I'm gonna get me a TV station...

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
We dropped cable and went with antenna television, plus Hulu, Netflix and very recently Amazon Plus (but that's on free trial right now.) Here are some facts I have gleaned from watching antenna TV.

1--there are MANY, MANY Christian stations on the air;
2--while much of what they "preach" is similar, and they all reference The Bible, an infinite number of interpretations of what the words in that book mean seems to exist;
3--yet they all seem to agree that The Bible says that viewers should send them money to, among other things, keep the station on the air;
4--the stations are all still on the air, so the money must be arriving;
and (the important part)
5--it looks like there are two local stations available to rent.

So, I don't have anything else to do. I think I need to find some chapter and verse citations I can use to tell people to send ME money. MiniSue's college major was Theater and she has experience in BIG money-grossing films, so she can take charge of video-related things. Her BF is a big guy, he could be in charge of the stage and props. He is also a very nice human, so he could man the phones and take calls from viewers. I like researching stuff and I have some experience in radio broadcasts, so I could do voice-overs. Mr. Sue is good with electrical stuff, so he could be in charge of lighting.

I wonder what the rent is on a TV station.

Do I need PayPal?
Hmm, can you produce programs for a TV station that is local to you NOW, after you move?

You may have to threaten that you are on death's door from time to time unless your viewers send money - would uou be OK with that?
Hmm, can you produce programs for a TV station that is local to you NOW, after you move?

You may have to threaten that you are on death's door from time to time unless your viewers send money - would uou be OK with that?

Well...according to Social Security...I've got 19 years left. But that's a Law of Large Numbers figure that doesn't take individual factors, like...I dunno...HEALTH and such, into consideration.

Maybe I could just mention my various diagnoses and let my viewers come their own conclusions?
can we all get in on it? we'll raise some money for you and for this site


sadly, I don't have any talent myself but I want credit for the idea.
Dang! I don't watch TV. Let me know when it airs and I will go somewhere to watch. :)

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