lenghting my common channel

...BTW, my GERD is back with a vengeance even though I am on Omeprazole 40 Mg 2/day and tagamet at night was just added. I am not trusting that Upper GI and tending to believe the EGD may have some merit, as something has definitely happened to cause my GERD to come back. I may need to switch to Protonix or Dexilant to see if changing up PPI's helps.

you poor thing, I never took anything post DS surgeries (besides the 1 month PO) but my sleeve is very large due to medical issues, yes I can eat anything, with no issues.
hahaha, he actually likes to debate, and he is funny as all hell.
Which is one of the reasons I enjoy him so much. We talked for hours when I was out for my sons surgery back in May or June, and then I can't tell you how often we have emailed the since before and after my revision. He loves people with inquisitive minds and debate in general.
you poor thing, I never took anything post DS surgeries (besides the 1 month PO) but my sleeve is very large due to medical issues, yes I can eat anything, with no issues.
GERD wise I was good until about 3 weeks ago. I still think there is something to the twisted stomach and hernia the GI reported during egd..... Just not sure why the upper GI showed differently.... I saw the pictures from the egd and it was definitely torqued up.

Regarding sleeve size, mine is sizable too and I have been able to eat truckfuls of food. I am still able to eat a lot but now having pain in chest area and definite heart burn at times even with adding tagamet on top of omeprazole.

As soon as my flagyl the GI put me on runs it's course I am going to ask him to switch me to protonix to see if switching PPI type helps.
Good to know as when I move to CA I hope to use him.
You will love him.

I would like to move to California as well but so far I don't see any jobs that would pay enough for me to afford to live there....

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