Liver function tests abnormal

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Update. I discussed my reservations about consenting to a liver biopsy when my numbers were half what they had been. So we agreed to redo the labs another time, and I would come in again for another discussion. Did the labs on Friday, appointment today. I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but THE ONLY NUMBER THAT WAS OUT OF RANGE was 33, where the range is 0-32!!

Biopsy is off the table for now! Repeat labs in January. It may be medication related - which is good news, because I stopped that medication about 10 weeks ago.
Update: I delayed doing my repeat liver function test until last week because I had another medication added to my regimen (Adderal for ADD) and I wanted to get stable on that first. And my labs were perfect! (Although my protein and albumin were at the very bottom of the range, so I will pay more attention to supplementing with protein soup, as my eating hasn’t been great.)

Alkaline Phosphatase
117 NORMAL Reference Range: 39-117 IU/L
19 NORMAL Reference Range: 0-40 IU/L
23 NORMAL Reference Range: 0-32 IU/L

No biopsy needed! But I sure wish I knew exactly why my numbers bounce around so much!
The results of my annual labs are coming in, and my liver numbers were excellent! I don't know why, but I am loath to change any of my supplements now!

Note to PatientThe results of your recent lab tests are within normal limits. We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment.

ReportResultRef. RangeUnitsStatusLab
EGFR IF NONAFRICN AM95>59mL/min/1.73Final01
EGFR IF AFRICN AM110>59mL/min/1.73Final01
CARBON DIOXIDE, TOTAL2220-29mmol/LFinal01
PROTEIN, TOTAL6.46.0-8.5g/dLFinal01
GLOBULIN, TOTAL2.41.5-4.5g/dLFinal01
A/G RATIO1.71.2-2.2Final01
BILIRUBIN, TOTAL0.60.0-1.2mg/dLFinal01
AST (SGOT)160-40IU/LFinal01
ALT (SGPT)180-32IU/LFinal01
So now it’s over 3-1/2 years after my initial diagnosis of stage F2 fibrosis, stage S1 steatosis. I talked the liver specialist out of doing a biopsy at that time because my liver numbers were getting better.

My most recent numbers:

So a couple of months ago, I saw an advertisement on Facebook for clinical trials for NAFLD, so I signed up for an evaluation. While I was interested in my own situation, I figured there might be something for Charles and his cirrhosis (which is currently very stable, but it is still cirrhosis, and he takes a lot of medicines to keep it that way).

So I had my appointment yesterday. They did another FibroScan. And this time my numbers were stage F0 fibrosis, stage S1 steatosis. So I don’t seem to have NASH anymore, just a slightly fatty liver. He said to lose about 12 lbs and even that should go away.

I feel a bit odd about this. I figured I was supposed to be trying to keep it from getting worse, not thinking it could get better. I’m good with that, just surprised.

Sadly, there was nothing for Charles. Even though he’s gotten better too - two years ago, he was getting ascites drained off his abdomen every 5-7 weeks; he hasn’t been drained in a year now. But the cost is having to take powerful diuretics and Xifaxan (an antibiotic that somehow prevents hepatic encephalopathy caused by ammonia in the blood), which really mess with his guts, and have him going to the bathroom multiple times during the night. But his liver numbers are perplexingly good too, so don’t mess with success.
So now it’s over 3-1/2 years after my initial diagnosis of stage F2 fibrosis, stage S1 steatosis. I talked the liver specialist out of doing a biopsy at that time because my liver numbers were getting better.

My most recent numbers:
View attachment 2646

So a couple of months ago, I saw an advertisement on Facebook for clinical trials for NAFLD, so I signed up for an evaluation. While I was interested in my own situation, I figured there might be something for Charles and his cirrhosis (which is currently very stable, but it is still cirrhosis, and he takes a lot of medicines to keep it that way).

So I had my appointment yesterday. They did another FibroScan. And this time my numbers were stage F0 fibrosis, stage S1 steatosis. So I don’t seem to have NASH anymore, just a slightly fatty liver. He said to lose about 12 lbs and even that should go away.

I feel a bit odd about this. I figured I was supposed to be trying to keep it from getting worse, not thinking it could get better. I’m good with that, just surprised.

Sadly, there was nothing for Charles. Even though he’s gotten better too - two years ago, he was getting ascites drained off his abdomen every 5-7 weeks; he hasn’t been drained in a year now. But the cost is having to take powerful diuretics and Xifaxan (an antibiotic that somehow prevents hepatic encephalopathy caused by ammonia in the blood), which really mess with his guts, and have him going to the bathroom multiple times during the night. But his liver numbers are perplexingly good too, so don’t mess with success.
Just an observation on my part. The liver seems to be able to regenerate and heal itself when the underlying whatever that was causing the problem is taken care of. Cirrhosis is probably an exception. Hope that is what happened in your case.

Then there is imaging. Too many variables. I would almost bet you could go to 5 different places, have 5 US, and get 3 substantially different reports.

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