (Cefpodoxime) started)

So the ER doctor wanted to give me liquid Tylenol to reduce my fever. I have to be careful because I have liver disease so I'm always careful with Tylenol. (Lortab already contains Tylenol)

Dr. Keshishian wants me to take Motrin to reduce fever (he said 600-800mg, 3 times a day). But the ER doctor flipped out when I told him about Motrin. I remember reading that DS'ers can take NSAIDS, but I believe that's a while after surgery.

Is Motrin ok 6 days after surgery? 600-800 mg, 3 times a day?
Is Dilaudid that bad for us and prohibits healing?

Question 2 - GAS

I haven't passed gas yet. I hear and feel it rumbling sometimes, but nothing comes out. Dr. K told me to start increasing my Gas-X strips 4-6 times per day. So I have started increasing them tonight. However, I need the advice of the vets. What else works for getting rid of gas for 6 day post-ops?

I'm terrified of the horrible pains you guys have mentioned. I don't want to go to the ER again!

I have had diarrhea 4 times, but I believe that was from the Milk of Magnesia (MoM) given to me at the hospital. Should I continue MoM now?

When I was in the ER, I noticed my feet and ankles were so swollen. Dr. K didn't worry because he said he had hydrated me in the hospital. Any concerns?

Thank you all!
Please help! This has GOT to get better!!

My RNY to DS was Friday, 12/2, and I was released Tuesday, 12/6 with instructions from Dr. Keshishian to take Lortab and Motrin (children's liquid) alternating (Lortab 12pm, Motrin 3pm, Lortab 6pm, Motrin 9pm.) I guess this is to help manage the pain.

I talked to him about Dilaudid and he doesn't like using too many narcotics because it will slow my GI tract.

Tonight I went into the ER (whole ordeal lasted 8 hours!!) with a fever which is from a UTI. (Antibiotics (Cefpodoxime) started)

So the ER doctor wanted to give me liquid Tylenol to reduce my fever. I have to be careful because I have liver disease so I'm always careful with Tylenol. (Lortab already contains Tylenol)

Dr. Keshishian wants me to take Motrin to reduce fever (he said 600-800mg, 3 times a day). But the ER doctor flipped out when I told him about Motrin. I remember reading that DS'ers can take NSAIDS, but I believe that's a while after surgery.

Is Motrin ok 6 days after surgery? 600-800 mg, 3 times a day?
Is Dilaudid that bad for us and prohibits healing?

Question 2 - GAS

I haven't passed gas yet. I hear and feel it rumbling sometimes, but nothing comes out. Dr. K told me to start increasing my Gas-X strips 4-6 times per day. So I have started increasing them tonight. However, I need the advice of the vets. What else works for getting rid of gas for 6 day post-ops?

I'm terrified of the horrible pains you guys have mentioned. I don't want to go to the ER again!

I have had diarrhea 4 times, but I believe that was from the Milk of Magnesia (MoM) given to me at the hospital. Should I continue MoM now?

When I was in the ER, I noticed my feet and ankles were so swollen. Dr. K didn't worry because he said he had hydrated me in the hospital. Any concerns?

Thank you all!
Jen, if Dr. K said Motrin is okay, then Motrin is okay.
Any pain narcotic can cause guts to slow down and right now, yours are still newly handled which also slows it down. Evidence of your guts slowed down already is the lack of passing gas.

As far as getting your bowels to cooperate is to walk, walk, and walk...around the dining room table, up and down a hall. Just keep moving.
For gas, I used a warm (not hot) heating pad or compress to the lower gut and drank a lot of warm peppermint tea. Walking is best, but if you aren't up to it, a nurse had me do this and it helped: when you are lying down, bring your knee slowly up toward your gut and briefly hold it, alternating legs, slowly.

For pain control, you have to go with the surgeon's advice. I try to take as little as possible for as little time as possible, but you shouldn't suffer.

I am sorry you are going through this. It does get better!
I agree about the Motrin - go with what Dr. K told you is ok, just never exceed the proper dose. The ER doc might have flipped out if he knew that people with gastric bypass can't take Motrin and in his ignorance about the DS thought it applied to all bariatric surgeries. It doesn't. That's just a theory, he might have been concerned about your recent work on your stomach, too.

For the swollen feet, this will resolve with time, but you can help by elevating your legs whenever you aren't up walking. But the walking is very important. Short distances more frequently are better than long distances less frequently, and also more realistic.

Keep Dr. K appraised of any problems or concerns. You just had a huge operation. Some complications show up right away, others take longer to become apparent.
My feet were very swollen after surgery too. My doc gave me a diuretic ONLY because I was getting 70 ounces minimum a day in. If you're not staying hydrated though I wouldn't suggest a diuretic. I was a sipping fool to make sure that amount happened. The swelling went down after two days on the diuretic. That's all I needed and didn't take more.
Thank you guys so much!! Of course, I trust Dr. K so much and he's awesome!! It was just so weird to have an ER doctor so adamant about something and him keep telling me how wrong I was. I'm feeling much better now. Thanks again!! :)